Not fully recovered after 3 months post pct - need advice

So you ran 80mg nolva a day, for 18 weeks?

Well done, you're a retard. You clearly don't understand how to run a proper PCT either. The dose is excessive and the time definitely. No one not even a fucking smoothe brain gibbon is going to tell anyone to take 18 weeks of nolva at 80mg a day.

You complete fucking cretin.

who said I told him to run 80 mg? Smh the dumb fucks on this board blow my mind. What’s your natty test level now that you don’t cycle? And you’re saying he ran an adequate pct?
So you ran 80mg nolva a day, for 18 weeks?

Well done, you're a retard. You clearly don't understand how to run a proper PCT either. The dose is excessive and the time definitely. No one not even a fucking smoothe brain gibbon is going to tell anyone to take 18 weeks of nolva at 80mg a day.

You complete fucking cretin.
I don’t know how to run pct? I’ve ran numerous cycles and now have 870 test natural levels lmaooo looks like you don’t know wtf ur talking about or ur mad cause My levels are way higher than urs natural hahaha
Pre cycle numbers:
LH 7.0
FSH 3.4
Testosterone - 630
Estradiol - 19

3 months after pct:
LH 2.8
FSH 2.4
Testosterone - 454
Estradiol - 38

Can anyone explain to me why my lh and fsh are so much lower and why my estradiol skyrocketed compared to before? Pct was nolva at 20mg a day for 6 weeks. Any advice would be great as to how I should go about getting my test levels back up. Thanks!
Check your dms brother.
Id personally hop back on nolva.

However i should state my bias, i have in the past run SERMs even in the absence of any cycle for many months straight. Why? To achieve supraphysiological testosterone levels. I ended up with 1800 total test just using clomid. Im actually surprised more guys arent bridging between cycles with SERMs the entire time they are off cycle. Its not something you hear about guys doing.

So with that said, i dont see much reason to not hop back on nolva @ 20mg/ed for many months if so desired.

Oh and to add, i wouldnt use HCG now, as you said its supressive so its best utilized either intra-cycle or immediately after cycle.
What dosing did you use to get 1800T with clomid. I got eye bugs at some point during PCT, so don't like to use SERMs more than i need to.
What dosing did you use to get 1800T with clomid. I got eye bugs at some point during PCT, so don't like to use SERMs more than i need to.


You could consider tamoxifen as an alternative,less side effects verse clomid and supposedly as effective for boosting T, do note though tamoxifen is hepatoxic albeit pretty rare for that to be an issue from it but ive seen case reports of cancer patients running into issues with it liver-wise.

You could consider tamoxifen as an alternative,less side effects verse clomid and supposedly as effective for boosting T, do note though tamoxifen is hepatoxic albeit pretty rare for that to be an issue from it but ive seen case reports of cancer patients running into issues with it liver-wise.
Did you notice any difference in mood, gains, and so on?
Did you notice any difference in mood, gains, and so on?

Mood wise it makes me more irritable, more confrontational with people if i suspect they are fucking me over.

Gains, not really but its hard to say. My total T was 1800 which was double top end, my free T was about 50% over top end of reference range. I seemed to gain more easily but it wasnt a night and day difference so its hard to say for certain. I was constantly dialing in my diet better and adding cals.

Strength i noticed no real benefit, but i kept progressing, but id of kept progressing regardless so i cant determine how much it helped in that regard. But there was no sudden explosive increase in strength, just slow steady progression.