Neo Anabolics (US DOMESTIC)

Thank you to the couple people that trusted me to get my first orders on meso. It is also fair to mention that someone asked if I could sell the bottles of test for $25. I agreed being first order. So from now until the current batch of Test C 250 and Test E 250 is finished I will honor $25 per bottle whether Test C 250 or Test E 250. Thanks to everyone that has emailed me or stopped by the thread.
Thank you to the couple people that trusted me to get my first orders on meso. It is also fair to mention that someone asked if I could sell the bottles of test for $25. I agreed being first order. So from now until the current batch of Test C 250 and Test E 250 is finished I will honor $25 per bottle whether Test C 250 or Test E 250. Thanks to everyone that has emailed me or stopped by the thread.
What kind of oil are you using?
What type of filter membranes do you use ??how so you ensure a sterile environment while filling your vials??
ZapCap bottle tops, Nylon membrane 0.2um. By using a bottle top dispenser in a still air box and filling and capping 1 vial at a time. Thank you for asking.
Also just wondering how long you have been cooking gear? Years of experience, months? Pictures of your "still air box" please. Do you purchase those filters already sterilized? What makes you positive your finished product is indeed sterile? Have you ever tested its sterility? Or are you going off "im pretty sure" its one thing to make gear and use it on yourself but you are advertising to a vast audience trying to get them to buy and inject a product you are making in your household kitchen. I did notice the white tablecloth and all the computer paper you put up in your pictures to hide the fact that you do not have a designated lab set up. That must come with a heavy burden of responsibility? I cant help but think you are just not quite ready for the task possibly. I mean in your introduction you state. " I start by putting the glass beaker on the hot plate" WTF
Swelling, redness, pip? Have you considered allergy as stated by @accidentaljedi173? If you are really curious and interested I could provide a sample and you could test for yourself and you can come back and let us know.
Even if there was a chance it wasn’t the MCT, which I’ll acknowledge there might be I still wouldn’t take free stuff from a source. Not to mention I’d put anything I make up against anyone else. Let me know if you need help. Lol