TREN-ACE blast with minimal sides, any similar experiences?

I had ran 1g of Tren E with 1g Test E for an experiment.
Just night sweats. I simply uncover Legs at night with fan pointed there. Seemed to decrease night sweats. Also had to increase fluid and electrolyte intake of course to prevent cramping, especially when first getting up in the morning.

Out of breath: definitely cardio takes a hit around 700mg Tren E for me. I have to adjust training to cluster sets and rest pause. Lower reps for lower body. So for me higher dose diminished ability to do stuff like giant sets or longer time under tension stuff. There are ways to combat this with Cardarine. I forgot to add it to my raws order. So I haven't tried it yet. It's around $20/g typically.

Sex drive was annoying. Had to workout but constantly thinking about just rubbing it out to concentrate. Also refractory period was decreased. That is time before next erection can occur after ejaculated. So rubbing one out was pointless, because I would want to do it again in 30 minutes lol.

I found that 800mg Tren E is as high I can run and not effect sleep quality. 1g and I was using diphenhydramine hcl, or benadryl sleep aid. Can be had for real cheap, 600 count bottle for $5 at Sam's Club because it's sold as an allergy med.(Aller-Ben by Members Mark) It's a histamine that causes drowsiness.
When sold and marketed as sleep aid, they jack the price up to around $6 for 30 count 25mg pills.
The beauty is that I can take 50mg 30minutes before I want to sleep or nap. Since the drowsiness wears off after an hour, you can use it for 2 or 3 hour naps. You won't wake up drowsy.
I also have a CPAP I wear. Prescribed. Sleep like a baby.
Lack of sleep causes irritability. This can lead to impatience. This can lead to social problems and snapping on people if they are annoying or wasting your time. Basically "roid rage" I feel can be real, but it's only because your sleep and sleep cycle is being negatively impacted.
At higher doses I will sleep 4 hours, and wake up feeling like I slept more, fully ready to go. However it catches up with you later.
Lack of sleep also hampers appetite for me.

I have ran higher Tren E with only 400mg Test E. However, gains weren't as great due to lower estrogen conversion, is the only reason I can speculate. Research Trenbolone and Estrogen for info on that.

Here is a post I made regarding blood levels and Tren E to Tren A comparison. Post #17. 800mg Tren E is somewhat close to 80mg Tren A Every Day. Blood levels and compound breakdown/release aren't linear, so not exactly equivalent.
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how do you guys avoid leg and back aches/cramps. i cant sleep on tren because of the aching, i have to get up every hour and walk around to unfuck my legs, then sleep another hour and repeat, its horrible. Anyone else get this? it feels like a flu aches everytime i shoot tren
How much better is tren at over 6-800 mg compared to 300 mgs?
I actually notice a big difference between 300 and 6-700 ace. I can’t vouch for enth as I’ve only used a few vils of it. Tbh ace really starts to shine for me at 500 and up. My next cycle coming up with be 300 prop 600 ace and 50 winstrol ed. but I’ll admit I’ve abused the shit out of tren. I’m not proud of it and I wouldn’t recommend it.
I actually notice a big difference between 300 and 6-700 ace. I can’t vouch for enth as I’ve only used a few vils of it. Tbh ace really starts to shine for me at 500 and up. My next cycle coming up with be 300 prop 600 ace and 50 winstrol ed. but I’ll admit I’ve abused the shit out of tren. I’m not proud of it and I wouldn’t recommend it.
difference in what? how substiantial is it?
Sup guys, Currently running Tren-E 1.2Grams per week with a TRT dose of Test-E. Been running this dose for about 4 months now believe it or not. I’ve also been open about my gear use with my primary doc, and I get regular blood work, which has been absolutely flawless till this day somehow. Also, my side effects have been very minimal, the only shitty sides I have is sweating like a damn animal for absolutely no reason, the typical night sweats, and being horny AF 24/7, but other than that, I’ve been feeling absolutely amazing and strong as hell. I am also transparent with my wife about my use, and check in on her to ask if she’s noticed any changes in my personality, which she has, but she’s told me from her experience, I’ve only been much more energetic with no negativities, and our sex life has remained incredible. She even helps me pin on the regular. Now moving on to the shit you guys care about, I’ve been eating roughly 5,000 calories and sometimes 6,000 going to the gym lifting heavy 6 times a week while PR’ing almost every 1-2 weeks which is not always safe, considering our tendons and ligaments can’t always keep up with that amount of stress. I’ve gained roughly 30 pounds of mass within 4 months while losing 3-4% of body fat. I’ve extremely underestimated the results of this cycle. I’ve been called out more than I expected from Co-workers, friends, gym regulars, and my parents, I hate lying, but it’s a sacrifice I’ve chosen to make. I am curious to know how many of you guys have experienced a similar cycle?
I'd love to see pics of a transformation that epic
Meaning if i gain 4 pounds of 300 i would gain 8 with 600 somehow i dont believe that sorry .
Did you run both and gained double?
No you wouldn't gain double. But I mean you would gain twice as much following the line of diminishing returns. We don't know what that ratio is, could be 1.2, 1.4, 1.8 ect.

I've experienced Tren, at the higher doses you will get more insomnia and night sweats. But you will also benefit more from the nutrient partitioning effect of trenbolone. On Tren, you can get away with eating more unhealthy foods because it partitions the nutrients and shuttles more nutrients to the healthy side of the spectrum.

Sorry for the useless post above, hope this one is more informative.
No you wouldn't gain double. But I mean you would gain twice as much following the line of diminishing returns. We don't know what that ratio is, could be 1.2, 1.4, 1.8 ect.

I've experienced Tren, at the higher doses you will get more insomnia and night sweats. But you will also benefit more from the nutrient partitioning effect of trenbolone. On Tren, you can get away with eating more unhealthy foods because it partitions the nutrients and shuttles more nutrients to the healthy side of the spectrum.

Sorry for the useless post above, hope this one is more informative.
Why not admit you read it how much is 300 compared to 600 and take it to the chin like a man?