NapsGear Customers Gear Porn

It’s blatantly obvious that the reviews are fake to anyone with a mostly-functioning brain, and Naps has threatened members several times.

Exactly. Look at any site with a review system. Amazon. Ebay. Our own underground. Nobody writes retarded, bootlicking reviews like this nor promises to use one vendor for the rest of their life.

My guess is buddy boy brown either shit's them out himself or he's handed off the task to his paid shills that get store credit for each review they conjure up.

Naps comes through again!!
Naps does it again!!!
Naps for life!!

It's the same scumbag using a very limited vocabulary.
Hey guys, is dealing with all top-notch steroid brands, and Naps all kinds of stuff are very effective,
All Naps reviews are 100% genuine and its posted by Naps clients
Naps all brands are the top-quality AAS on the market.
We have HPLC lab test by supporting high quality with fast n secure service.
We are available 24x7 to help our clients.

If you want any assistance please pm me or email me at
I would love to help you.

Thank you!
Title: Primo delivery prompt

Description: Primobolan here in two weeks. Always a solid experience ordering from naps. Can't wait to add this to my cutting cycle this spring!

EVIMED 60 (Deus Medical, Europe)
GP Prima 100 (Primobolan) (Geneza Pharmaceuticals)


The fact that this bot thread is allowed to exist at all is a large part of why I’ve almost completely stopped posting here.

It’s blatantly obvious that the reviews are fake to anyone with a mostly-functioning brain, and Naps has threatened members several times.

Allowing this thread to exist just because he posts pictures?

This thread completely contradicts the harm reduction M.O. that this forum portrays.
Title: Test Cyp

Description: Just received my test cyp!!!! No damages and no problems. Napsgear comes through again. Napsgear is the best place to get your gear!!!

GP Test Cyp 250 (Geneza Pharmaceuticals)


Title: Test Cyp

Description: Just received my test cyp!!!! No damages and no problems. Napsgear comes through again. Napsgear is the best place to get your gear!!!

GP Test Cyp 250 (Geneza Pharmaceuticals)



You realize you would probably be more liked.. if you vanished.
Title: Happy costumer

Description: This review is a longtime coming !Napsgear is the real deal ran by professionals that have been super patient with me and have answered all questions I've had. And I am a difficult person to deal with so I have to give credit where credit is due. So far I have mainly used dragon pharma because it is cost-effective in the product is 100% quality. I do and would definitely recommend using naps gear! Now that I have figured out how to reformat my photos I will give reviews for my past two orders. Thanks again Napsgear!

Proviron (Dragon Pharma)
Deca 500 (Dragon Pharma)
Cypionat 250 (Dragon Pharma)


Title: I love NapsGear

Description: Another fantastic job by NapsGear. Great Gear, Great prices and Great Service.

Propionat 100 (Dragon Pharma)
Cypionat 250 (Dragon Pharma)





As promised he came back with more of his reviews to try and bury the negatives....

I noticed something all the reviews ever talk about is price, customer service, ans delivery, oh and their undying devotion lmao.....Whats missing is quality of his gear backed up with any testing...
@robertbrown instead of these impossible to verify reviews of yours why dont you do 2 things?
1. Post the actual reviews
2. Post reviews with testing
Go ahead, I will wait.... of course maybe a cold day in hell before we see some reviews with testing.
As promised he came back with more of his reviews to try and bury the negatives....

I noticed something all the reviews ever talk about is price, customer service, ans delivery, oh and their undying devotion lmao.....Whats missing is quality of his gear backed up with any testing...
@robertbrown instead of these impossible to verify reviews of yours why dont you do 2 things?
1. Post the actual reviews
2. Post reviews with testing
Go ahead, I will wait.... of course maybe a cold day in hell before we see some reviews with testing.
Funny thing is, his bullshit advertising strategy must pay off ... there must be a lot of retards out there

Allowing this thread to exist just because he posts pictures?

This thread completely contradicts the harm reduction M.O. that this forum portrays.

This thread is a testament to how filthy and disgusting the underground steroid scene really is and how important it is for new readers that are serious about this lifestyle to read, research and not take everything they read at face value.
As promised he came back with more of his reviews to try and bury the negatives....

I noticed something all the reviews ever talk about is price, customer service, ans delivery, oh and their undying devotion lmao.....Whats missing is quality of his gear backed up with any testing...
@robertbrown instead of these impossible to verify reviews of yours why dont you do 2 things?
1. Post the actual reviews
2. Post reviews with testing
Go ahead, I will wait.... of course maybe a cold day in hell before we see some reviews with testing.
Haven't seen any independent testing anywhere on Naps' products either...wonder why? It would been a great service to the community at large to see how Naps' products stack up in quality and proper dosing with other popular UGLs so that potential buyers can make informed decisions.
Title: Naps always come correct !

Description: That's my fourth order with naps, my first trying dragon-pharma. Never had any issue. They have the best gear and a awesome shipping service, international order delivered within 2 weeks, I recommend!

Nolvadex (Dragon Pharma)
Primobolan 100 (Dragon Pharma)
Deca 300 (Dragon Pharma)
Enantat 250 (Dragon Pharma)


Title: Naps is the bestest!!! Got me out of work for 3 days!!!

Description: This is my 1,012 order with Naps this year! The Tren is really dark so that means it's g2g! The infection i got from it got me out of work too! Naps is my new god. i plan to get and stay on my scabbed knees for him for the rest of my life!!! Naps 4Ever!!!

1 vial of Tren (Geneza)


Title: Naps always come correct !

Description: That's my fourth order with naps, my first trying dragon-pharma. Never had any issue. They have the best gear and a awesome shipping service, international order delivered within 2 weeks, I recommend!

Nolvadex (Dragon Pharma)
Primobolan 100 (Dragon Pharma)
Deca 300 (Dragon Pharma)
Enantat 250 (Dragon Pharma)


More crap posts, lets see some testing....

Dont have any testing? Then gtfoh