
New Member
First 14 wk cycle coming to an end

Height: 5'8
Weight: 145(start) 175(finish)

Wk 1-3
Test Cyp 300mg

Wk 4-14
Test Cyp 600mg

Wk 13-16
(Last week of cycle and 2 weeks before PCT) liquid Letro at 2.5mg a day to try and reverse some gyno

I know I know. I should of got back up to my previous lifting weight of 165lbs before I even thought about going into a cycle but I'm here and that's that.

Throughout this cycle I've put on 30lbs in all. I'm sure atleast 10lbs has to do with just getting back to eating and lifting(was incarcerated and lost all the weight) but lesson learned and moving on!

Strength has gone through the roof. Again probably because of muscle memory but I also hit new PRs. I am currently on week 13:

Bench : 245 to 300 (PR)
Squat : 225 to 315 (I know it'll get back up over 355 soon enough)
Deadlift: 315 to 425 (PR)

As I said I started Letro this week(13) at 2.5mg a day to try and reverse some gyno. I had arimidex in middle of cycle but supply fell through and stopped taking an AI until now. I plan on running Letro (dose depending on how it's working) until two weeks after my last pin and the day before my PCT.

PCT planned :
Clomid 100/50/50/50
Raloxifene 30/30/30/30
Arimidex (start on 5th week after pct in case of estrogen rebound)

Was just wanting some input on my PCT and what I could improve on next time. I will not be running another cycle until about February of next year. (Plan on doing a cycle every 6 months to a year from here on out)

Hope for some great input. Thanks guys.
Test C takes about 3-4 weeks to clear your before starting PCT.. Since it's a basic cycle- all you need is Nolva 20mg or Clomid 25mg for 4 weeks..
Test C takes about 3-4 weeks to clear your before starting PCT.. Since it's a basic cycle- all you need is Nolva 20mg or Clomid 25mg for 4 weeks..

Yes I was leaning towards 3 weeks to start PCT. Thinking I should run Clomid and raloxifene to prevent any gyno? Then adex to taper off on week 5??
Yes I was leaning towards 3 weeks to start PCT. Thinking I should run Clomid and raloxifene to prevent any gyno? Then adex to taper off on week 5??
I've never heard of taking an AI during Pct. I've never used a AI during my Pct
Yes I was leaning towards 3 weeks to start PCT. Thinking I should run Clomid and raloxifene to prevent any gyno? Then adex to taper off on week 5??
And seriously wait the whole 3/4 weeks before you start. Don't start early because you start feeling bad. I'd wait 4 but those last two weeks are hard. Your going to feel like shit.
I didn't see it in your OP. So I think you should get bloods done the standard, 2 weeks before, 6 weeks in, 3-4 weeks after PCT. Not to sound like an ass, but mid-cycle bloods might have help prevent any signs of gyno you had.
I didn't see it in your OP. So I think you should get bloods done the standard, 2 weeks before, 6 weeks in, 3-4 weeks after PCT. Not to sound like an ass, but mid-cycle bloods might have help prevent any signs of gyno you had.

Yes I agree. I will not do another cycle without getting bloods. I had gyno before from pro hormones in high school when I knew nothing.