“Noticing” women more on tren?

Not Tren specific, but when my libido is normal (for me) I find approximately 1 out of 5 women I see in public desirable, on a spectrum where my inner voice goes from "Nice!" to "Holyfuck!"

But when my libido is peaking it raises to more like 3 out of 5, and my standards drop dramatically, not that they were very high to begin with.
This, 100%
Download this app, Just A Baby. Did it on a whim after injecting tren. Tons of women looking to get knocked up on the app. I’ve got 147+ matches in 72 hours.
Seems legit

I could go for nutting in strange for sure with no worries.
I just don't want any kids and no child support either
Well after you have your 147+matches of women dying to have your baby just download "Im a retarded braindead ass" they will literally give you free money and pay any pesky child support issues that come up. Just gotta give em a low fee for the app of course. True story
"When life gives you a raging hard-on at 3 AM, remember to channel your inner gourmet chef: it's time to munch on the delicacies of the world... dozens of pussies at once!"