Nolvadex While On Cycle?


New Member
Just wondering if a low dose of nolvadex while on my last month of test prop could help keep estrogen down and manage a little bit of sore nipples. That's the only thing I have on hand.
Some will say no, I've used it in the past with good results on a test-only cycle. 25 mg/ day worked fine for me for preventing estrogen related sides. Aromasin or Adex would be more desirable, though.
Worked well for me on cycle when I noticed I had some early signs of gyno. Cleared up the gyno in less than 4 weeks, and didn't seem to affect my gains at all.
I would say always have nolvadex or raloxifene on hand in the event that you start to get some early signs of gyno and use one of them them (start with 10mg of nolvadex or 30mg of raloxifene and see if that works, if not then bump the nolvadex to 20mg or raloxifene to 60mg). I wouldn't use it unless you are getting a lump or noticeable irritation in your nips though.
What dose did you use? Mine come from a ug lab and are said to be 20mg per capsule and I have 100
I took 40mg ed for the first two weeks, then dropped to 20mg. I probably should have stopped by the end of the third week. I "feel" like E2 is low ATM, but haven't gotten bloods.
I would say always have nolvadex or raloxifene on hand in the event that you start to get some early signs of gyno and use one of them them (start with 10mg of nolvadex or 30mg of raloxifene and see if that works, if not then bump the nolvadex to 20mg or raloxifene to 60mg). I wouldn't use it unless you are getting a lump or noticeable irritation in your nips though.
He said he is getting soreness on his nipples. I'd nip it in the butt now with 20mg's.
He said he is getting soreness on his nipples. I'd nip it in the butt now with 20mg's.

Well, there are several studies that show 10mg to be almost as effective as 20mg, so I would say start with 10mg and if the irritation does not go away within 4-5 days then up it to 20mg. If you can use less nolvadex and fix the problem then that is the best way to go about it because of the carcinogenic nature of nolvadex.

Raloxifene on the other hand I would say just go with 60mg since it carries none of the negatives nolvadex has
Well, there are several studies that show 10mg to be almost as effective as 20mg, so I would say start with 10mg and if the irritation does not go away within 4-5 days then up it to 20mg. If you can use less nolvadex and fix the problem then that is the best way to go about it because of the carcinogenic nature of nolvadex.

Raloxifene on the other hand I would say just go with 60mg since it carries none of the negatives nolvadex has
Interesting. I'm assuming it's UGL Nolva though, so I'd assume it's under dosed.
I don't run anything atm. I never have ran Adex or Aromasin. I have ran Nolv a few times. my next big blast I will run Nolv and maybe Aromasin. I'm on the fence with running Aromasin atm. Nolv should be enough for me IMHO.
For myself when not using anything for estrogen control nolva has been effective at reducing nipple sensitivity when it occurs. Typically I will use 40mg day 1 followed by 20mg daily until symptoms subside. When I use highly aromatizing steroids I go with 12.5mg's of aromasin daily. That being said I think many people are a bit too quick to use an AI or a SERM when it isn't necessarily.
i've read that if your running tren in a cycle that you shouldn't take nolva because it can make things worse. was wondering what the options would be on a cycle like that to try and reduce gyno symptoms if the AI alone isn't doing it. is raloxifene an option or would that interact negatively the same way nolva would?
i've read that if your running tren in a cycle that you shouldn't take nolva because it can make things worse. was wondering what the options would be on a cycle like that to try and reduce gyno symptoms if the AI alone isn't doing it. is raloxifene an option or would that interact negatively the same way nolva would?
Edit... Didn't mean to post, sorry! Ha
For a tren cycle if an AI ain't workin, you need a prolactin inhibitor like Cabergoline or Pramipexole. Trens a 19-nor compound, some people the AI is enough and some it is not
For a tren cycle if an AI ain't workin, you need a prolactin inhibitor like Cabergoline or Pramipexole. Trens a 19-nor compound, some people the AI is enough and some it is not
if a little gyno has already set in is there anything else you can take to reduce it or do you pretty much need to wait until pct and afterwards to worry about that?
if a little gyno has already set in is there anything else you can take to reduce it or do you pretty much need to wait until pct and afterwards to worry about that?

You can stop it and reverse it to an extent with Nolvadex/Raloxifene and properly dosing your Ai according to your needs.

I don't understand why some people don't run Ai's though, even if you don't get gyno, having high estrogen can lead to all sorts of problems in the body (most not visible or noticeable)
if a little gyno has already set in is there anything else you can take to reduce it or do you pretty much need to wait until pct and afterwards to worry about that?
IMO Do NOT wait if you have symptoms of gyno. Is your AI legit? You are talking about a tren cycle, right? Are you running something to control prolactin?