NPP or Primo?


New Member
Planning my next offseason. Going to be using a 500mg test base. Trying to decide if I want to run primo or NPP. I need to put on a decent amount of size to fill out my weight class (~10lbs of muscle to work with). I’ve run deca in my last offseason but it gave me legit anxiety and I am never an anxious person. Joints and strength were good and I put on a lot of water weight, heard NPP was better when those sides were present. The primo is real from my source (I’ve seen the tests) but it’s damn it worth it?
Hands down primo, after using deca/Npp for years as my main compound for growth along side test, primo has blown it out of the water and I'll never switch back
I assume little to no side effects? Was the growth you got from primo better or similar to deca/NPP. I really just need to grow more than anything.
Little to no sides with the primo, correct.

Drastically better growth with primo and a much better tighter look
I like primo, but this might be the first post I’ve ever seen someone say it beats nandrolone in growth.
Well originally I became interested in it after listening to John Jewett compare the two and say he felt using primo or masteron as the main anabolic driver was best, and just having a low dose deca for joints. I ran the idea by a couple guys I know who are also pros and they said they really liked primo in the offseason too. Gave it a shot and love it.
Well originally I became interested in it after listening to John Jewett compare the two and say he felt using primo or masteron as the main anabolic driver was best, and just having a low dose deca for joints. I ran the idea by a couple guys I know who are also pros and they said they really liked primo in the offseason too. Gave it a shot and love it.
Ah, so you ran all three at once? I did consider using both primo and NPP with test at a lower dose. I just don’t think I can afford primo being what I run at the highest dose. Maybe primo and test doses similar and NPP a bit lower?
Ah, so you ran all three at once? I did consider using both primo and NPP with test at a lower dose. I just don’t think I can afford primo being what I run at the highest dose. Maybe primo and test doses similar and NPP a bit lower?
Yeah just a low dose of deca, less than 25% of the test dose
Primo is replacing npp/deca and i can see why.
But the dangers of constantly running dht compounds for long periods of time are unknown so we are lab rats in this regard .
I’ll take npp over primo in my opinion. I don’t get the water retention or mental sides of deca when I used npp.
I would say NPP slightly because I tend to have more of an appetite. Primo and DHTs seem to not help enhance my appetite but if I add 25mg MK-677 2 weeks on and 2 weeks off cycled then i can grow even a lot on DHTs.
In the long run I prefer NPP because it has less side effects than Primo (DHT derivative).

Primo has built up with me only from 700mg noticeable muscles.

I achieve more with 350mg NPP and have fewer side effects.
In the long run I prefer NPP because it has less side effects than Primo (DHT derivative).

Primo has built up with me only from 700mg noticeable muscles.

I achieve more with 350mg NPP and have fewer side effects.
How old are you if you don't mind telling?
When i was in my late 20 s early 30s i could handle npp better without many sides.
Lat time i used it last year it killed my erections and ability to orgasm even at 100mg per week.
I was using this low amount to cut some testE that had Pip.
Older guys tend to prefer primo and the results are not that different when disregarding water weight .
But its true Primo is not without side effects for everyone as some make it appear.
In the end its more like what compound agrees more with you then anything else and training with food will determine the bulk of your results .
How old are you if you don't mind telling?
When i was in my late 20 s early 30s i could handle npp better without many sides.
Lat time i used it last year it killed my erections and ability to orgasm even at 100mg per week.
I was using this low amount to cut some testE that had Pip.
Older guys tend to prefer primo and the results are not that different when disregarding water weight .
But its true Primo is not without side effects for everyone as some make it appear.
In the end its more like what compound agrees more with you then anything else and training with food will determine the bulk of your results .
I'm 27yo
Currently 450mg NPP / week and I'm doing very well with it.
Add a little masteron on top and ed be gone. I am on 160mg Test D, 100mg npp and 100mg mast E and I have morning wood like when I was 17.
I get what you are saying and its true other times i did use it with masteron and it was better but the loss of sensitivity down there was present and the slight mental effects also so i just quit using it.
This was just to cut the testosterone because of pip and it was a cruise and i did not want to keep adding stuff so i replaced the npp with a small dose primo.