New member looking for insight

Domestic Terrorz

New Member
Hello everyone, as the title says I am a new member. I am hoping with a little background of myself and situation, I can get some welcoming advice.
I turned 40 not too long ago, and have been having problems for maybe 5 years.
1. Little energy lethargic
2. No libido
3. Sense of confusion at times
4. Lack of sleep
5. Hot flashes
6. Gained 40 lbs.
7 ED etc.
I went to a Dr. (family doc) to test my testosterone levels. He said my testosterone was fine it tested upper 200's. I knew something was wrong and got a second opinion. Went to a endo, he tested my levels and this time it read 392. He put me on HRT pellets. Given that it took about 8 days to feel the effects, I felt great. It's been nearing the 2nd month and I feel back to where I started. The Dr. has said that he doesn't do injections. Like being said between doing tests and 1 treatment, I have spent near $1,000 so far. My wife has lost patience with me and doesn't seem to understand that I have an issue.
I am truely desperate, so much that I almost sent $300 to some stranger on Telegram by word of mouth from someone who messaged me on reddit. (Don't worry, I didn't follow through.)
I luckily found this forum and have the hope of this community to steer me in the right direction.
My plan is to do it myself, my ultimate goal is to be back to when I was young and have sex 3 to 4 times a day and feel great again. I eventually want to bump it up lose weight and get back in shape. I have already started eating healthier and plan on working out y going to the gym. I just don't have the sources to start as me being an introvert and am all new to this. I am open to all advice.
Thank you for taking the time out to read this
Welcome, there are sources around but u need to do the proper research for yourself. Have you considered an online trt doctor? It's pricey, but an option for injectable test.
Welcome, bud.

It's a lot cheaper to buy some injectable test and it works better, too. By better, I mean you will achieve more stable blood levels doing weekly or bi-weekly injections and avoid the shitty feeling of your levels dropping too low.

The endo I originally met with only wanted to do the pellets or test u injections, which were both an in office procedure that was quite pricy to boot.

I started out with the pellets and the first month or so, I felt really good. But as with your experience, I felt like shit not long after that but my levels were still too high for my insurance to want to continue to pay. So either wait for my levels to drop sub 300 or pay cash.

I then eventually tested sub 300 and they moved the goal posts on me. Said the new low was something insane like 160 or some shit.

So I ordered some ugl gear and started my own trt.

I talked with my GP and he agreed to prescribe me testosterone and monitor my blood work after I admitted that I had started doing my own hormone replacement therapy.

I explained that I was using ugl test and asked if he would monitor my blood work. He asked how much I was using and I told him 150mg/week. He thought it might be a bit high of a dose and worried about the doses being accurate or being the right drug at all. But my blood work has been between 550 and 650 in trough, whether on the ugl or my pharma prescription, so he was ok with that.

I talked to him more and explained it would be safer if he prescribed me test instead of using ugl gear, even though it was third party tested as being close to label claims. He agreed and I have been paying cash at about $70 a 10ml multi-use vial. I could find it cheaper with the goodrx app but $70 for about 2-3 months is pretty damned cheap for not using my insurance.

Head on over to the underground section and start reading/researching. It shouldn't take too long...maybe a few hours...maybe a few days or a week. The more research the better. And there is a lot to learn that goes with this lifestyle change but for me, I feel so much better having my levels at an acceptable range that I will never go back to being in that 80 year old man range. Fuck that shit!

To be fair, I did some cycles when I was younger and that may have played a role in my test being low in my late 30ß, early 40s. Also had a botched vacectomy that may have fucked my levels. Have also used opiates and smoke a lot of weed. But the bottom line is I ain't going back to feeling that way and trt has been a very positive improvement in my life.

Good luck brother and welcome to meso. Stick around and learn. There is a lot of knowledge and insight to be gathered here.

And p.s. Don't go riding a source's dick just because you receive an order. It may well be fire, but nobody cares about opinions and feels reports nearly as much as they do analytical testing from guys like @janoshik that can prove the gear is dosed and labeled proper.

Get blood work done before you start to get your baseline levels if you haven't already. Then about 6-8 weeks after you start, get blood work done again. You can search up the meso protocol for blood work timing.

Then you will be able to properly adjust up or down and know if you happen to need an ai. Hint: you probably won't but there's know way to know for sure if you don't get bloods done.

It's a lot to take in and this is the most rambling I've done in a minute and I do quite a bit of rambling.

Again, welcome to meso. I hope to see you around and hopefully, my words didn't fall on deaf ears.

