New Member Cycle


New Member
My Current Cycle!

Hey everyone,

As I mentioned in my introduction, I’m new here but have been fortunate to access the wealth of information on this forum for years. I've been using AAS/PEDs related to sports and combat for over a decade, and I want to give back to the community that’s helped me so much.

I have run AAS for over a decade, I couldn’t list all my past cycles although I do this I have a few written down!

Current stats:
35 years old
BF approx 10-13 percent. My current avatar was after my latest fight camp so was looking less lean than I was the days before my fight (Muay Thai) so a little blurred around my mid section.

I will post my current diet in another post!

I'm currently on a cycle aimed at leaning out over the next six months, depending on my blood work and overall health. Here’s what I'm working with:

Cycle Details:

Anabolics: M W F injections.
- 300mg Test E per week
- 300mg Mast E per week
- 300mg Primo per week

Peptides/Growth Hormone:
- 2 IU of Blue Top Generic HGH every morning while fasting (I’ll be switching to another source soon and will share my thoughts on that in the next few weeks)
- 7.5mg Tirzepatide per week

- 20mg Cardarine per day, taken an hour before workouts
- 40mcg Clenbuterol per day
- 50mg T3 per day

Health Support:
- Comprehensive support for joints, kidneys, liver, heart, and vitamins
- High EPA/DHA fish oil
- Magnesium L-Threonate (before bed)
- Ashwagandha

If anyone is interested, I can go into more detail about the health support dosages!

What do you all think? I’d love your feedback!


Edited: to include current stats past cycles/AAS use!
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What has worked best for you in the past? You may have better luck posting in the sport specific.

You say that you're in combat sports and want to get leaner, but do you need to stay within a certain weight class?

Why run so many compounds for fat loss right off the bat? Why not introduce more as your progress plateaus?
What has worked best for you in the past? You may have better luck posting in the sport specific.

You say that you're in combat sports and want to get leaner, but do you need to stay within a certain weight class?

Why run so many compounds for fat loss right off the bat? Why not introduce more as your progress plateaus?

What has worked best for you in the past? You may have better luck posting in the sport specific.

You say that you're in combat sports and want to get leaner, but do you need to stay within a certain weight class?

Why run so many compounds for fat loss right off the bat? Why not introduce more as your progress plateaus?
Hey Bro,

I'm no longer in the combat/Muay Thai scene—my last fight was it for me. Now, there are no weight categories or restrictions; this is purely about aesthetics.

Regarding the fat burners in my cycle, I believe three of the compounds can be classified as such, and here’s why:

Tirzepatide: After a long fight season with a restricted diet to maintain weight, my appetite has really ramped up. I respond well to Tirzepatide, so I’ve included it to help manage my cravings and the post-fight eating frenzy especially at night and during the night.

T3: Given that I’ve pushed my calories to extreme lows during the fight season, I wanted to add something to help regulate my thyroid function.

Cardarine: I still do a lot of high-intensity cardio, which I find beneficial for my mental and physical health, as well as all the benefits for heart health. Taking Cardarine before workouts genuinely enhances my performance, making it a staple in my routine.

I hope this doesn’t sound like a typical “here’s my cycle, no changes allowed” response. I just wanted to clarify the purpose of each compound. While I could have easily gone with just Tirzepatide for fat burning, I think combining all three is effective, especially considering the toll my thyroid has taken and my commitment to high-intensity cardio five times a week.

I’m definitely a believer in “less is more,” and my overall health—both physical and mental—comes first. At the doses I'm using, I don’t feel like these three compounds are excessive in any way.

Thanks again for your feedback, mate. I hope my message comes across clearly!

Sorry, I forgot to take out Clen I didn’t start this and decided to leave this out for a later date. My mistake I thought I had taken it out of my stack when I copied it over from notes.

To clarify fat burners used currently are: Tirzepetide, T3 and Carderine.
Hey Team,

I made a mistake on my original post and forgot to remove a compound I decided against.

To clarify these are the Cycle Details:

Anabolics: M W F injections.
- 300mg Test E per week
- 300mg Mast E per week
- 300mg Primo per week

Peptides/Growth Hormone:
- 2 IU of Blue Top Generic HGH every morning while fasting (I’ll be switching to another source soon and will share my thoughts on that in the next few weeks)
- 7.5mg Tirzepatide per week

- 20mg Cardarine per day, taken an hour before workouts
- 50mg T3 per day

Health Support:
- Comprehensive support for joints, kidneys, liver, heart, and vitamins
- High EPA/DHA fish oil
- Magnesium L-Threonate (before bed)
- Ashwagandha

84 kg

You sure you need all these compounds rn? That said your avi looks very lean. What do you currently look like?
Hey Mate,

Thanks for your reply!

Honestly, I'm not too far off from my avatar pic. I started taking regular photos last week, so I plan to update them every week or two.

I’ll keep this thread updated as I progress. Would it be possible to change the title to "Current Cycle and Log"? I’ve always wanted to document a cycle, and I’d love to turn this into one if there’s interest.

I'm pretty comfortable with the compounds I'm using, especially since the doses are low. If I were using something harsher, I’d probably stick to fewer compounds. Primo and Mast work really well for me—Primo helps maintain muscle, while Mast gives me that more defined look. I’ll share a picture from about a week ago to give you an idea. With summer approaching, my focus is purely on aesthetics right now, although I'm lean enough to start a bulk if I wanted to. The timing of my fight cut just happened to align with getting ready for the summer.

