NapsGear Customers Gear Porn

2191 and 2196 are seperate "reviews" yet each "customer" has the same exact marble tabke top. What a coinsidence. @Millard im not an angel at all. But these are getting down rite offensive. Almost as offensive as that festering boil a few posts back ;)


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2191 and 2196 are seperate "reviews" yet each "customer" has the same exact marble tabke top. What a coinsidence. @Millard im not an angel at all. But these are getting down rite offensive. Almost as offensive as that festering boil a few posts back ;)

You'll notice that same countertop alot if you browse back through this completely bogus thread.

Same for the glossy white table. It's like i've been saying. These are pics of stock with fake reviews attached, written by the same 2 or 3 people.
You'll notice that same countertop alot if you browse back through this completely bogus thread.

Same for the glossy white table. It's like i've been saying. These are pics of stock with fake reviews attached, written by the same 2 or 3 people.
The festering boil of demise will definitley let buyers know what time it really is. Gregoreo will never lose the scqr from that boil.

Get a free festering boil with any purchace of napsgear products
Title: Best products

Description: Napsgear always comes through. GP always has top level products. I`m looking forward to my next order.

GP Test Cyp 250 (Geneza Pharmaceuticals)


Title: Dragon Weekend Sale!

Description: Just picked up a few things I needed last minute. Dragon Pharma delivering top quality gear. Naps always has you covered with orders big or small!

Propionat 100 (Dragon Pharma)
Trenbolone 200 (Dragon Pharma)
Trenbolone 100 (Dragon Pharma)
NPP 150 (Dragon Pharma)


Title: Dragon Weekend Sale!

Description: Just picked up a few things I needed last minute. Dragon Pharma delivering top quality gear. Naps always has you covered with orders big or small!

Propionat 100 (Dragon Pharma)
Trenbolone 200 (Dragon Pharma)
Trenbolone 100 (Dragon Pharma)
NPP 150 (Dragon Pharma)


Kinda weird... That same table top.

Buyer Beware
Title: Dragon Weekend Sale!

Description: Just picked up a few things I needed last minute. Dragon Pharma delivering top quality gear. Naps always has you covered with orders big or small!

Propionat 100 (Dragon Pharma)
Trenbolone 200 (Dragon Pharma)
Trenbolone 100 (Dragon Pharma)
NPP 150 (Dragon Pharma)


@robertbrown how do all your alledged customers have the same table top?
@robertbrown how do all your alledged customers have the same table top?
Must be that there great minds just all think alike lmfao.. no you can't be apart of the Naps club without the table top bro sorry. No tren motor oil for u lol
Pic of the table top with a date tag and Naps will send you yours ;)

Fuckin douche bag doesn't even try eh lol could you imagine being someone who ordered off this mfing clown now lol. Now that's Full retard.. You never go full retard lol
Napsgear has no problem sending a hot pack to your adress of you complain about your order.
If you buy from them after reading this you deserve anything bad coming your way. They will store your address and blackmail you.


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The above 9 posts expose only the first 6 pages of this thread. Each review is alleged "megit customer reviews"

Each review represents a different customer yet they all have the exact same marble counter top. There is close to 40 more manufactured reviews all with this exact same counter top, each worder just slightly different using the same generic phrases.

Buyer Beware

Anyone else can feel free to skim thru the thread and expose these fake reviews the same way i have. Its a little time consuming due to the volume of so many of these fake reviews.