This is all dismissed as you guessed it, did the gentlemen take an AI? Was their estrogen elevated as well as their prolactin? You never stated their prolactin was high via lab results however implied it.
Why are you lumping trenbolone and nandrolone together? Trenbolone is a highly androgenic steroid, which for me at least increases my sex drive A LOT.
Progesterone signaling is correlated with increased prolactin secretion is your statement, but progesterone has a different expression on the PR just like nandrolone's expression while attached to the AR(and PR) is different than the expression of trenbolone on the AR(and PR.) Why are you stating progesterone now as progesterone as mentioned has a completely different expression? Just like a SERM has a different expression on the ER than estrogen does? They both attach to the same receptor but have a completely different expression...
Edit: Bill Roberts posted an article about competitive inhibition and me personally I believe that competitive inhibition takes place on the AR as well and there was a long thread I started to write which addressed this. Basically, if you have dbol/test/tren in your cycle, they will saturate the ARs at a high enough dose, is it beneficial to have more compounds in the system or will they simulate competitive inhibition and unfortunately dbol may take the place of trenbolone on the AR leading to a weaker expression...
Also, this is not new to me via word of mouth or so called broscience, I am trying to find out if you beliefs are based on word of mouth or scientific literature. Most opinions are based off beliefs from my experience.