Take care of yourself, bud.
Hello everyone, as the title says I am a new member. I am hoping with a little background of myself and situation, I can get some welcoming advice.
I turned 40 not too long ago, and have been having problems for maybe 5 years.
1. Little energy lethargic
2. No libido
3. Sense of confusion at times
4. Lack of sleep
5. Hot flashes
6. Gained 40 lbs.
7 ED etc.
I went to a Dr. (family doc) to test my testosterone levels. He said my testosterone was fine it tested upper 200's. I knew something was wrong and got a second opinion. Went to a endo, he tested my levels and this time it read 392. He put me on HRT pellets. Given that it took about 8 days to feel the effects, I felt great. It's been nearing the 2nd month and I feel back to where I started. The Dr. has said that he doesn't do injections. Like being said between doing tests and 1 treatment, I have spent near $1,000 so far. My wife has lost patience with me and doesn't seem to understand that I have an issue.
I am truely desperate, so much that I almost sent $300 to some stranger on Telegram by word of mouth from someone who messaged me on reddit. (Don't worry, I didn't follow through.)
I luckily found this forum and have the hope of this community to steer me in the right direction.
My plan is to do it myself, my ultimate goal is to be back to when I was young and have sex 3 to 4 times a day and feel great again. I eventually want to bump it up lose weight and get back in shape. I have already started eating healthier and plan on working out y going to the gym. I just don't have the sources to start as me being an introvert and am all new to this. I am open to all advice.
Thank you for taking the time out to read this
TRT takes more than a couple months to stabilize, or whatever. I'm assuming you are still going to appointments with your endo or did the money become to much?
Have you used gear earlier in life? Your post doesn't really discuss your history (or lack of) with AAS use
Welcome, bud.

It's a lot cheaper to buy some injectable test and it works better, too. By better, I mean you will achieve more stable blood levels doing weekly or bi-weekly injections and avoid the shitty feeling of your levels dropping too low.

The endo I originally met with only wanted to do the pellets or test u injections, which were both an in office procedure that was quite pricy to boot.

I started out with the pellets and the first month or so, I felt really good. But as with your experience, I felt like shit not long after that but my levels were still too high for my insurance to want to continue to pay. So either wait for my levels to drop sub 300 or pay cash.

I then eventually tested sub 300 and they moved the goal posts on me. Said the new low was something insane like 160 or some shit.

So I ordered some ugl gear and started my own trt.

I talked with my GP and he agreed to prescribe me testosterone and monitor my blood work after I admitted that I had started doing my own hormone replacement therapy.

I explained that I was using ugl test and asked if he would monitor my blood work. He asked how much I was using and I told him 150mg/week. He thought it might be a bit high of a dose and worried about the doses being accurate or being the right drug at all. But my blood work has been between 550 and 650 in trough, whether on the ugl or my pharma prescription, so he was ok with that.

I talked to him more and explained it would be safer if he prescribed me test instead of using ugl gear, even though it was third party tested as being close to label claims. He agreed and I have been paying cash at about $70 a 10ml multi-use vial. I could find it cheaper with the goodrx app but $70 for about 2-3 months is pretty damned cheap for not using my insurance.

Head on over to the underground section and start reading/researching. It shouldn't take too long...maybe a few hours...maybe a few days or a week. The more research the better. And there is a lot to learn that goes with this lifestyle change but for me, I feel so much better having my levels at an acceptable range that I will never go back to being in that 80 year old man range. Fuck that shit!

To be fair, I did some cycles when I was younger and that may have played a role in my test being low in my late 30ß, early 40s. Also had a botched vacectomy that may have fucked my levels. Have also used opiates and smoke a lot of weed. But the bottom line is I ain't going back to feeling that way and trt has been a very positive improvement in my life.

Good luck brother and welcome to meso. Stick around and learn. There is a lot of knowledge and insight to be gathered here.

And p.s. Don't go riding a source's dick just because you receive an order. It may well be fire, but nobody cares about opinions and feels reports nearly as much as they do analytical testing from guys like @janoshik that can prove the gear is dosed and labeled proper.

Get blood work done before you start to get your baseline levels if you haven't already. Then about 6-8 weeks after you start, get blood work done again. You can search up the meso protocol for blood work timing.

Then you will be able to properly adjust up or down and know if you happen to need an ai. Hint: you probably won't but there's know way to know for sure if you don't get bloods done.

It's a lot to take in and this is the most rambling I've done in a minute and I do quite a bit of rambling.

Again, welcome to meso. I hope to see you around and hopefully, my words didn't fall on deaf ears.

