I am currently on week 8 of a 12 week cycle.
I have changed up my Test doses a couple times during.
I started with 250mg Test Cyp a week with 450mg NPP a week. 50mg Anavar and 100mg Proviron ED
At week 3 I switched to Test PP and went to 600mg a week pinning MWF
Week 6 I dropped the Anavar and Proviron.
At week 7 I switched back to 250mg Test Cyp a week.
Week 8 I added 50mg a day of Winny and this will go for the last 4 weeks of the cycle.
When I started this cycle I did blood labs and my Free test was already pretty high and my total test was a little over 3200. My thoughts on the test doses throughout the cycle had to do with bloating. I was unsure if a higher dose was gonna balloon me up or not. So I started low because I knew my test levels were great already, and then bumped it up. I however almost immediately noticed some bloating, my weight came up and no longer fluctuated around the same numbers, and just started to look like a bag of milk. So I lowered the amounts again and switched back to the longer ester to save from the amount of level spikes that my system took. It has made a difference. I am pretty sure I should also lower the total dose of NPP I am taking per week down to 350-400mg a week. I feel like this would also ease up on the prolactin spikes.
As far as overall results of the cycle:
I personally am very new to this game. This is my 3rd cycle. 1st being just test, 2nd was test/dbol, and now this one. This has by far been the best cycle of course. In 8 weeks I have dropped a lot of body fat and I honestly couldn't tell you how much muscle I have gained. I started at a high BF% and am constantly burning fat and gaining muscle. 5-6 months ago I was 262 lbs. When I started this cycle I was 245. I have gotten as low as 233 and am currently 237 lbs. So that is why it is very hard to give actual gains. I look better in the mirror each week. I see muscles in places I couldn't before. I am way stronger than I have ever been. I actually found my lats on this cycle

and my 8 year old son has even mentioned to me that my "muscles are getting huge!".
It has been a good cycle thus far and I am really excited to see the last 4 weeks of changes with Winny now added to it!