New Member
Stanford Pharmaceuticals Test E is what I just got for my VERY FIRST CYCLE! 300 mg, Is it good? Does it work? Or is it shitty gear? Anyone on here ever used it before, check put the attachment with the picture of the bottle. Side note, the lighting is why it looks so dark, not dark at all in person. A little background. Been lifting for about 10 years now and for 4 or 5 years seriously and decided to give PED a go around. Let me know what you think of this product. Did my first poke the other night of .75 ml and still even a little today, a pretty good level soreness in that leg. The day prior i had some whole bdoy weakness. Is it just the introduction of something like this into the body or should I be worried about what I just took. Let me know what you guys think!Stanford Pharmaceuticals Test E is what I just got for my VERY FIRST CYCLE! 300 mg, Is it good? Does it work? Or is it shitty gear? Anyone on here ever used it before, check put the attachment with the picture of the bottle. Side note, the lighting is why it looks so dark, not dark at all in person. A little background. Been lifting for about 10 years now and for 4 or 5 years seriously and decided to give PED a go around. Let me know what you think of this product. Did my first poke the other night of .75 ml and still even a little today, a pretty good level soreness in that leg. The day prior i had some whole bdoy weakness. Is it just the introduction of something like this into the body or should I be worried about what I just took. Let me know what you guys think!