Need advice for a bulking cycle



i am 29 year old 170cm tall and weight 74kg with around 13%BF.
I have experience with test,tren, npp, dbol, anavar, anadrol.

Im planing a winter bulke and need advice which would be a better choice.
Planning to run npp with a DHT compound to negate the NPP mental sides.
500IU HCG per week will be run while on cycle and im also on 2IU hgh daily.

1. cycle 13 weeks

500 test e
300 npp
200 mast/primo

2. cycle run as long as blood test allowe me

300mg test e
150mg npp
100mg mast/primo
Second cycle looks a lot more manageable. I would go as far as to say something like:

300 test
150 npp
450 mast

Could be run pretty long term 20-24 weeks with very minimal impact on bloodwork. You’re going to want that mast slightly higher it’s not super anabolic, I just don’t think 100 will do anything. 450 mast is roughly equivalent to 250 test from my experience. Just keep an eye on added fats and lipids shouldn’t be too bad.

i am 29 year old 170cm tall and weight 74kg with around 13%BF.
I have experience with test,tren, npp, dbol, anavar, anadrol.

Im planing a winter bulke and need advice which would be a better choice.
Planning to run npp with a DHT compound to negate the NPP mental sides.
500IU HCG per week will be run while on cycle and im also on 2IU hgh daily.

1. cycle 13 weeks

500 test e
300 npp
200 mast/primo

2. cycle run as long as blood test allowe me

300mg test e
150mg npp
100mg mast/primo

Add more hcg. 250 iu eod.

Don't add 400 primo/mast to 300 test. Your proposed ratios are solid.
Second cycle looks a lot more manageable. I would go as far as to say something like:

300 test
150 npp
450 mast

Could be run pretty long term 20-24 weeks with very minimal impact on bloodwork. You’re going to want that mast slightly higher it’s not super anabolic, I just don’t think 100 will do anything. 450 mast is roughly equivalent to 250 test from my experience. Just keep an eye on added fats and lipids shouldn’t be too bad.
i will be bald at 450mg mast for 24 week, wanto run dht compound as low as possible just to negate npp side effect.
i will be bald at 450mg mast for 24 week, wanto run dht compound as low as possible just to negate npp side effect.
Replace the masteron with proviron.

Difficult to give cycle advice without knowing your history.

Given your weight is pretty low I’d do the second cycle, but replace masteron with 25mg proviron per day.
Test Primo NPP looks solid, i would do that instead of mast. As far as dosages, i can't suggest since we don't know your previous cycle total load. If you've done cycles around a gram or little less, i'd go with first option. Otherwise you can start lower and titrate your dosages through cycle.
Also going on a winter bulk in a couple of weeks and I was curious what your plans are in terms of daily caloric intake and macro splits? Also what is your planned duration?

Replace the masteron with proviron.

Difficult to give cycle advice without knowing your history.

Given your weight is pretty low I’d do the second cycle, but replace masteron with 25mg proviron per day.
Test Primo NPP looks solid, i would do that instead of mast. As far as dosages, i can't suggest since we don't know your previous cycle total load. If you've done cycles around a gram or little less, i'd go with first option. Otherwise you can start lower and titrate your dosages through cycle.
my last cycle was 600 test and 300 npp without any side other than mental sides but gain where realy good and amost was able to bench 3 plate(135kg).
i can handle up to 700mg test without side effect.
Have zero experience with DHT compound because im scared looking like a monk.
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Replace the masteron with proviron.

Difficult to give cycle advice without knowing your history.

Given your weight is pretty low I’d do the second cycle, but replace masteron with 25mg proviron per day.
why would u suggest replace mast with proviron whats the reason?
no npp, nothing "negates" it.
it might help some people but its just been repeated nearly verbatim so many times like its fact, that i consider it nonsense.

Also since you have used npp before, im assuming you got mental sides then, why why even risk it again?

also 150mg npp and 100mg primo/masteron is pointless

just do 500mg testosterone and use it for longer,
you even mention that the length depends on your blood tests..
well if you just use testosterone, your bloods will probably look better than having 2 other compounds in there

do some dbol if you really want the bulk feel. its tried and true.

500mg test 30mg dbol
why would u suggest replace mast with proviron whats the reason?
Because proviron will have similar benefits when running nandrolone as masteron. And I don’t think 100mg of mast will do … anything at all. Just my experience! So if you’re going to take something that doesn’t actually grow muscle, might as well use proviron that’ll make you feel good whilst on nandrolone. Masteron is of course anabolic, but I just doubt it’ll do anything at 100mg.

Just in general as well, if you’re going to lose your hair, it’s going to fall out if you take steroids or not.


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