NapsGear.Net - reviews

Get used to running good ugl test, that's probably 400mg instead of expected 250-300, then get a hold of honest pharma 250, and your like this Watson is bunk! Lol o_O
Naps, can I still get 30% off of all GP products at the end of this week? Is there a code to enter?

Hopefully I can make 1 issue of GP ADex and Nolvadex +5000iu of HCG work for a 12 week 750mg/week test enanthate frontloaded with 30mg/day dbol for just under 5 weeks cycle work.
Naps, can I still get 30% off of all GP products at the end of this week? Is there a code to enter?

Hopefully I can make 1 issue of GP ADex and Nolvadex +5000iu of HCG work for a 12 week 750mg/week test enanthate frontloaded with 30mg/day dbol for just under 5 weeks cycle work.

God damnit seriously? Way to suck off Naps good job! Did you happen to cup his sack while you were at it?