NapsGear Customers Gear Porn

Title: Domestic Grey Tops 1 week

Description: Love the domestic option. Naps comes thru again.

hgh 191aa grey tops 1 kit 120iu



Use code NAPS-MESO50 and shop the entire site with 50% off throughout the summer.
JFC! It's not that difficult to hold sources accountable without violating the rules.

Specifically, don't repeatedly post the exact same message again and again. Don't threaten and/or promote physical violence, including threats of sexual violence, against members and/or their family members. Don't promote or encourage self-harm. Don't troll the forum by repeatedly posting off-topic messages/images/porn/etc.
@Millard because its getting under our skin to constantly see this thread at the top of steroid underground. If naps reps were unable to bump it to the top, we could let it drop to the bottom and everyone is happy and I think the solution is just. You can't just let threats against members go I you think BBBG feels?
Posting original photos of products has been aggressively encouraged for other sources. Selectively banning one source for doing what has been encouraged for other sources is capricious and arbitrary. The rules apply to everyone. There are no special rules that apply only to those who "get under our skin".

Threats are not allowed to go without consequences. Temporary bans are regularly issued for violations of the rules. Permanent bans occur when members repeatedly violate the rules, refuse to respect the rules, or otherwise show contempt for the forum rules.

Please be clear that the participation of any source on this forum does not represent an endorsement of the source, business practices, or behavior in any way whatsoever.


The purpose of this forum is to hold sources accountable. Ideally, every source would be represented in this forum in which they would all be held accountable.
Posting original photos of products has been aggressively encouraged for other sources. Selectively banning one source for doing what has been encouraged for other sources is capricious and arbitrary. The rules apply to everyone. There are no special rules that apply only to those who "get under our skin".

Threats are not allow to go without consequences. Temporary bans are regularly issued for violations of the rules. Permanent bans occur when members repeatedly refuse to respect the rules of the forum.

Please be clear that the participation of any source on this forum does not represent an endorsement of the source, business practices, or behavior in any way whatsoever.


The purpose of this forum is to hold sources accountable. Ideally, every source would be represented in this forum in which they would all be held accountable.
I suggested restricting naps reps from being able to bump this thread with their posts. But I guess a temporary ban is all you are going to do.
I suggested restricting naps reps from being able to bump this thread with their posts. But I guess a temporary ban is all you are going to do.
I will try to restate this in another way. There is no rule against posting original product photos. So no one is going to be prohibited from posting original product photos or lab reports or anything else that is regularly encouraged from other sources.
Take it for what it is.......

I once used Naps many many many years ago (probably 10+) and they were actually good.

Then again, they were one of the only sites at the time who had a live chat and many items to choose from. Actually, they were the only ones (at the time) who had authentic Pakistan Sustanons and Testovirons.

As I got more involved in the game, I later found out they were getting them for .50 cents a amp and marking them 700% $4 each. I spoke to a bodybuilder friend in Pakistan who told me this.

They also had real Turkish Organon Pregnyl too. Both 1500i.u and 5000i.u boxes.

Years later, I heard rumors that the real Naps (Owner) was arrested and is doing time at a Federal prision in the states and his "colleagues" in Moldova are now running the show.

I am not telling anyone to use Naps now, I honestly don't know if they are still legit like 9-10 years ago and frankly don't care. (I am just speaking from 10 years ago)

Just see Naps as the old school MusclePay. Tbh, I feel Naps made MusclePay to help make another stream of avenue for income. (Not accusing) but it would make sense as they are working with all these vendors.

95% of the biggest sources on the forums share brands with eachother to have a bigger reach. Naps DOESN'T carry livestock, but I did hear they are the manufactures of Geneza.

I remember many years ago the owner of Naps and Balkan had a fallout which later had them stop carrying their products.

Damn I am fucking old lol

But the game has of course changed, people are more informed and are doing their do diligence when it comes to finding a source who is legit and has great pricing. I just scrolled through Naps page after MANY years and their prices are INSANE.

Who the fuck would pay $14 an amp for Rimobolans or $290 for a 36i.u pen.....

