My 1st log evah

Yeah same here and it was one of the best things I have ever done.

As far as what Panda said, idk anything about that. Glad it is working well for you though!

I have yet to get tren cough even after 10 weeks of daily tren A pins all over. Delts, lats, quads, VGs. My tren does get mixed with other substances in the syringe. It might be Test + Ment + Tren all in one. Or Test + NPP + Tren, so maybe that reduces risk of tren cough since it's all mixed together?
Dont think man... i always have tren mixed and cough was always behind the corner... good luck

i head to tryna get hyperventilating when you feel it coming... i tried and it reduced the cough s intensity... someone suggested to use something like ventolin and so on
Dont think man... i always have tren mixed and cough was always behind the corner... good luck

i head to tryna get hyperventilating when you feel it coming... i tried and it reduced the cough s intensity... someone suggested to use something like ventolin and so on

Take a few hauls of isopropyl when you feel it coming
Kills thenurge to cough by causing a minor adrenal response.
Dude just stop. You look like a natty yet you are using or planning to soon use TWICE as much gear as i am. I easily have you by 50lbs probably more. Get off gear and learn to eat and when you hit a wall and cannot gain more weight then consider steroids. You have come nowhere close to rreaching natural genetic potential. Miles to go. Steroids no good for you yet. Replace npp vs tren with 10oz of steak or chicken????

Dont troll logs
It's probably one of the few rules at Meso anyone cares about.
His transformation in this short amount of time is exceptional
You dont know background information or anything about the guy that justifies the hate.
Dude just stop. You look like a natty yet you are using or planning to soon use TWICE as much gear as i am. I easily have you by 50lbs probably more. Get off gear and learn to eat and when you hit a wall and cannot gain more weight then consider steroids. You have come nowhere close to rreaching natural genetic potential. Miles to go. Steroids no good for you yet. Replace npp vs tren with 10oz of steak or chicken????
be careful what you say because we make you disappear in the pig pen
Yo, i ve been forced to get out of the game for some time… i think i stopped training and cycling in mid May… because of an epicondylitis i got and that hasnt been treated properly because i thought it was other stuff.. i made some visits, MRI sonograms and then started treating as a simple epicondilytis and even if i m not 100% ok i restarted training dieting and cycling exactly a week ago..

during the off period i kept a trt dosage of 200mg weekly and 2iu HGH ed .. kcals were random because i was depressed and scared… didnt know when i could have been on track again…

i resetted everything… from diet to training (thanks to Meadows / Jeff Cavaliere / Greg Douchette ‘s YouTube channels i ve been able to rebuild my tailored wo plan (i hybridized it with the previous ppl my Coach gave to me)

basically i decided to have 2 consecutive rest days… so i do Arms Pump / Chest Delts Pump / Legs functional - Explosiveness / Biceps Back Base / Triceps Chest Delts Base , sat and sund rest..

2 days at week i m doing artistic gymnastic prep for some tricks like backflip and so on

even if i have 4 months still paid of coaching with my former good coach i preferred to follow my heart and stick with the first recomp i made and spoke about in this log, and slightly changed the stack after a long call with my good old friend @TrennedOutLunatic , when we planned OUR cycle.. together.. like two real bros… but a wild hot chick appeared, and hes gone… classic..

so basically its like 140mg of tren ace x week / some test prop and primobolan as main anabolic… some aromasin .. and i ll tryna running Tren 2 weeks on / 1 off… running 80mg Oxandrolone 1 week on / 2 weeks off while Off Tren..

right now i m at 2800 kcals and will do Humalog 1 weeks on 1 off , 6iu pre wo to shuttle Inj carnitine and reduce catabolism, increase pump…

diet is 2800kcals on Humalog s weeks and 2700 on Off Humalog… Tren should be something synch with Humalog even if is 2 on 1 off,

55% pro from lean meat / 35% carb / 10% unsaturated fats

HGH is 3 + 2iu ED

I m done with all orals except for Oxandrolone , done with Boldenone, NPP, and will use just test prop, primobolan and some tren, all in a ED fashion with 2 bilateral insulin 1ml syringes

This is my new restarting point after 1 week, after i lost 8kg and got fatter… this week i lost 2cm of waist and regained 2.5kg..


4/6 of meals is composed on 1 tomato with salt for fibers and taste, some basmati rice flour bread and 1 180g lean chicken burger (sometime with a 1g fat cheese slice)

intrawo with Humalog has 70g HBCD + 5g Citrulline + 5mg Cialis + 15g EAA

1g of Metformin ED along with Aromasin 25mg EOD (since i m done with Boldenone i dont think i ll se my e2 crashing and i already ran it that fashion on first recomp i made, even if primo was on a lower dosage but there was some Bold (and some Oxymetholone)

4g Omega 3 ED , Armolipid plus and some Probiotics ED

I ll see in 3 or 4 weeks if i wanna reduce kcals, i ll keep insulin so i ll reduce carbs from other meals and will reduce like 200kcals max per week..

@Silentlemon1011 i wont disappoint you, because you trusted in me <3

New goal is to shred to the mitochondria and packing something like 7kg of lean muscle for this year… while acquiring the acrobatic skills i m working for… then i think i will be done and will work to maintain only…

if i ll up kcals in the future i think i ll reduce aromasin dosage even to zero, instead of swapping compounds… if i need estro they will come from test only… Primo, Tren , Humalog and HGH will be my go for…

40mcg T4 ED, i forgot.. HGH wise…

i think i didnt lose too much during the last months of vegetative stage.. thanks to TRT and HGH i think, because i didnt train for i think 60days … maybe my cortisol receptorial pattern changed for ever, like the aromatization degree did during the time i fucked around with drugs

I m eating very little but i think i m eating how much i need… will up kcals lightly in the future, but one thing i m sure of… if i ll shred this time, i ll do everything to avoid regetting fat… fuck bulks fuck the 500-600g carbs ED.. fuck fuckin fat..
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You making some great progress man, when you get done the haters will want to be your friend!

Definitely you came a long way and hopefully your life and your mind is in a better place now.


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