Nolva and clomid depression


New Member
can nolva and clomid cause depression? it was fine the first 4 weeks but week 5 and week 6 which ended yesterday have been really weird, i just feel fatigue all the time no matter how much sleep I get, COMPLETE loss of motivation which is a problem because i need motivation to make beats which is my main source of income right now and just overall feeling thats not good, pct just ended so how long can i expect for the fatigue and somewhat depression to wear off ??
Clomid sucks, it blurs the fuck out of my vision and depresses the shit out of me something horrible. Some people don't get any sides and they say people like you and me over exaggerate the sides. They suck. My first cycle I followed MESO's pct protocol and went with 100 mgs a day for the first two weeks. THIS IS WAY TOO MUCH AND CAN BE DANGEROUS. Worst I've ever felt in my life. This recent cycle I went 100mgs the first day and went down to 50 mgs a day for the first week. Then I ran 25 mgs a day for the next four weeks. PCT felt so much better this time around, still sucked, but not nearly as bad. Plus 20mgs a day nolva for all five weeks. I recovered better and kept more gains than my prior cycle. Not to mention I had a longer cycle with deca and test and npp. IMO I think our pct protocol in our pct sticky really needs to be updated.

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can nolva and clomid cause depression? it was fine the first 4 weeks but week 5 and week 6 which ended yesterday have been really weird, i just feel fatigue all the time no matter how much sleep I get, COMPLETE loss of motivation which is a problem because i need motivation to make beats which is my main source of income right now and just overall feeling thats not good, pct just ended so how long can i expect for the fatigue and somewhat depression to wear off ??
What kind of cycle did you run to want to run serms for 6weeks?
What kind of cycle did you run to want to run serms for 6weeks?
I'm probably gonna get shit for this but it was a test e cycle my first cycle ever, side note I'm completely back to normal now, i woke up this morning focus and alertness is on point i can just feel it, so it took about 3 days to wear off for me after pct but its all good now
I'm probably gonna get shit for this but it was a test e cycle my first cycle ever, side note I'm completely back to normal now, i woke up this morning focus and alertness is on point i can just feel it, so it took about 3 days to wear off for me after pct but its all good now
We live and we learn man. You ain't the only one that's done something like that. That ain't shit compared to my first couple runs lol. Next time keep it to 4 weeks.
Sorry to high jack op! But it kinda relates and I didn't really see a point on having 2 threads.
I'm doing 75/50/50/25/25
Should I just drop my last week and make my 3rd week 25?
Also running nolva 40/40/20/10/10 and did an Hcg Blast.
My cycle was test e/dbol kicker.
50mg clomid + 20mg nolva had me depressed as fuck in two weeks - hit me like freight train.

I took 40mg nolva the first week, but it fucked me up something awful so I dropped it to 20mg.
can nolva and clomid cause depression? it was fine the first 4 weeks but week 5 and week 6 which ended yesterday have been really weird, i just feel fatigue all the time no matter how much sleep I get, COMPLETE loss of motivation which is a problem because i need motivation to make beats which is my main source of income right now and just overall feeling thats not good, pct just ended so how long can i expect for the fatigue and somewhat depression to wear off ??
Your question shouldn't be can nolva and clomid cause depression?

Your question should be can fucking with your hormones cause depression?

The answer is yes... fucking with your hormones can absolutely cause depression!