NPP vs Deca


New Member
Hi guys

I’ve seen stories /posts how deca tends to include more sides , if one is prone to nandrolone sides, including bloat etc etc

I’ve played around with steroid plotter and it seems that a lower dose of deca, like 50mg 2x per week , will , after several weeks, build up to a hormone saturation that’s equivalent to like 50mg NPP daily. What I wk wondering is if the guys who’ve experienced “more sides” tend to underestimate the accumulation effect of the long ester and thus the sides come from mainly just more drug accumulating.

So if you can dial in the plotter to make it similar when switching to longer ester maybe the experience would be the same ? Any thoughts or experiences ?

Also curious if this also happens because they aromatize more.

In other words can folks say “deca gives me more bloat etc etc , given same dose (or effective dose ) and *same e2* level.

Hi guys

I’ve seen stories /posts how deca tends to include more sides , if one is prone to nandrolone sides, including bloat etc etc

I’ve played around with steroid plotter and it seems that a lower dose of deca, like 50mg 2x per week , will , after several weeks, build up to a hormone saturation that’s equivalent to like 50mg NPP daily. What I wk wondering is if the guys who’ve experienced “more sides” tend to underestimate the accumulation effect of the long ester and thus the sides come from mainly just more drug accumulating.

So if you can dial in the plotter to make it similar when switching to longer ester maybe the experience would be the same ? Any thoughts or experiences ?

Also curious if this also happens because they aromatize more.

In other words can folks say “deca gives me more bloat etc etc , given same dose (or effective dose ) and *same e2* level.

bloat is diet
The point about the accumulation effect of long esters like Deca is spot on. Many people do underestimate how much the drug builds up over time, leading to more pronounced sides.

I've noticed that people often report more sides with Deca, not just because of the accumulation but possibly due to increased aromatization, leading to higher estrogen levels. It’s essential to manage E2 levels to mitigate bloat and other side effects.

It’s all about finding that balance.