Hey bro. How you liking the MENT ? I’ve been meaning to run it for a while.. but every time I order I say fuck it and buy a shit load of tren instead…
I really like it a lot. I have found it to be one of the best bulking compounds I have ever run. Previously I had only run it on top of some other stuff at a max of 10 mg per day.
Once I hit 30-40 mgs per day things really got good. I am running 180 mg test C/E per week, currently at 40 mg of MENT, 5 IU of HGH per day (black tops) and then I take 50 mg of anavar 5-6 times per week pre-workout. This is my first time running such a high dose of MENT and also my first time running actual HGH (I used to use peptides). I plan to get up to 7-8 IU per day with the HGH. Ideally I would also run 40 mg Mast P per day with it, but I don't have any right now, so it's whatever.
I put on about 7 or 8 lbs of water weight at the beginning, and then over the course of the last 8 weeks or so since starting this cycle I have gone up just under 1 lb per week for the cycle, so up about 6 lbs. Really looks like it is almost all muscle. My "leanness" hasn't changes even a little bit. No fat gain anywhere that I can tell based of caliper measurements (I just track the mm measurements at various sites, I don't use the stupid formula to try to find total BF%). I have just been eating whatever I can to get calories in.
- Really fucking awesome bulking compound
- Great strength gains
- No increased aggression or anxiety
- Libido and boners are both excellent
- My blood pressure is totally amazing, but that is just normal for me
- Night sweats
- Seems like I have some mild heartburn/stomach acid issues? Especially at night when I am about to go to bed.
- Requires a high AI dosage. I have had to take .25 mg adex
per day to prevent my nips from being spicy!
- Not MENT related, but I do have numb fingers from the HGH, especially at night.
I am totally done with tren. I recently threw my last vial away. I have no interest in running it. It just gives me bad sides: increased anger/lack of emotional control; inability to orgasm after a few week of running it; and just lackluster gainz in general; to me, tren just kinda is a shitty compound.
That said, due to the lack of research on MENT so far, I will probably just run NPP again next time I bulk or even cut. Like I said, water retention on NPP doesn't bother me really at all and I seem to respond very well to it. With nandrolone used in a clinical setting. The toxicity of nand can be largely mitigated, so I'd rather run that and know the risks than run these high doses of MENT and not know them...even if the gains have honestly been fucking incredible with MENT. It seems like you really have to get over 25 mg per day to see a substantial physical benefit for some reason though, whereas the mental and sexual benefits kick in at as little as just 3-5 mg per day.