My testosterone never fully recovered ! im depressed and have suicidal thoughts

Meso needs to consider the srs tag system because not sure if srs


No offense to the board but this isn't the place to be getting help with this... Go to the fucking doctor dude. Yeah low test will make you tired but not suicidal. No motivation to lift? Suicidal thoughts? Dude, you're fuckin depressed my man. That's not something a needle is going to fix.

You were probably somewhat depressed when you started AAS and that's a big no no my friend. Makes you much more vulnerable to "addiction" to the feeling you get when you're on.

Everybody here is super knowledgeable but we can't help you with your mental resilience. See a doctor ASAP. And talk to your family and friends....

lo testosterone has shown to make people depressed. when you have no energy, just sleep all day and no matter how much weight you loose your belly fat dont go away...can also only work out 3 times a week cause of damn loong recovery years ofcourse people will feel depressed
Doesn't really seem like bad advice to tell someone who was already given the option to go on TRT to go on TRT? I personally would if I was diagnosed with any amount of relatively low T. HCG included because it shines as a method of keeping natural production online during TRT.

And we don't have enough information to determine if it was a good idea to offer OP the gel to begin with is my whole point. If you were suffering from daily nose bleeds would you use a tissue to stop the bleeding everyday or would you try and see why you were bleeding and fix that before sticking a tissue up your nose for the rest of your life?

Your personal choices don't do anything to negate the fact that it's not sound medical advice or practice to avoid finding and treating the underlying cause first.

What exactly is the point of keeping natural production with HCG when you're on TRT bc natural production isn't enough?
It's in your head man. Low t or no, you can lose that belly fat if you want to. There is a solution to almost anything in this life. And, more importantly, you can fix the way you feel inside.

Look into modafinil as well. It will help you get out of bed and start functioning.

You've gotta get into the mentality that you are thinking of excuses right now when you need to be pursuing real solutions. That's what the low t takes away from you. At the end of the day all medical problems aside, if you are mentally unwell your body will know this and it too will be unwell.

I am not a fan of therapists and even less so of antidepressants, but whatever you need to do, stop thinking the way that you are thinking. When I feel the way you feel now, I think about Dwayne johnson telling his story about the $7 he had in his pocket walking in the city. And he turned that into everything he's got now.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that you're subconsciously giving up on yourself and you need to not do that..
I was at the endo today and she said i was okay since my free t was 4.4...but i still have symptoms....she said the testosterone levels will eventually get back up...even thought it would take years
I was at the endo today and she said i was okay since my free t was 4.4...but i still have symptoms....she said the testosterone levels will eventually get back up...even thought it would take years
You'll be fine, give it time and stop overthinking things. Just because you have certain symptoms doesn't mean it's related to test levels.
And we don't have enough information to determine if it was a good idea to offer OP the gel to begin with is my whole point. If you were suffering from daily nose bleeds would you use a tissue to stop the bleeding everyday or would you try and see why you were bleeding and fix that before sticking a tissue up your nose for the rest of your life?

Your personal choices don't do anything to negate the fact that it's not sound medical advice or practice to avoid finding and treating the underlying cause first.

What exactly is the point of keeping natural production with HCG when you're on TRT bc natural production isn't enough?

Well whatever you say mate...HCG with TRT is standard medical protocol these days, not going to bother to explain that as there is a ton of information out there on this, you should really educate yourself there.

I agree with others that this dude likely has some other issues going on and should probably see a psychiatric professional as well, and quick.
Well whatever you say mate...HCG with TRT is standard medical protocol these days, not going to bother to explain that as there is a ton of information out there on this, you should really educate yourself there.

Lolololol. This coming from a guy who thinks prolactin causes gyno hahahaha. In the end you were good for a few laughs buddy but hey, I can still say I tried with you
How? Did you take pct right after last cycle or did you start pct long after?? And what did you take?
what do u mean how... I suffered for years depressed no sex drive, energy ruined relationships.. I never pct'd once in the 4-5 years blast and cruise. I pct'd about 5 times aggressively after. (Large amounts of hcg @5000iu) but don't listen to me because that's dangerous right? Haha. My Most recent labs was 13.4nmol if I remember correctly. And I feel better everyday. Pct failed again and again until most recent, your body will catch up your cycles are tiny mate I wouldn't worry so much. Doctors will tell u how u are not suicidal because of low t I say they haven't had hypogonadism themselves.
what do u mean how... I suffered for years depressed no sex drive, energy ruined relationships.. I never pct'd once in the 4-5 years blast and cruise. I pct'd about 5 times aggressively after. (Large amounts of hcg @5000iu) but don't listen to me because that's dangerous right? Haha. My Most recent labs was 13.4nmol if I remember correctly. And I feel better everyday. Pct failed again and again until most recent, your body will catch up your cycles are tiny mate I wouldn't worry so much. Doctors will tell u how u are not suicidal because of low t I say they haven't had hypogonadism themselves.

You have no idea what you're talking about. You already fucked up your own life so don't give irresponsible advice to fuck up someone else's as well.
Lolololol. This coming from a guy who thinks prolactin causes gyno hahahaha. In the end you were good for a few laughs buddy but hey, I can still say I tried with you

It can cause gyno or at least lactating. Or do you have some revolutionary new disagreement to try to engineer with me on that too? Please, share your expertise with not running HCG with TRT and how you are right and everyone else is wrong.
This is a shit thread. All you retard fucks get your shit together! Don't run cycles without PCT, if you don't know what the FUCK you're doing, or have underlying mental problems. I think we can ALL agree that is a recipe for disaster. /done
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It can cause gyno or at least lactating. Or do you have some revolutionary new disagreement to try to engineer with me on that too? Please, share your expertise with not running HCG with TRT and how you are right and everyone else is wrong.

Lactating is not gyno so you're now talking about two separate issues. Get your story straight if you want to come at me with the "educate yourself" spiel.

I'm not engineering anything. You're just wrong on several different levels and it's catching up to you.

While you're brushing up on your AAS and PCT knowledge, try bettering your reading comprehension as well. I never said one should or shouldn't run HCG while on TRT. I simply asked you a question as to what the point was of maintaining natural production of testosterone on a medical regimen that's intended to treat testosterone production that's not enough to begin with. If you can't answer that simple question then you have no business offering advice on it since you seem to be parroting whatever you read as fact without understanding even the most basic mechanisms involved.

PS: it's not everyone else that is wrong, just you.

Thanks and have a nice day.
Excuse me doc fucked up my life? I'm actually fine now in most senses and growing in the gym naturally. If he listens to your shit he will probably kill himself. Again trex - I recommend you do what I did doc is just impeding you.
I mean do u actually help people? Cause all I see from you doc is blame and dogging for their mistakes. Have you gone through hypogonadism? Fuck your clinical talk.
Anyway an honorary professor of medicine and endocrinology agreed that I did infact, restart my endogenous testosterone production to a decent state. So keep yapping that I know nothing.