NapsGear Customers Gear Porn

Title: Another one! Bioteq. International.

Description: Bioteq international!!! Naps delivers again! 20 days from order to door! Many many orders and this one is perfect as usual. Well done Naps!

Test Cypionate 300 (Bioteq Labs, Europe (UK))
Turinabol 10 (Bioteq Labs, Europe (UK))
Anavar 10 (Bioteq Labs, Europe (UK))



Title: Best gift ever thanx naps!

Description: Naps never disappoints. I been a loyal customer for years lets start new year with a bang of gains and feel healthy.

GP Test Cyp 250 (Geneza Pharmaceuticals)


Title: More SHIT Fake Reviews

Description: Another dumbass, recycled, made up and completely fake review by @robertbrown. He continues to deliver in spamming this thread with his garbage. He wont take the hint and fuck off.

Lots of products and all shit.

@robertbrown looks like the money you spent becomimg a sponsor didnt have the effect you though it would huh?...

Those countering every single one of your fake reviews are going nowhere and this thread wl be constantly countered every single time you decide to spam this thread with your fake reviews... so keep on trucking you fool

Again a public service announcement
Do not order from this tool
Quit flooding this thread you bastards... I'm having trouble finding all the good deals of the day From the best lab on the internet NAPSGEAR.
Holy fuck!! What happened to Meso? I thought this community was about safety and holding scam sources accountable? This fucking source is green lit to spam fake reviews? Imagine the fucking harm this guy has caused.

A source shouldn't be allowed to post reviews. Especially reviews from "clients" outside of the board community. It promotes scamming and is counterproductive. Allowing this type of behaviour sends a bad message. Anyone can promote their scam on Meso, as long as they pay their way.
Holy fuck!! What happened to Meso? I thought this community was about safety and holding scam sources accountable? This fucking source is green lit to spam fake reviews? Imagine the fucking harm this guy has caused.

A source shouldn't be allowed to post reviews. Especially reviews from "clients" outside of the board community. It promotes scamming and is counterproductive. Allowing this type of behaviour sends a bad message. Anyone can promote their scam on Meso, as long as they pay their way.
It was, but the group that actively held these sources accountable were perma banned. There arent many left that will hold them accountable now. Its up to the new ones coming in to do this, but most I have seen joining are just little betas that will jump on and dick ride any source that sends them a vial of something
Did @robertbrown finally realize he can't buy his way to a forum where he can run amok and sell shitty gear with no accountability? Did he realize finally that he is not wanted nor welcome here? That there are still some of us left thatbwill continually plug his thread with the truth everytime he posts his fake reviews.

Again to all consodering Naps.... Run the fuck away... he is a scammer.

Do not buy from Naps
Another quick comment.

There are plenty of terrible sources here at Meso and other forums... they usually get found out and disappear as quick as the came. Some rebrand and try again only get found out again. Others either continue to try or just sit quietly in waiting for an unsuspecting noob to dig way back and find the 6 month old thread and order...

But Naps.... Not Naps he tries and tries and tries but everyone in this world knows all about Naps....There is no hope for Naps..Of all the shitty sources Naps is by far the absolute worst and they continue to prey on the ill informed noobs.
Another quick comment.

There are plenty of terrible sources here at Meso and other forums... they usually get found out and disappear as quick as the came. Some rebrand and try again only get found out again. Others either continue to try or just sit quietly in waiting for an unsuspecting noob to dig way back and find the 6 month old thread and order...

But Naps.... Not Naps he tries and tries and tries but everyone in this world knows all about Naps....There is no hope for Naps..Of all the shitty sources Naps is by far the absolute worst and they continue to prey on the ill informed noobs.
Not to mention this fuckhead source has threatened members with violence and sending them hot packs. You'd have to be legit retarded to use this them knowing what they have done in the past.

And don't get me started on their 20w/50 tren...
Did @robertbrown finally realize he can't buy his way to a forum where he can run amok and sell shitty gear with no accountability? Did he realize finally that he is not wanted nor welcome here? That there are still some of us left thatbwill continually plug his thread with the truth everytime he posts his fake reviews.

Again to all consodering Naps.... Run the fuck away... he is a scammer.

Do not buy from Naps

Surely not. He's waiting for the retards at Scammerbolex to shit out a few more fake reviews, but it's the holidays and even the lowest of low lives have families to spend time with. Give it another day or two and all these posts will be buried.
Surely not. He's waiting for the retards at Scammerbolex to shit out a few more fake reviews, but it's the holidays and even the lowest of low lives have families to spend time with. Give it another day or two and all these posts will be buried.
dont know if i can order from a source that doesnt post reviews saying "YESSS. new years GAINZZZ baby!!" hopefully this source gets some reviews like that soon; theres still time left in the day
Title: Eee Queue Tren Dragon!

Description: Really excited about receiving this Dragon Pharma order from Naps. You can see from the pictures that everything is good to go. The vials have signature Dragon Pharma tops, inside/ outside labeling, the "feel" of the vials themselves feels high-grade (like a nice polymer vs plain glass). Merry Christmas to me!

Trenbolone 100 (Dragon Pharma)
EQ 300 (Dragon Pharma)


