The Lobster International, US and EU Domestic HGH, PEPTIDES and Turkish Pharmacy

I don't give a fuck, Sampei.

I confront the vendor about the unreleased test results, never mentioning Spaceman, and yet again, unprovoked, he attacks me.

You expect me to eat his shit?

Is that what you want me to do? Bow down and suck his dick maybe?

Go back and read the comments and show me where I've ever started anything with him, EVER. You can't. In every single instance, every single time, he comes at me. And then his braindead followers join in.

A member received a vial without vacuum, and I suggested that if he was going to use it, he should filter it. THATS HARM REDUCTION.

That brought an unending stream of hate and insults down on me (and Readalot, and everyone else who questioned the lack of vacuum) led by Spaceman and his braindead followers in defense of the vendor slinging that trash. This is his idea of "harm reduction".

These hypocrites accused me of "being a source of harm" who should be removed from Meso. Good luck with that.

So I understand as a brewer, you'd lose a resource from the dealer who so "graciously" shares the tests of inventory and threatens to take it away if I don't quietly accept his abuse.

That will NEVER happen,

Go petition Millard to ban me if your only definition of harm reduction is testing, and you're ok with the disgusting behavior of Spaceman, Alex, and the rest who've been legitimizing unvacuumed vials as "just fine", because every time that dirtbag takes a swing at me I'm going to hit back.
Lol at this meltdown.

I can tell because because your logic is flawed more than normal .

@Spaceman Spiff has shared an INCREDIBLE amount of testing with the community for free. Much of it was under his old handle but a lot of it is under the new one too. I don't give a flying fuck if he has some side business or whatever in his personal life. Even if he was selling stuff, he doesn't have to test it. The fact that he's testing all this stuff and then sharing it with us when he has absolutely no incentive to do so is awesome. In doing all this testing he has done so much in the name of harm reduction.

I and I'm sure many others really appreciate you @Spaceman Spiff

@Ghoul I do appreciate that you dig into topics and look at research and share things with us. A lot of it is very interesting and things that I was unaware of. You also have a tendency to be a no-it-all and arrogant. You bolster up your personality with a bunch of newbie Fanboys who oddly worship you like some knowledge deity. You also post an insane amount and it is obnoxious. To my knowledge you've never shown a test for anything.

I do appreciate some things that you do and do believe it is in the spirit of harm reduction. You are also overwhelmingly obnoxious, post way too much, have way too high of an opinion of yourself, are pretty childish when you get confronted, and her overall just kind of a pain in the ass. Just because a lot of newer members who don't know much about anything huddle around you doesn't mean you're as much of a genius as you want to think.

If you cut your posting down by about 90% and just share some cool knowledge here and there, you'd be an awesome guy and probably well liked. Maybe get a project going to test for aggregates or something with Janno. Do something besides repeating the same shit all over the place with long drawn out posts.
I do appreciate some things that you do and do believe it is in the spirit of harm reduction. You are also overwhelmingly obnoxious, post way too much, have way too high of an opinion of yourself, are pretty childish when you get confronted, and her overall just kind of a pain in the ass. Just because a lot of newer members who don't know much about anything huddle around you doesn't mean you're as much of a genius as you want to think.
He seems like a high estrogen bitch to me