@Wunderpus I'm tagging you because I want you to chime in if you think this is bad advice.
If it were me
@Jay Monks I would do this. And I'm saying this is what I would do. I'm not saying you should. Some might tell you to quit while you're ahead. And I tag Wunderpus because he has alot of personal experience and I trust him to say that my idea is not wise.
If you are free and clear of all AAS at the moment I would get bloods done to see what your baseline numbers are now. I would do a 500mg per week Test E cycle only. No AI's. At week 6 (I would wait til week 6, some may say week 4) get bloods done so you can see how you react to a Test only run. Then you will know how your e2 reacts and you can judge your libido and your mood (depression, lethargy, etc...)
If you're curently on cycle or doing PCT this obviously will not work until you are free and clear and are off for enough time that you are "normal".
Also if you have had gyno in the past running the Test without an AI might cause issues. Only you would know this. If so don't do it or at least have something fast acting on hand just in case.
I don't want to give you wreckless advice. I'm saying that this is probably what I would do but I like to experiment. If anyone thinks that I'm giving dangerous advice please chime in and say so. And don't just wake up tomorrow and do it. Get more opinions and really think about it. I will say this. Don't do the stupid shit you did before. That was incredibly idiotic and has no benefit. You have an encyclopedia of knowledge here to learn from and get advise from and so so much personal experience. Use it.