Newbie Looking for Wisdom


New Member
Hello, I'm excited to jump into the various forums and learn from some of you on my fitness journey. As a mid 40 something year old, I've been looking into all the various ways to extend the quality of my life and performance in the gym and there's just nothing better than the wisdom of those that have more experience or are going through it as well.

I am looking for guidance on TRT, as well as other things and hoping you all know the best brands, etc to use as well.
Welcome and good luck. I also started self administered TRT post 40. Changed my quality of life for the better.
Welcome. There are some very intelligent people in here that you can learn a lot from. However if you ask questions be prepared for some blunt answers...there are definitely some in here that don't pull any punches. But sometimes that's exactly what we need to hear. The search function in the top right corner can be your best friend...I use the heck out of it to look for answers before I ask questions.

Good luck!
Good luck in your journey and a lot of smart people here. Theres also your standard dumb mofos who do bizarre testing in themselves and theyre equally helpful tbh. And tbf, we kind of all are so no hate. I started at 37 and I'll say, hgh is truly the worlds greatest multivitamin and I dont see a time I dont take it, especially given how cheap and easy it is these days.
Welcome and good luck. I also started self administered TRT post 40. Changed my quality of life for the better.
Just started on it and I like it. I am looking at the pros and cons of UGL Trt vs Pharma administered. Just reading about it, and researching out of curiosity. Lots of forums here that have information. It's all good reading.
Hello, I'm excited to jump into the various forums and learn from some of you on my fitness journey. As a mid 40 something year old, I've been looking into all the various ways to extend the quality of my life and performance in the gym and there's just nothing better than the wisdom of those that have more experience or are going through it as well.

I am looking for guidance on TRT, as well as other things and hoping you all know the best brands, etc to use as well.
Patrick Wisdom plays for the Chicago Cubs. He's hitting some HRs this year.
Welcome. Hope you find what you are looking for.
Hello, I'm excited to jump into the various forums and learn from some of you on my fitness journey. As a mid 40 something year old, I've been looking into all the various ways to extend the quality of my life and performance in the gym and there's just nothing better than the wisdom of those that have more experience or are going through it as well.

I am looking for guidance on TRT, as well as other things and hoping you all know the best brands, etc to use as well.
You'll def find good guidance here