Now Obese Getting back into the gym and moving again?

Agreed! I think @DanishPanther has a work from home job that involves a lot of desk work? But every bit counts with daily movement. Sunlight is wonderful as well, a little goes a long way to lift ones mood and re energize the body. (Yay for spring time coming soon btw!)

Hopefully feeling better about himself, experiencing that weight loss is possible, in reach, and actually happening, has been enough to motivate a return to daily exercise. :)
you’re too nice lol, this guys a waste of your time and energy.
He sent me pics of his alter ego, but none of them were nudes, but he did tell me I like looking at men in their underwear in that same private message. Also wanted to meet up to fight. It remains the fucking weirdest online communication with a stranger I’ve ever had on the internets.
Lol, be careful he is Rambo incarnate, special forces and stuff you know. Talk about unhinged.

He will be back with another update soon, probably gained 10lbs muscle or 20lbs fat loss.
Just a little update to all my fans in here!!!

Life have never been sweeter, now down 36 kg, from 140 kg to 104 kg.
I am running 3 mg Retatrutide and 2,5 mg Tirzepatide, I ran hgh for 3 weeks but it made my pulse go nuts in the night (figured out it was when it's combined with Retatrutide, since stopping either one stops the high pulse).
For those in a similar situation as me, don't listen to most people in here, I'm glad I didn't! These meds are a game changer, I had totally forgot how easy it is to loose fat and maintain muscle, when your hormones are like a normal shaped person: will estimate my fat percentage between 15-18%, I see my abs already, and the speed of fat-loss have not slowed down yet... also can't remember having this much energy, despite hardly eating, no enema, and all other problems I had are long gone... I have zero craving, zero thoughts about foods, and is still able to enjoy every thing I eat.

Over and out,
You guys enjoy yourself :p
Just a little update to all my fans in here!!!

Life have never been sweeter, now down 36 kg, from 140 kg to 104 kg.
I am running 3 mg Retatrutide and 2,5 mg Tirzepatide, I ran hgh for 3 weeks but it made my pulse go nuts in the night (figured out it was when it's combined with Retatrutide, since stopping either one stops the high pulse).
For those in a similar situation as me, don't listen to most people in here, I'm glad I didn't! These meds are a game changer, I had totally forgot how easy it is to loose fat and maintain muscle, when your hormones are like a normal shaped person: will estimate my fat percentage between 15-18%, I see my abs already, and the speed of fat-loss have not slowed down yet... also can't remember having this much energy, despite hardly eating, no enema, and all other problems I had are long gone... I have zero craving, zero thoughts about foods, and is still able to enjoy every thing I eat.

Over and out,
You guys enjoy yourself :p
Press x to doubt you’ve gone from morbidly obese 300lbs+ to 15% body fat in around 4 months.
Press x to doubt you’ve gone from morbidly obese 300lbs+ to 15% body fat in around 4 months.
Not important if you doubt it or not, I'm still living with the results.
But such as joy to see the local doubters, that's why I posted it!
This was sooo easy, and you are in total disbelief.

Started out around 140kg yes, I'm now around 104 kg ... I have indeed lost around 35 kg pure fat and water in 4 months. Was around 37% bf starting out. Last dexa showed 88 kg LBM, and I haven't lost any lean mass since, if anything I think I might have even gained a little muscle (despite the insane kcal defict), so do the math.

Expects losing more muscle getting down to 10-12%, will probably end up around 86-94 kg at 10%, perhaps 82-84 kg if I go down to 8%, I'm still losing at a speed bigger than 5 kg a month, so I have to slow it down soon, not to tear of muscle.

No loose skin either btw.

Sry to disappoint you, must feel bitter ;)
Not important if you doubt it or not, I'm still living with the results.
But such as joy to see the local doubters, that's why I posted it!
This was sooo easy, and you are in total disbelief.

Started out around 140kg yes, I'm now around 104 kg ... I have indeed lost around 35 kg pure fat and water in 4 months. Was around 37% bf starting out. Last dexa showed 88 kg LBM, and I haven't lost any lean mass since, if anything I think I might have even gained a little muscle (despite the insane kcal defict), so do the math.

Expects losing more muscle getting down to 10-12%, will probably end up around 86-94 kg at 10%, perhaps 82-84 kg if I go down to 8%, I'm still losing at a speed bigger than 5 kg a month, so I have to slow it down soon, not to tear of muscle.

No loose skin either btw.