Take care of yourself, bud.
Thank you, definitely will take your advice.
TRT takes more than a couple months to stabilize, or whatever. I'm assuming you are still going to appointments with your endo or did the money become to much?
Have you used gear earlier in life? Your post doesn't really discuss your history (or lack of) with AAS use
It does take more frequent blood work monitoring in the beginning. But once you are pretty well dialed in, bloods every 6 months is acceptable.

Also, be sure to keep an eye on blood pressure and blood glucose levels if you are type 2 diabetic. When I started trt, my insulin sensitivity improved drastically and I had to lower my dose of metformin in half. Some days, only 500mg instead of 2000 and my a1c has remained at 5 or 5 1.
TRT takes more than a couple months to stabilize, or whatever. I'm assuming you are still going to appointments with your endo or did the money become to much?
Have you used gear earlier in life? Your post doesn't really discuss your history (or lack of) with AAS use
Yes I will continue to go until I can find an alternative solution, it will of course be more money but at least I will have something to hold me over until then.
To answer your question. No sir, have never touched the stuff, me believing the stigmata that I was taught when I was younger I kept away from it. Actually doing some research when I needed it is what enlightened me about how it actually helps.
I understand my friend. I've always used personal research as a substitute for specialists quite simply because I'm poor, LoL...
Glad you are using this forum for help, Meso has always been my go to for the opinions from like minded peers.
It does take more frequent blood work monitoring in the beginning. But once you are pretty well dialed in, bloods every 6 months is acceptable.

Also, be sure to keep an eye on blood pressure and blood glucose levels if you are type 2 diabetic. When I started trt, my insulin sensitivity improved drastically and I had to lower my dose of metformin in half. Some days, only 500mg instead of 2000 and my a1c has remained at 5 or 5 1.
I've always had issues with BP (hereditary) I was too stubborn and didn't take medication for it but now that I am no spring chicken anymore, I need to take it seriously. My insulin levels are high, but to make it clear I did drunk a monster on the way to the test. I have since cut down on sugar intake to almost none. My a1c is 5.1
A lot of shit that you hear growing up is akin to reefer madness.

If you have other questions, the search feature can be helpful but also vague, sometimes.

If you can't figure it out, ask away and between some smartass comments will be useful info, generally speaking.

Good luck, buddy.
I've always had issues with BP (hereditary) I was too stubborn and didn't take medication for it but now that I am no spring chicken anymore, I need to take it seriously. My insulin levels are high, but to make it clear I did drunk a monster on the way to the test. I have since cut down on sugar intake to almost none. My a1c is 5.1
I am the same way. My blood pressure has been quite erratic and hard to treat for a good portion of my life. The testosterone has actually seemed to stabilize and have me in better ranges consistently but I also attribute this to losing fat and gaining some lean body mass.

As we get healthier, our bodies sometimes work more efficiently.
Agreed, I was thinking of starting on Test E and maybe incorporate Anavar into the mix. From what I understand being on HRT kinda bypasses the need to PCT and you can basically blast and cruise. Naturally I would start a a nominal dose of Test, maybe 200-250 and see how that works, bump it up to see if I notice any sides, then maybe get Anavar on the next cycle and have Amiridex on hand just in case. With such a small dose I shouldn't have any issues but better safe than sorry
Agreed, I was thinking of starting on Test E and maybe incorporate Anavar into the mix. From what I understand being on HRT kinda bypasses the need to PCT and you can basically blast and cruise. Naturally I would start a a nominal dose of Test, maybe 200-250 and see how that works, bump it up to see if I notice any sides, then maybe get Anavar on the next cycle and have Amiridex on hand just in case. With such a small dose I shouldn't have any issues but better safe than sorry
You don't pct once you've started trt. 200-250mg week is more of a light blast than a cruise though.

Some guys need that much, but most don't and the lowest dose that you feel healthy on is best while cruising. More in the range of maybe 100-150 but we all respond different. Blood work will tell you.

Improving diet with a trt dose or even a low dose blast can have dramatic effects, especially coming from a hypogonadal situation. If you're looking to lose weight and gain muscle, you are probably better to stay with the trt dose for the time being and get yourself dialed in first and learn how you respond and work on finding your sweet spot with your cruise dose.
Your test numbers are normal for your age. A little low, but you're not 20 yrs old anymore. Not all 40 yr old people have your problems. It's not normal to have the hot flashes though.