I can understand if this was domestic..... Totally different subject

Shop around their are sources on here who do own pharmacy warehouse that get them half of the price and chances are 98% they are dropshipping for Naps.

Are you really that much of a piece of crap to rape your customers for a pen you get at $90-100 dropshipped from your wholesaler and mark up an additional $190-200+ and not feel morally wrong? Nope.......

The UGL labs are even priced more expensive than going directly to the source......

I also see they charge you multiple shipping for "different locations". So they don't feel bad they are already royal rapping you with insane prices. This was NOT like this 9-10 years ago.

Lastly, as @SkankHunt posted anyone who sends a threat regardless if members on here are getting on his nerves that he is going to drop a ton of hot packs to get them in big trouble is a HUGE red flag to stay away.

We are in 2021 the game has changed sooooo much.

This is my 2 cents

Stay safe everyone.
Last edited:
Title: 4th Order and love it

Description: Came in 2 weeks and this was a sale item! Absolutely love naps!

Trenbolone 200 (Dragon Pharma)



Use code NAPS-MESO50 and shop the entire site with 50% off throughout the summer.​

Title: 4th Order and love it

Description: Came in 2 weeks and this was a sale item! Absolutely love naps!

Trenbolone 200 (Dragon Pharma)


View attachment 150094

Use code NAPS-MESO50 and shop the entire site with 50% off throughout the summer.​

@naps, are you having a good day or a bad day? Meso members would like to know because as you said, when you are having a bad day it is ok for you to dox members and send hot packs.
Title: HGH delivered in 3 DAYS!!!!

Description: I placed my order on a Wednesday and I received it on Sunday. That is SUPER awesome!!!

HGH 191aa - Blue Tops (10 kits / 1000iu)


hgh dom.jpg

Use code NAPS-MESO50 and shop the entire site with 50% off throughout the summer.​

Thanks, good to know. No doxing or hot packs today.
Fuck naps
Take it for what it is.......

I once used Naps many many many years ago (probably 10+) and they were actually good.

Then again, they were one of the only sites at the time who had a live chat and many items to choose from. Actually, they were the only ones (at the time) who had authentic Pakistan Sustanons and Testovirons.

As I got more involved in the game, I later found out they were getting them for .50 cents a amp and marking them 700% $4 each. I spoke to a bodybuilder friend in Pakistan who told me this.

They also had real Turkish Organon Pregnyl too. Both 1500i.u and 5000i.u boxes.

Years later, I heard rumors that the real Naps (Owner) was arrested and is doing time at a Federal prision in the states and his "colleagues" in Moldova are now running the show.

I am not telling anyone to use Naps now, I honestly don't know if they are still legit like 9-10 years ago and frankly don't care. (I am just speaking from 10 years ago)

Just see Naps as the old school MusclePay. Tbh, I feel Naps made MusclePay to help make another stream of avenue for income. (Not accusing) but it would make sense as they are working with all these vendors.

95% of the biggest sources on the forums share brands with eachother to have a bigger reach. Naps DOESN'T carry livestock, but I did hear they are the manufactures of Geneza.

I remember many years ago the owner of Naps and Balkan had a fallout which later had them stop carrying their products.

Damn I am fucking old lol

But the game has of course changed, people are more informed and are doing their do diligence when it comes to finding a source who is legit and has great pricing. I just scrolled through Naps page after MANY years and their prices are INSANE.

Who the fuck would pay $14 an amp for Rimobolans or $290 for a 36i.u pen.....

I can understand if this was domestic..... Totally different subject

Shop around their are sources on here who do own pharmacy warehouse that get them half of the price and chances are 98% they are dropshipping for Naps.

Are you really that much of a piece of crap to rape your customers for a pen you get at $90-100 dropshipped from your wholesaler and mark up an additional $190-200+ and not feel morally wrong? Nope.......

The UGL labs are even priced more expensive than going directly to the source......

I also see they charge you multiple shipping for "different locations". So they don't feel bad they are already royal rapping you with insane prices. This was NOT like this 9-10 years ago.

