My experience with Tren-Hex (Parabolan)


I have never taken Ace or E, so I have no basis for comparison here, but I came off 12 weeks of Hex in the not so distant past so I can reflect on what this was like from my singular perspective. As always your mileage may vary. I did a metric ton of reading before tipping my toe in the water with Tren. I selected Hex specifically because it was long acting and required less injecting, tended to be better tolerated from most reports, and unlike it's Tren cousins had actually been approved and used in humans once upon a time. So Parabolan (Tren-Hex) it was for me. Finding an actual tested source for Trex-Hex that is indeed Tren-Hex and not rebranded Tren-E is no easy task either, and it's fucking expensive, but that is a story for another time.

So to make a long story short I made the biggest jumps in PR's and in body comp to date on Tren-Hex. It's got a mild stimulant like effect, and you just feel "on" like it's your mission in life when you are lifting. That awesome drive and singularity of purpose at the gym is amazing, and it continues to build the longer you continue taking it. So an almost cumulative effect over time I would say. That first shot throws you for a loop for sure, but I think after awhile my body sort of got used to Tren-Hex, as opposed to the almost driving fight or flight mode of the first few weeks.

I was pretty worried before I started taking it. I had heard all the horror stories just like everyone else, but at 150 MG a week it was relatively smooth sailing in terms of mental side effects. That said, I was not 'normal' by any stretch on my cycle either. That laser focus carried over into my work life too, and as a pretty passive guy normally I was MUCH more aggressive in all aspects of my life. Task? Attack. Task complete? find a new task. Oh, and I dare say my wife was not complaining about this new side of me either. I went from sex maybe twice a week to 2-3 times per day.

So the not so great, I can easily see where my agro nature on it could have gotten me into trouble had I dosed higher. I never legit lost control or lost my temper, but minor annoyances and aggravations are amplified significantly. Our washing machine bit the dust while I was on cycle and I was out 800 bucks for a new one and that shit pissed me off 10 times more than it would normally. I was a raving lunatic trying to fix it myself. You just have to be self aware enough to take a breath, realize that it is just the drug fucking with you, and recompose yourself. That was my strategy anyway.

More health related metrics from bloodwork revealed that my RHR was up about 7-10 BPM on Tren Hex, my blood pressure was elevated, as were my liver enzymes. HDL and LDL are often an issue with Tren Hex too, but I was taking low dose cardarine at the time to deal with those and it was seemingly effective. I can't recall the YouTuber I got that tip from. So none of my clinical markers were to dangerous levels on it, and they normalized after PCT and the passage of time, but they certainly were not 'healthy' either. My weight was up just shy of 9 pounds and my body fat percentage actually dropped by roughly .75. Eating, at least for me, is a bigger chore on Tren-Hex. It seems to have an appetite killing effect for me where I have to make a very dedicated effort to hit my calorie and nutritional goals. This was especially true in first day or two post shot. My sleep was also absolute garbage on Tren-Hex. Were talking like 3-4 hours a night level awful. I ended up having to turn to over the counter sleep aids to actually get to sleep at all, and I would wake up in the night constantly.

So all things considered would I do it again? Absolutely, and I plan on it for sure, but I have a few other things to work on first before it comes on the schedule again. So yeah, that is my experience with Tren-Hex, for whatever it's worth.
Kick ass post! Love the detail. I tried Tren Ace For the first time in February and the head change is real. I really wanted Tren Hex but could not find it. That was before I discovered MESO-Rx.
Kick ass post! Love the detail. I tried Tren Ace For the first time in February and the head change is real. I really wanted Tren Hex but could not find it. That was before I discovered MESO-Rx.
Had one guy from a certain supplier in Europe (who shall remain nameless) that claimed to have the actual pharma ampules of Tren-Hex left over from the late 90’s when it was still prescribed. It was a bit too sketch even for my sensibility, and God knows if the compound is even still usable after that much time, but it was intriguing anyway.
very interesting post mate - thank you for sharing. I couldnt handle 300mg of tren ace p/w in terms of the mental sides, but I have been contemplating 100mg of parabolan per week. Your reports about sleep are a bit of a worry though - how soon after your last injection did you notice things going back to normal?
very interesting post mate - thank you for sharing. I couldnt handle 300mg of tren ace p/w in terms of the mental sides, but I have been contemplating 100mg of parabolan per week. Your reports about sleep are a bit of a worry though - how soon after your last injection did you notice things going back to normal?

