NapsGear Customers Gear Porn

Title: Pharmaqo does it again! Top notch packaging and quality.

Description: Naps delivered fast as always, under 3 weeks once items were listed as "shipped"

Anavar 10 (Pharmaqo Labs)


Title: I would be lost without

Description: NapsGear will not let you down. Sildalist the best erectile pill you find. It makes it so full definitely a size increase. Artvigil took the first time to have energy amazing side effect. Kills your appetite. If you on the edge on using naps. Do it.

Artvigil (Signature)
Sildalist (RSM Enterprises)


Title: Pharmaqo does it again! Top notch packaging and quality.

Description: Naps delivered fast as always, under 3 weeks once items were listed as "shipped"

Anavar 10 (Pharmaqo Labs)


View attachment 149383

"Under 3 weeks ONCE ITEMS WERE MARKED AS SHIPPED". So 3 months?

Read between the lines, kids. This cuck is notorious for awful TA, and we all know that's a huge factor for you noobs that want what you ordered to show up the next day.

As with ALL sources: buyer beware!
Hey @naps

When is the 50% off sale for MESO members end?

Hey, bro! If you're on the edge of using Naps, do it!

Who writes this shit? It's so stupid that it's funny. I legit think he should hire me to write reviews. i don't want his shitty gear as payment though and he'd be too cheap to actually pay me cash, so there goes that idea.
Hey, bro! If you're on the edge of using Naps, do it!

Who writes this shit? It's so stupid that it's funny. I legit think he should hire me to write reviews. i don't want his shitty gear as payment though and he'd be too cheap to actually pay me cash, so there goes that idea.

I figured I’d ask a legitimate question and see if naps is here to participate in discussion like the threads are designed for or if he’s going to continue and spam.
These "reviews" remind me of the dumb shit i thought up and posted in the MSG labs thread.

Obviously mine were specifically meant to be funny and not taken seriously, but then i read these and begin to question my ability to be funny.

Also, where are all the negative reviews? Typical source board tactics. Only show the reviews that make you look legit.
You are excluding the obvious truth, which is that there are no unhappy naps customers!
Hey, bro! If you're on the edge of using Naps, do it!

Who writes this shit? It's so stupid that it's funny. I legit think he should hire me to write reviews. i don't want his shitty gear as payment though and he'd be too cheap to actually pay me cash, so there goes that idea.
Would you accept sexual favors in return?
This thread lacks jacked Russians.
Dont give.naps ideas man next thing u knownwe get the before and afters "MY FRIENDS YES I ORDERED ANABOLICZ FROM NAPS GOOD MAN I AM IN LOVE WITH THIS MAN! HE TELL ME ORDER GOING TO SHIP IN 5 MONTHS MY TITS THEY SWELL! VERY LARGE! AUTOMATIC FROM MY BODY IS AMAZING GEAR! NAPS IS LOVELY MAN!" And then we get ramy looking before and afters 100+ lbs gained etc
Title: Dragon Pharma Winstrol 50mg and Tren Acetate

Description: Another successful order from naps! Everything arrived in good condition with no problems. A+

Winstrol Oral 50mg (Dragon Pharma)
Trenbolone 100 (Dragon Pharma)

