Tren dick even at 210 mg per week tren A

"Abbi paura del lupo, temi anche il tasso, ma stai alla larga dalle donne col culo basso."

"Be afraid of the wolf, fear the badger too, but stay away from women with low asses."
Both @Ferenor and @TrennedOutLunatic have no taste... i would eat : a pizza with just tomato sauce oregano garlic and basil with raw fresh Buffalo mozzarella ... kebab alone... and french fries alone with some lime mayonnaise and black pepper... THIS IS FUCKIN TASTE...

Put over that mixed shit even a Milk Shake, a chocolate donut, a Diet Coke, a Cumshot and your done
Both @Ferenor and @TrennedOutLunatic have no taste... i would eat : a pizza with just tomato sauce oregano garlic and basil with raw fresh Buffalo mozzarella ... kebab alone... and french fries alone with some lime mayonnaise and black pepper... THIS IS FUCKIN TASTE...

Put over that mixed shit even a Milk Shake, a chocolate donut, a Diet Coke, a Cumshot and your done
Chocolate ice cream with pupo' sperm
I love toxic relationships haha
Ahaha if I think for a moment about that, I could say that tren is like water compared to real toxic relationships with crazy bitches... i lost my mind and some years of my life.. last girl i was living with for 5 years was a fuckin psycho and i hated her but like i said it was a toxic relationship...

if relationships is really toxic, you couldnt be able to do bodybuilding properly..

