My testosterone never fully recovered ! im depressed and have suicidal thoughts

Excuse me doc fucked up my life? I'm actually fine now in most senses and growing in the gym naturally. If he listens to your shit he will probably kill himself. Again trex - I recommend you do what I did doc is just impeding you.

You recommend him believing you? You who believes in estrogen rebound fairies? Go back to seeing your shrink and stop spouting off crap.

I mean do u actually help people? Cause all I see from you doc is blame and dogging for their mistakes. Have you gone through hypogonadism? Fuck your clinical talk.

Blah blah blah. Have you gotten over your poor me complex yet?

If I have no idea why have I recovered? hahahahahah

Bc fortunately for you, your body is smarter than your brain. You were eugonadal anyway complainin about God knows what and you say now you're fine, proving the point it was psychological issues to begin with.

Besides, nobody ever said it was what you did that caused recovery. In many cases, as it is in yours, things happen in spite of what you do not bc of it.
Anyway an honorary professor of medicine and endocrinology agreed that I did infact, restart my endogenous testosterone production to a decent state. So keep yapping that I know nothing.


You don't know shit. No way man, an honorary professor of medicine and endocrinology said all that to you? Oh. My. God. You. Are. So. Smart. Lol

You don't know shit. No way man, an honorary professor of medicine and endocrinology said all that to you? Oh. My. God. You. Are. So. Smart. Lol
think what you want pal he assured me that it definitely helped. I'm guessing your American lol I have nothing more to say to you.
think what you want pal he assured me that it definitely helped. I'm guessing your American lol I have nothing more to say to you.

Oh. My. God. He. Gave. You. An. Assurance. Did. He.

Man you crack me up. You're so retarded and fucked up you can't even realize it. I'm sorry though. I was taught not to laugh at the challenged. My sincere apologies.

PS. You can bet they're sincere bc an honorary professor guaranteed me they were sincere.
I already habe gyno. I dont really care. My libido is up and down. But im letjargic all the time and need much sleep. The wosdt thing is the brainfog. Which make it hard to concentrate at work and remembering things. My total test is 250 ng dl....but my free t is 4.4. Doctor said as long as my free t was ok i shouødnt do anything. Taking trt was for life and not worth it. She also said that i had to give it even moore time and my testosterone would eventually come back... they are not allowed to give out clomid
Slating abuse at me because I genuinely want to help this guy. Your a prick mate standard little gp or something arnt you hahahaha

It's not bc you want to help, your honorary professor of medicine should congratulate you for that btw; it's just bc you trying to help is like watching a blind man playing air traffic controller lol.
I already habe gyno. I dont really care. My libido is up and down. But im letjargic all the time and need much sleep. The wosdt thing is the brainfog. Which make it hard to concentrate at work and remembering things. My total test is 250 ng dl....but my free t is 4.4. Doctor said as long as my free t was ok i shouødnt do anything. Taking trt was for life and not worth it. She also said that i had to give it even moore time and my testosterone would eventually come back... they are not allowed to give out clomid
Yes mate you do need to give it time BUT I'm guessing you feel hopeless because of the professional advice. I taken tamoxifen and tapered off in the end. Tamox/nolva is way better than clomid in my opinion, clomid has massive depressive side effects. Not to say tamox doesn't but it's far less.
Okey guys, im back lol, after 5 years.

im the thread starter

i did steroid for 3 years and i got hypogonadism and hypothyroidism...

which basicly is a disease which give me super low testosterone and very low thyroid levels. the thyroid disease is inherited in my family but most likely came earlier cause of steroids use

i never got any help from my doctors, they said i should just live with the disease, and so i did, i feared if i would regret if i started TRT on my own

a couple of years later i was i finally got tired of this. after 5 years of feeling like shit, having extreme fatigue, low sex drive, brainfog and feeling depressed i finally tok the step to do TRT. i started on 200 mg a week enanthat. 2 times a week....100 mg monday and 100 mg thursday

and you know what. and yes im telling the truth right now, i tok the shot on a sunday, and when i woke up monday the next day i felt like a new human being. yes only 1 fucking day. i woke up and i didnt feel bad, i actually had alot of energy when i woke up, not like iv had the last years when i woke up extremely tired. i had energy and my head, brainfog was gone in just a day i could finally think straight. my sex drive jumped through the roof and i just felt much better. i could write a diary how much better i felt

this is 3 years ago, 3 years since i started TRT and i never regret it. i still feel very good, not only that i also look good, even withut training i keep my shape and low bodyfat. i have a good sexdrive and the testosterone also helps my back pain, help me think better and work helps me fucntion ALOT better. my life has totally changed for the better. i promise , starting TRT was a life changing event for me

i never regret doing TRT.