Testosterone will help a little, make you feel 20 again, but only temporarily as far as the mental issues go. Then you'll need to see a psychiatrist. The confusion, energy, etc. There's more going on here than just the hormones. Are you still attracted to your wife and is she attracted to you?
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Sorry my words get jumbled sometimes, yeah I was thinking of starting at 200-250 and when I get it dialed in jump it up to do a blast and cruise instead of PCT since I'm on TRT but all that would be after a 1st cycle and I get familiar with everything. Then when comfortable introduce Anavar
Your test numbers are normal for your age. A little low, but you're not 20 yrs old anymore. Not all 40 yr old people have your problems. It's not normal to have the hot flashes though.

Testosterone will help a little, make you feel 20 again, but only temporarily as far as the mental issues go. Then you'll need to see a psychiatrist. The confusion, energy, etc. There's more going on here than just the hormones. Are you still attracted to your wife and is she attracted to you?
Yeah, I love my wife. The issue is I have no libido whatsoever. I don't think about sex, don't even masterbate. I know I have stress in my life but to me it's not normal to not care about sex.
Yeah, I love my wife. The issue is I have no libido whatsoever. I don't think about sex, don't even masterbate. I know I have stress in my life but to me it's not normal to not care about sex.
Loving and attraction is different but lets not split hairs. I was married and wasn't attracted to her anymore, and had sex with her 3-4x over 8 years. After the divorce, screwed over 200 women within a few years. Regular girlfriends couldn't keep up with my sex drive. Was just making sure that wasn't your issue.
And also it's not normal not to masturbate if you're not having sex. Assuming your testes are working correctly and your prostate is full of semen, you would start to have wet dreams.
Welcome, bud.

It's a lot cheaper to buy some injectable test and it works better, too. By better, I mean you will achieve more stable blood levels doing weekly or bi-weekly injections and avoid the shitty feeling of your levels dropping too low.

The endo I originally met with only wanted to do the pellets or test u injections, which were both an in office procedure that was quite pricy to boot.

I started out with the pellets and the first month or so, I felt really good. But as with your experience, I felt like shit not long after that but my levels were still too high for my insurance to want to continue to pay. So either wait for my levels to drop sub 300 or pay cash.

I then eventually tested sub 300 and they moved the goal posts on me. Said the new low was something insane like 160 or some shit.

So I ordered some ugl gear and started my own trt.

I talked with my GP and he agreed to prescribe me testosterone and monitor my blood work after I admitted that I had started doing my own hormone replacement therapy.

I explained that I was using ugl test and asked if he would monitor my blood work. He asked how much I was using and I told him 150mg/week. He thought it might be a bit high of a dose and worried about the doses being accurate or being the right drug at all. But my blood work has been between 550 and 650 in trough, whether on the ugl or my pharma prescription, so he was ok with that.

I talked to him more and explained it would be safer if he prescribed me test instead of using ugl gear, even though it was third party tested as being close to label claims. He agreed and I have been paying cash at about $70 a 10ml multi-use vial. I could find it cheaper with the goodrx app but $70 for about 2-3 months is pretty damned cheap for not using my insurance.

Head on over to the underground section and start reading/researching. It shouldn't take too long...maybe a few hours...maybe a few days or a week. The more research the better. And there is a lot to learn that goes with this lifestyle change but for me, I feel so much better having my levels at an acceptable range that I will never go back to being in that 80 year old man range. Fuck that shit!

To be fair, I did some cycles when I was younger and that may have played a role in my test being low in my late 30ß, early 40s. Also had a botched vacectomy that may have fucked my levels. Have also used opiates and smoke a lot of weed. But the bottom line is I ain't going back to feeling that way and trt has been a very positive improvement in my life.

Good luck brother and welcome to meso. Stick around and learn. There is a lot of knowledge and insight to be gathered here.

And p.s. Don't go riding a source's dick just because you receive an order. It may well be fire, but nobody cares about opinions and feels reports nearly as much as they do analytical testing from guys like @janoshik that can prove the gear is dosed and labeled proper.

Get blood work done before you start to get your baseline levels if you haven't already. Then about 6-8 weeks after you start, get blood work done again. You can search up the meso protocol for blood work timing.

Then you will be able to properly adjust up or down and know if you happen to need an ai. Hint: you probably won't but there's know way to know for sure if you don't get bloods done.

It's a lot to take in and this is the most rambling I've done in a minute and I do quite a bit of rambling.

Again, welcome to meso. I hope to see you around and hopefully, my words didn't fall on deaf ears.

Take care of yourself, bud.
Nice intro advice write up, this is a big reason why i love this community, that and watching know it all's get reamed by the old heads