My Labs, My Nutrition, My Questions on TRT/HRT?


New Member
Hi guys, new lurking member here posting for the first time.

Id like your advices on my situation. Hopefully you can shed some insight. :)

Lets go back one year, to January 2010(age 30) when I dislocated my shoulder as an athlete in sports. (I am an endurance sport athlete who trains 4-6 days a week.) This time allowed me to reflect on my body and my conditioning/overall well-being. I was on t he sideline for 3 months rehabbing and it lead me to start researching ways to increase the longevity of my athletic career, mainly recreational but also semi professionally. This lead me to a man who introduced me to a nutritional test called the metametrix cardio-ion panel. This test would tell me everything about my body chemistry from a nutritional standpoint for the last 4 months from the date of the test.

(Age 32) What I had found was quite shocking. I was used to eating boxed meals, lean cuisine, pepsi, and the link. Basically a low fat diet based in pre-made meals. I was clinically deficient or close to it in the following:
DHA(from fish) (docosaperntaenoic = 86)(Docosahexaenoic = 111)
Vit D
High alpha tocopherol, Low Gamma
Very High Vit A
Low COQ10
High Alumnium
Low Copper
Low Zinc
Low Magnisium = 47
High Succinate
Through the roof with Taurine and similar compounds(from energy drinks and workout sups)
High LDL 111 /mid HDL 66, Total cholesterol at 185
TransC:18 = 20
High Palmitic = 606
High Myristic = 585
Borderline aniemic, Ferritin = 55, fibrinogen = 199
C-reactive protein = Less then .03 (this was the good news from the test)

Basically I was a walking bag of potato chips and soda. Not knowing what I was doing wrong, my nutritionist basically laid out a supplement plan to make up for my bodies natural deficiency. He also suggested the use of the following foods to make up for my body chemistry.

1. Salmon, sardines, tuna 4 days a week
2. Cut out all bad fats
3. sunflower seeds, cashews
4. dark green veggies, kale, spinach
5. red bell peppers
6. High heat safflower, sunflower oils when cooking
7. Chocolate 70% or higher cocoa daily, piece
8. shellfish twice a week
9. Juicing daily with veggies and Fruits

Supplements added
1. B2
2. L carnitine with ALA
3. Vit D, from the sun if possible
4. Probiotics(high levels of hippurate)
5. coq10
6. phosphotidyleserine
7. 5http
8. Experiment with L tyrosine.

So this protocol was implemented since 2011. The results have been fantastic. I feel healthier, look healthier, and have much more energy. But there are sitll some lingering issues. During this test, I had my levels of testosterone also checked, unaware to me, we never discussed these. My level in early 2011 was

Testosterone -= 485 (range 150-952ng/dl, metametrix)
SHBG = 28
Free Androgen Index = 60

I did not have a conversation about these numbers as this was not his expertise. Fast fowordard today(age 33). I had a complete metablolic panel done and the results were as follows.

Testosterone 479 Range (348-1197ng/dl labcorp)
LH 6.1
FSH 2.8
Esteradiol 38.9
ALT 17
A/G Ratio 1.7
Globulin 2.6
Albumin 4.5
Bilirubin .9
alkaline phosphatase 44

The issues that I still have with my body are
1. Brainfog during work. I own my own company and I feel that some days I have these pockets of super focus and motivation, and every other time I am just trying to maintain. I love what I do and I am very successful, but the older I get, the slower my concentration is waning. IT does effect my business. I feel I could be much more productive and successful with constant motivation. I have tried ritalin and that works well, but I don't think its a acceptable solution.
2. Sleep, I still don't fall asleep quickly, and some nights its due to the caffeine, some nights its due to who knows. But its a constant struggle to fall asleep at a decent hour. Sometimes it takes 2-4 hours.
3. Recovery from athletics the next day. This has been significantly helped by the diet change, no doubt, but its not optimal and I dont seem to keep the muscle on like I used to. I feel I need to work out longer and harder to achieve. Great that I love to exercise and play sports.
4. Lack of motivation to go out to parties, to be social. My girlfriend is always ready to go out and do things, but to me my body tells me I feel like been there, done that, but my brain has times when it wants to go explore.
5. Mild social anxiety throughout life, such as avoiding elevators due to the awkwardness of people.(not sure why this is).

These are some things that I would like to work on and figure out. So I have started researching testosterone as a possible root of my issues. My fears are
1. Hairloss. I have a full great head of hair, and so does my father, his father, his mother, my mother, her mother, her father.
2. Fathering a child in the future
3. Ruining my baseline and having to be on therapy for the rest of life.

The only product I had ever done was igf-1 lr3 for help with the shoulder recovery, and it was not in excess. Other then that, I have never touched any performance enhancer that I have known.

Right now my symptoms are pretty manageable, I would really like to become a better person. Currently I find myself reaching for the coffee during work or the jack3d before workouts to keep my energy levels up at sport. I talked to one member who sees classic signs of testosterone dropping, and therapy would help. But looking at my overall picture, what do you guys think? Do I need additional testing to get to the root of the issues?

Thanks for the input!
although within range, your test levels do appear to be on the low side. not wanting to go out is just age related IMO, when i hit my early 30's i suddenly went off the whole pub/club scene completely and now at 36 you wouldnt get me in one if you paid me!!

have you any probs sexually, any libido drop and weak or no erections? when low test hit me i just wasnt interested, i do doorwork at w'ends and half naked chicks walking past me didnt even register in my mind, whereas before i was the typical red blooded male!

have you spoken to your doctor about trt?

btw, dont waste your cash on that lr3 crap mate, its worthless
How much protien are you taking in and what is the timing? Just to let you know while on HRT and perfect numbers I still had that 2 pm brain fog. A good nutritionist with bodybuilding knowledge made changes in food consumption and timing of my diet and brain fog disappeared in less than a week.

What state are you in?
How much protien are you taking in and what is the timing? Just to let you know while on HRT and perfect numbers I still had that 2 pm brain fog. A good nutritionist with bodybuilding knowledge made changes in food consumption and timing of my diet and brain fog disappeared in less than a week.

What state are you in?
good points. i also think brain fog becomes part of life as we age, i def noticed difference in my 30's. low test def attributes to it though.
How much protien are you taking in and what is the timing? Just to let you know while on HRT and perfect numbers I still had that 2 pm brain fog. A good nutritionist with bodybuilding knowledge made changes in food consumption and timing of my diet and brain fog disappeared in less than a week.

What state are you in?

CA. As for protein, I try to get 20 grams am, 20 grams afternoon, 20 grams before bed or after workout.
although within range, your test levels do appear to be on the low side. not wanting to go out is just age related IMO, when i hit my early 30's i suddenly went off the whole pub/club scene completely and now at 36 you wouldnt get me in one if you paid me!!

have you any probs sexually, any libido drop and weak or no erections? when low test hit me i just wasnt interested, i do doorwork at w'ends and half naked chicks walking past me didnt even register in my mind, whereas before i was the typical red blooded male!

have you spoken to your doctor about trt?

btw, dont waste your cash on that lr3 crap mate, its worthless

Definitely slight libido drop, but nothing that wouldnt be attributed to age. I still look at every girl that walks by. No erection issues. I havent spoken to any doc about it.. Looking at a clinic with doctors though just to get some general advice. Its odd my E2 is so high but everything else seems "normal"