Sry to disappoint you, must feel bitter ;)
Cool creative writing bro. I miss the stolen valor super soldier stuff, it was a lot more fun than this boring unbelievable tale.
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Get rid of the fat guy mentality, that’s all you need to do. The fat guy mentality always wants the easy way out or the shortcuts, using gear rt now is falling victim to that mentality, and as long as that mind stays weak then NOTHING will help your fat ass!
Started out around 140kg yes, I'm now around 104 kg ... I have indeed lost around 35 kg pure fat and water in 4 months. Was around 37% bf starting out. Last dexa showed 88 kg LBM, and I haven't lost any lean mass since, if anything I think I might have even gained a little muscle (despite the insane kcal defict), so do the math.
Why not get another dexa so you can make us suck it even harder?
Get rid of the fat guy mentality, that’s all you need to do. The fat guy mentality always wants the easy way out or the shortcuts, using gear rt now is falling victim to that mentality, and as long as that mind stays weak then NOTHING will help your fat ass!
Says all the idiots, who want to feel like they are super tough, while steroids do all their heavy lifting - fact is that I'm stronger and more muscular than everyone else in this thread without using ass ever in my life: Why don't you weak ass retards stop taking steroids and just stop the wuzz-guy mentality? NOTHING will help your weak-ass!

Truth is all these meds have done for me, is normalise the balance of my starvation hormones, but all your guys want to believe that if your starvation hormones had been as much out of wack as mine was, you would all easily just have pulled trough harder than I would...

This is like when I talk with people about being in the special forces, and they all say, we could do the same easily ... if only we trained for it and bla bla bla... I'm plenty more tough than most of you ... and this fact pisses you off!

To me being tough has never made me feel superior though, it's funny how you all think you are superior just because you doing back and biceps is all you have ever achived in your lifes... Some of the biggest losers and dumbest people I have know, I have meet trough training in various strength clubs troughout my life. Hell many guys in bodybuilding only train to be attractive to other guy, so they can get some penis up their asses... for me training or being fit has never been about selfesteem, it's about being capable of things I have to deal with and having excess strength and energy.

I'll respect smart people way before bee-brains that think they deserve respect just because they "dare" to drown their brain in testosterone, which make them act and feel tough... Try taking a few years off the juice and we can see how tough you really are!

Anyways, I truly don't give a shit, and never will give a shit about what guys in here thinks ... I solved my problem ... so I win! ... and I truly only writes because I feel sry for the thousands of guys that will pass trough this place, which lifes could have been easily fixed, if they did what I did ... but instead they will end up sick and fatter than ever following you guys retarded "we are so tough" "just be tough" "just don't be a fatass" advice.

This is truly a thread where only all the men in here with 16 year old brains, get tricked and can't even keep their hands off their keyboards.
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Why not get another dexa so you can make us suck it even harder?
I do't care if you guys suck or anything else really... but I def will get more dexas, those things are expensive though, so I do them when I get the most out of them, getting one now between 15-18% bf won't matter much, when I'm at 10-12% it makes more sense. ;) ...

Anyways, I'm out, see you guys again around when I hit 10-12%.
PS: Don't get to offended by my last post, but some of you guys are just asking for it ... so I'm allowed to have my fun I think.

EDIT: mod removed it it seems, guess one of the bee brains reported it lol.
Hey Guys,

What would you enhance yourself with, if you had been out of the gym since covid started and had become obese.
And wanted to get back into shape and moving again as fast as possible?

I'm 178 cm around 138 kg, mid 40s, and obese.
I also suffers from some stomach problems, have a little water in my body (feet is swollen), high end blood pressure.
I have constant cravings for snacks.
I don't feel ready to live on TRT yet, så AAS I think I would prefer to stay away from.

I would like my first goal to get lighter so it's easier to move around and regain more energy.

My own thought:
I think I'm already decided for Semaglutide to improve diet coherence, insulin sensitivity and prevent diabates 2.
Adding Cialis for better blood flow.
HGH, BCP-157 & TB 500: HGH for 6 months the other for 1 month, so improve recovery starting out, and hopefully heal some shit.
(Could also just be HGH alone, or just a month of BCP + TB, or even just BCP or TB alone).
Telmisartan for blood pressure so I can add in a little:
Clenbuterol to get my ass moving again.

Then sometimes I think just use the Semaglutide, perhaps add Viagra, and once in a while do clen, would be enough!


Let's say you where my coach and had to get me back into the gym and being active again as fast as possible.
What would you enhance me with?

Economy is a factor

Thank you
Keep it simple bra
In beginning just get in gym regularly and diet
Go day by day and try to be positive..
To start
Bro, he’s special forces super ninja bodybuilding guru who trained with Denmark’s top pro’s. He doesn’t need your help.
He now trains with the “Danish Principle”, meaning a box of danish pastries in one hand and a GLP syringe in the other.
Ya Mt bad that philosophy makes total sense
Iam sure that's how the navy seals do it also
Bro, he’s special forces super ninja bodybuilding guru who trained with Denmark’s top pro’s. He doesn’t need your help.
He now trains with the “Danish Principle”, meaning a box of danish pastries in one hand and a GLP syringe in the other.
How are things in Mexico these days?
This is like when I talk with people about being in the special forces, and they all say, we could do the same easily ... if only we trained for it and bla bla bla...
Note sure who you "talk to" but no one has EVER said anything like that to me in regards to military service.

Why don't you weak ass retards stop taking steroids and just stop the wuzz-guy mentality? NOTHING will help your weak-ass!
Uhhh you do know your on a Steroid Forum? Seek mental health.