i dont think you guys are still here, im writing here so if anyone outside of the forum or anyone who had the same problem like me want to know if they should go on TRT or not

DEFINETLY, if you have hypogonadism and nothing else helps. YES. its the best choice i have done in my entire life

i have used 3 cycles in the past and i never fully recovered..

1st cycle was 500 mg cyp for 12 weeks nolvadex as pct

2 cycle was 750 mg test enathate for 12 weeks aromasin pct

3d cycle was 500 mg test E for 12 weeks with 40 mg dianabol the first 4 pct

after this i think it became to much ...i was already 124 kg and i was working out so much i could not focus on my studies so i went completely off but continued training hard....i actually kept alot of strenght and size, but i added alot of fataround the waist. i became sleepy at daytime, had to take small naps after work and felt exhausted all the energy, no motivation and everything was in the end i stopped working out and focused other things...i lost all my gains and now 3 years later im 85 kg slim , no muscles back where i always wasbefore i even worked out.....

it has now gotten depressed on and off all the time. i can suddenly cry at work for no reason. i cant have stable relationship cause i cant perform in bed and i have become a whimpy little bitch instead of that alpha male guy i was ...i also have alot of brainfog, and its really hard to concentrate at work or remembering things

i have tried to work out, but its impossible...if i just do some curls or squats , im sore for like 3 weeks and cant walk restoration period is like 4x times then normal. im also exhausted all the time and have no drive whatsoever..

i took som bloodwork and my test was at 250 ng dl or 8.8 nmol..

my doctor said i had a little low test but was either way fine. because my levels was just right over the hypogonadism chart. he gave me testosterone gel which i liked alot, my brainfog dissapeared within minutes and my strenght and energy went up. but this effect tapered off...i think its because when u take gels u will have both test from gel and natural production, but then natural production shuts down, and you have only testosterone from the gel...

i have been thinking about going on trt for a loong time. but i have not done anything to do shit about it cause im afraid i will loose my hair....i have had some thinning , but still have full hair . dont know if its is other causes or dht..

what is the best trt protocol that worked for you ? and will you loose hair on a low dose like 200 mg test E a week ?

and do you need hcg or anti E?

im really depressed guys, i have lived like this for several years....i dont want to live anymore. i want to give up on life
This is extremely stereotyped.

Truth is, his total test is shit, less that 500ng/dl is counterproductive, I wouldn't live with that, instead I would do hard PCT or TRT.

Also, he needs a psychiatrist or psychologist , he can't blame hormones for everything, most of ppl are full of shit, it's not actually their fault, but they have to do some to overcome it.
This is extremely stereotyped.

Truth is, his total test is shit, less that 500ng/dl is counterproductive, I wouldn't live with that, instead I would do hard PCT or TRT.

Also, he needs a psychiatrist or psychologist , he can't blame hormones for everything, most of ppl are full of shit, it's not actually their fault, but they have to do some to overcome it.
thats not true at all, you dont know anything about testosterone or hypogonadism.

testosterone is the most important hormone for men, and without it can cause severe side effects


"Severe hypogonadism can also cause mental and emotional changes. As testosterone decreases, some men have symptoms similar to those of menopause in women. These can include:

  • Difficulty concentrating"

this is just one thing, and as i said in my text, when i got LOW t i got difficult concentrating. difficult to work, think and do my studies. i failed my exam 3 times in a row and thought i was just stupid. after trt i not only succeded, but i got past my exam 3x times faster then normal

getting normal or high testosterone levels within range definetly helped me concentrate more, study and remembering things it also improved my mood and my mental health

i dont know, but low testosterone definetly fucked with my head. if you have tried steroids and gone completely off you know what im talking about.

