New Member
Ok guys so im two weeks into this cycle ill be giving you updates on hows its going every week, Upto now i can only just start to feel the oxys kick in first injection was abit rough but getting used to them now and theres no promblem at all im doing 1ml every 2 days and the test 250 1ml every 7 with the equi-test 1ml every 7 days also so that consists of 200 EQ and 200 Test so 450 Test a week 200 EQ and roughly 200ml Oxy injectables i believes these to be quite new on the market but upto now i can tell you i feel great on them and im only into week two looking to do 6 weeks max, running the injects first then going on to tablet form mainly to get it to kick in quicker then move onto tablets when im on my last 2 injections.Ill be running the test and EQ both for around 16 weeks so here goes...