NPP to Deca switchover


Hi guys

Been running NPP for joint support , primarily and at the five week mark I’m switching to Deca, since it’s cheaper per vial and I wanted to switch to once or twice a week dosing.

Plan on doing the same dose of Deca , maybe lower if possible.

Switching over from 400 NPP to 400 deca. I front loaded with 800 deca pinned this weekend and plan on pinning either once a week or e3.5d.

Do I need I wait a couple of weeks for this Deca to start doing anything for joint pain ? Was hoping that w the front load at least some of it gets cleaved off in the first 3-5 days. Today I pinned some BPC and took NSAIDs.

Looking at the steroid plotter saturation graph it appears that from saturation standpoint I’m good to go within a couple of days but wondering , from your experience , would the pain /inflammation relief kick in just as fast

If not, should I pin NPP for another week ? Was hoping to avoid this given the front load. (I don’t have enough NPP to do a parallel load , which would have been ideal )

Thank you for any advice and feedback on the above.
I'd just stick to npp

deca takes a long ass time to build up and than to get out of your system

afaik front loading is a myth and should be avoided. broderik chavez has a detailed video on why front loading is not wise