this has nothing to do with a pschyciatrist, it has to do with hormones and hormones can fuck your mental health and mood
Okey guys, im back lol, after 5 years.

im the thread starter

i did steroid for 3 years and i got hypogonadism and hypothyroidism...

which basicly is a disease which give me super low testosterone and very low thyroid levels. the thyroid disease is inherited in my family but most likely came earlier cause of steroids use

i never got any help from my doctors, they said i should just live with the disease, and so i did, i feared if i would regret if i started TRT on my own

a couple of years later i was i finally got tired of this. after 5 years of feeling like shit, having extreme fatigue, low sex drive, brainfog and feeling depressed i finally tok the step to do TRT. i started on 200 mg a week enanthat. 2 times a week....100 mg monday and 100 mg thursday

and you know what. and yes im telling the truth right now, i tok the shot on a sunday, and when i woke up monday the next day i felt like a new human being. yes only 1 fucking day. i woke up and i didnt feel bad, i actually had alot of energy when i woke up, not like iv had the last years when i woke up extremely tired. i had energy and my head, brainfog was gone in just a day i could finally think straight. my sex drive jumped through the roof and i just felt much better. i could write a diary how much better i felt

this is 3 years ago, 3 years since i started TRT and i never regret it. i still feel very good, not only that i also look good, even withut training i keep my shape and low bodyfat. i have a good sexdrive and the testosterone also helps my back pain, help me think better and work helps me fucntion ALOT better. my life has totally changed for the better. i promise , starting TRT was a life changing event for me

i never regret doing TRT.

i dont think you guys are still here, im writing here so if anyone outside of the forum or anyone who had the same problem like me want to know if they should go on TRT or not

DEFINETLY, if you have hypogonadism and nothing else helps. YES. its the best choice i have done in my entire life
Why'd you take so long to come back and update us? LOL!
Why'd you take so long to come back and update us? LOL!
sry, i forgot i was a member here. i searched for some emails on my gmail and i found some old emails from this site, so i got back here and wanted to reply, hoping that someone who has low testosteron will see this and do the right choice. if you have hypogonadism trt is the best choice you can do, its life changing
Okey guys, im back lol, after 5 years.

im the thread starter

i did steroid for 3 years and i got hypogonadism and hypothyroidism...

which basicly is a disease which give me super low testosterone and very low thyroid levels. the thyroid disease is inherited in my family but most likely came earlier cause of steroids use

i never got any help from my doctors, they said i should just live with the disease, and so i did, i feared if i would regret if i started TRT on my own

a couple of years later i was i finally got tired of this. after 5 years of feeling like shit, having extreme fatigue, low sex drive, brainfog and feeling depressed i finally tok the step to do TRT. i started on 200 mg a week enanthat. 2 times a week....100 mg monday and 100 mg thursday

and you know what. and yes im telling the truth right now, i tok the shot on a sunday, and when i woke up monday the next day i felt like a new human being. yes only 1 fucking day. i woke up and i didnt feel bad, i actually had alot of energy when i woke up, not like iv had the last years when i woke up extremely tired. i had energy and my head, brainfog was gone in just a day i could finally think straight. my sex drive jumped through the roof and i just felt much better. i could write a diary how much better i felt

this is 3 years ago, 3 years since i started TRT and i never regret it. i still feel very good, not only that i also look good, even withut training i keep my shape and low bodyfat. i have a good sexdrive and the testosterone also helps my back pain, help me think better and work helps me fucntion ALOT better. my life has totally changed for the better. i promise , starting TRT was a life changing event for me

i never regret doing TRT.

i dont think you guys are still here, im writing here so if anyone outside of the forum or anyone who had the same problem like me want to know if they should go on TRT or not

DEFINETLY, if you have hypogonadism and nothing else helps. YES. its the best choice i have done in my entire life
So happy to hear that man, shoulda came back sooner and let the board know... lmao there are some vets here that have been and will be here a long time.