Lastly, as @SkankHunt posted anyone who sends a threat regardless if members on here are getting on his nerves that he is going to drop a ton of hot packs to get them in big trouble is a HUGE red flag to stay away.

We are in 2021 the game has changed sooooo much.

This is my 2 cents

Stay safe everyone.
Bro naps straight up offered a reward for BBBGs personal info. BBBG has a family, how would you feel? I would be thinking less about hot packs and more about who might threaten my family.

Naps was just having a bad day at the office....hes really the victim of circumstance. Hes really a great guy, just ask him.
Fuck naps

Bro naps straight up offered a reward for BBBGs personal info. BBBG has a family, how would you feel? I would be thinking less about hot packs and more about who might threaten my family.

Naps was just having a bad day at the office....hes really the victim of circumstance. Hes really a great guy, just ask him.
Yet you were defending him a few days back. Now you're mad at Naps because he ignored you requests for gear you fucking shill.

Remember this?
Methyl Mike said:
I understand the collective is very anti-d of get it and I kind of don't.

If it were up to me I would prefer if people commenting were past customers and stop the piling on because it makes us look immature. Vetting of sources yes I get that, protecting people new to the black market is noble. But redundancy is exactly that, it is not progressive it solves/accomplishes nothing.

Why vet sources? Because there is a goal.
Why care about harm reduction? Again, there is something to be achieved.

Piling on one source or.another, over and over again accomplishes what? What is the goal? Can anyone actually tell me what is expected of Naps that he isn't doing?

Mighty Mouse hinted on lack of testing. Is that an issue?

Bbbg hinted at a few issues, I think poor opsec (retaining customer data past the transaction) and generally a lack of desire to solve complaints and a perceived desire to control what people see ie suppression of those who got screwed and were never taken care of. Did I miss something?

If the collective has other, pertinent grievances with Naps advertising here perhaps raise them now. Preferably in a clear, concise manner. From there Naps is free to address them disregard them or whatever. Its his business.

I'm just sick of people going in circles when I know most likely none or very few of them were ever his customers. And yes, there is a difference. With sources there are always good and bad rumors gossip etc but one person's experience does not mean your experience will be the same.

I ordered from.Naps and got what I paid for in timely fashion. I never bought from him again because there's just too many damned choices on his site. Its also too risky receiving mail from (country witheld) for me.

I do not get people and their "gotta have this or that brand and nothing else is good" mentality. I use a ugl, products are good prices are good and I don't have to research current gossip on such and such lab and then decipher who has an agenda etc etc. Its time consuming. For that reason I don't buy from Naps.

I am indifferent. He's a source. No more or less important than any other.

The burnt vial of tren how many years ago now was that? 6? 8?

@naps Bad Day

Where is the hot pack we needed the most?
You threaten to dox meso members, and the magic is lost
They tell me your golden tren's turned to black
They tell me your dignity has gone away
And I don't need no testing on
You stand in the line just to hit a new low
You're faking a smile with some doxing to go
You tell me your temper's been way off line
You're falling to pieces every time
And I don't need no scammer carrying on
'Cause you had a bad day
You're taking info down
You threaten BBBG just to turn it around
You say you don't know
You tell me, "don't lie"
You take money for an order, and take members for a ride
You had a bad day
Meso don't lie
You're coming back down, and we really don't mind
You had a bad day
You had a bad day
@naps Bad Day

Where is the hot pack we needed the most?
You threaten to dox meso members, and the magic is lost
They tell me your golden tren's turned to black
They tell me your dignity has gone away
And I don't need no testing on
You stand in the line just to hit a new low
You're faking a smile with some doxing to go
You tell me your temper's been way off line
You're falling to pieces every time
And I don't need no scammer carrying on
'Cause you had a bad day
You're taking info down
You threaten BBBG just to turn it around
You say you don't know
You tell me, "don't lie"
You take money for an order, and take members for a ride
You had a bad day
Meso don't lie
You're coming back down, and we really don't mind
You had a bad day
You had a bad day
Clap Good Job GIF by Team Coco