New places to inject?

It was not a nerve 100% It just stings more than other places, trust me if you hit a nerve and pin you will get out the needle instantly for the pain, Hope you never do It, just use the smallest needle that you can, Remember that
true, it happened to me twice luckily; among a thousand injections it happens every now and then
Traps are good. I put 1cc in traps every rotation. Once they are broken in its no issue unless it's leg day and you're putting a barbell on your back or getting into the hack squat.

Chest... feels interesting... the next day it's uncomfortable.

I'll put .5cc of amino asylum stampede or DADA in each peck on push days though, that's pretty dope.
Chest was quite uncofortable in the beggining but i was pinning towards inner pecs next to the sternum after i saw a vid from bostin loyd.

When i switched to outter chest when the most meat is, it's smooth af. I'm hitting it 1-1,5 inch above nipple and it's great. Next day you barely feel it.
Side of the tris bother, In the red box, I’ve even used slin pins when I was leaner, use a 35G 1” fixed needle now and don’t feel a thing

DId i read this correctly?
35G 1”?
How long does it take to push anything through that?
What brand/model is it? Sounds like its either an aesthetic or dental product