My main goal is to get in and out peeled to the bone (stage lean) then move into a sensible bulk after summer here!

Side note - the first two pics were the day before my fight and the last one (avatar) was a few days after pigging out!

I will update the pictures here every two weeks from today, if there is interest.



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Do you know how taking that amount of mast and primo will effect your E2 and E2 effects in your body? Maybe you have prior experience with lab work. If you don't, I think this ratio will be a bit much. That much primo to test might drop your E2 to low level and the Mast will inhibit E2's effects in your body. This could lead to feeling pretty crappy and having poor health markers. The only time it makes sense to really hammer E2 down is for a short specific time where you want to look extremely dry, but doing this for an entire cycle is counterproductive. Having E2 and healthy range is ideal for cutting.

If you don't have lab work for this kind of ratio from a past cycle, I would advise you to either increase test or lower the other two initially and pulling E2 after about 2 weeks to see where you're at.

I am not a fan a fan of cardarine. Although the data is mostly rodent, the risk profile seems to outweigh possible benefits.

Do you have blood work for your thyroid hormones? Adding t3 for cutting is not a great idea.

I would suggest changing the AAS ratios unless you know this works well for you. Increase the GH to 4 IU split dose 2 and 2. Tirz looks good. Drop the T3 and cardarine.
Do you know how taking that amount of mast and primo will effect your E2 and E2 effects in your body? Maybe you have prior experience with lab work. If you don't, I think this ratio will be a bit much. That much primo to test might drop your E2 to low level and the Mast will inhibit E2's effects in your body. This could lead to feeling pretty crappy and having poor health markers. The only time it makes sense to really hammer E2 down is for a short specific time where you want to look extremely dry, but doing this for an entire cycle is counterproductive. Having E2 and healthy range is ideal for cutting.
Hey Buddy,

Thanks for the reply.

I've never had any issues with E2 when it comes to this ratio of compounds in the cycle. I do have issues with anything higher than 300mg Test though. I’ve tried small increments but 250mg to 300mg seems to be the sweet spot for me.

No signs of feeling crappy (as of yet) I had blood work done a few weeks ago and every thing was in range health wise. Ironically I’ve just checked my emails to find the labs but can’t, so I’ve reached out to them to send me them again.
If you don't have lab work for this kind of ratio from a past cycle, I would advise you to either increase test or lower the other two initially and pulling E2 after about 2 weeks to see where you're at.

I am not a fan a fan of cardarine. Although the data is mostly rodent, the risk profile seems to outweigh possible benefits.

Do you have blood work for your thyroid hormones? Adding t3 for cutting is not a great idea.

I would suggest changing the AAS ratios unless you know this works well for you. Increase the GH to 4 IU split dose 2 and 2. Tirz looks good. Drop the T3 and cardarine.
Yeah some people don’t like Carderine I literally haven’t had any bad side effects from it. It just makes me feel fitter and it’s like the old saying “like a 3rd lung”.

I haven’t checked it in a while but wasn’t the Carderine Rodent tests done at ridiculously high doses?

I do plan to now update this regularly and will include blood work after 4-6 week to have total transparency.

As soon as I get my bloods back from my last labs I’ll post an image!

Hey Buddy,

Thanks for the reply.

I've never had any issues with E2 when it comes to this ratio of compounds in the cycle. I do have issues with anything higher than 300mg Test though. I’ve tried small increments but 250mg to 300mg seems to be the sweet spot for me.

No signs of feeling crappy (as of yet) I had blood work done a few weeks ago and every thing was in range health wise. Ironically I’ve just checked my emails to find the labs but can’t, so I’ve reached out to them to send me them again.

Yeah some people don’t like Carderine I literally haven’t had any bad side effects from it. It just makes me feel fitter and it’s like the old saying “like a 3rd lung”.

I haven’t checked it in a while but wasn’t the Carderine Rodent tests done at ridiculously high doses?

I do plan to now update this regularly and will include blood work after 4-6 week to have total transparency.

As soon as I get my bloods back from my last labs I’ll post an image!

I'm curious how your bloods will look as most would have low E2 and feel crappy with that combination, but there are always outliers and it sounds like you're one of them.

I hope the run is a success and I'll be following!
I'm curious how your bloods will look as most would have low E2 and feel crappy with that combination, but there are always outliers and it sounds like you're one of them.

I hope the run is a success and I'll be following!
Thanks, mate! I’ll schedule some bloodwork for about 4-6 weeks from now and will update you as I go with other information, progress pics, and updates on training and the cycle in general.

Thanks for following along; I really appreciate it!

Interesting log, I'm in.

Arms/Shoulders looking topnotch.

I also think that 6month of leaning out is "overkill" for you? But I think you do not plan on adding a lot of lbm?

Going for that granite body comp?

If you really going to lean out from that stage for 6 months, you could try to do a few months of gaining phase - your body is going to be "craving growth".

Also, what Uncle said, is true for most, so look out for low e2 signs/ bloodwork,

Wish you good luck!
Cycle Details:

Anabolics: M W F injections.
- 300mg Test E per week
- 300mg Mast E per week
- 300mg Primo per week
-500 TestE per week
-500 PrimoE per week

Peptides/Growth Hormone:
- 5 IU of Blue Top Generic HGH before bed subq
- 7.5mg Tirzepatide per week

- 20mg Cardarine per day, taken first thing am
- 40-80mcg Clenbuterol per day

- 50mg T3 per day
-100 T4 per day

My 2 cents