As I said I was sort of in a fight or flight mode initially. But id say by around day 14 or so I was beginning to acclimate better and by end of the 3rd week I was basically cruising. This was also around the time I was becoming an absolute animal in the gym. There was no stopping me. It was fucking amazing, and even thinking about it now makes me miss it.
I tried 10mg tren ace every other day for 8 days total. By the 8th day, I couldn't sleep worth crap, was hot and sweaty all the time, and felt awful.

I suppose everyone really does respond differently.
I tried 10mg tren ace every other day for 8 days total. By the 8th day, I couldn't sleep worth crap, was hot and sweaty all the time, and felt awful.

I suppose everyone really does respond differently.

The night sweats thing was something I was potentially expecting based upon other reports, but it never really materialized for me (150 mg/week Tren-Hex) to a significant degree. In the first few weeks on cycle I noticed I was not sleeping with the comforter over me at night anymore. Just the blanket and sheet. By week 3 though it was back to the status quo.

The overall sleep quality aspect however, persisted throughout. For me this was the biggest negative factor of using the compound. Going weeks on end with piss poor sleep fucks with both your head and your recovery. When I cycle it again I will probably investigate some type of sleeping pill to knock my ass out so I can get a measure of proper rest.
It would appear that Tren just fucks with people’s CNS in a rather unique way, as you are another of the countless people who have all had similar experiences.

I’ll be prepared for my next cycle in October though, as I now have some Trazadone on the way based on @jdubzzz44 ’s suggestion
I'm maining my normal sleep quality right now on test mast and tren hex using trazadone 50mg before bed. I've also found the combination of the supplements naturdao and histablock get rid of any acid reflux or heartburn I would always get from tren in the past
I'm maining my normal sleep quality right now on test mast and tren hex using trazadone 50mg before bed. I've also found the combination of the supplements naturdao and histablock get rid of any acid reflux or heartburn I would always get from tren in the past
I just know that if I am going hard I will be dragging ass if I do not get my 8 hours, and that proved impossible on Hex. I start back up next month, (Test-C and Hex) so I am very happy to have an additional tool in my arsenal for sleep.

I have never had the heartburn issue so far, so really only other concern is keeping my caloric level in surplus as my appetite was pretty zapped previously. I guess Ibutamoren or some other appetite stimulant could be worth trying out if this remains the case. I am looking to be at 3500 cals min on TDs and preferably 4K.
It would appear that Tren just fucks with people’s CNS in a rather unique way, as you are another of the countless people who have all had similar experiences.

I’ll be prepared for my next cycle in October though, as I now have some Trazadone on the way based on @jdubzzz44 ’s suggestion

for me feels like ephedrine except it never wears off
for me feels like ephedrine except it never wears off
People have asked me to describe it, and it is sort of hard to explain to someone who has never experienced it. It's not quite like a caffeine or stimulant buzz because it's my mind as much as it is my bod.

But yeah, it never fucking wears off until you stop taking it, which I guess is not a surprise given it's half life. Id say it was 2-3 weeks after I stopped taking it before I was "normal" again. Or as normal as I was to begin with.
Maybe it depends on your brain chemistry and your personal neurological state. In my case I think I might have ADS and I have to admit I love the way Tren makes me feel. Laser focus, getting things done, straight forward. A low dose (<=150mg) and there are zero to none negative effects expect sweating at night and a pretty bad sleep cycle.
Maybe it depends on your brain chemistry and your personal neurological state. In my case I think I might have ADS and I have to admit I love the way Tren makes me feel. Laser focus, getting things done, straight forward. A low dose (<=150mg) and there are zero to none negative effects expect sweating at night and a pretty bad sleep cycle.
I feel the same way on tren. However, I have never pushed past 150mg/week.