Nutpuncher's Log: Searching for fountain of youth

My guess is because t4 may cause some stimulant effects to new users so before bed isn't ideal.
Possibly. I read it said food messes with absorbtion, alohng with iron and calcium. Those to bind to the t4 and make it unusable.

Looking big also! Shredddddedd
Possibly. I read it said food messes with absorbtion, alohng with iron and calcium. Those to bind to the t4 and make it unusable.

Looking big also! Shredddddedd

Thank you. Gonna try to get shrededer in 7 days. Diet is around 1800 clean calories with protein around 200grams. I see some ab veins but I want to look like a freak. I don't want to use anything that will flair up my acne.

I hope my next progress pic in 7 days will show improvement but little improvements are hard to see on camera unless I hire a photographer which is the last thing I'll ever consider.
Naturally meaning like no drugs...

Never used or had anyone use Pharma Diuretic. I know a few females that swear by Xpel supplement.


I can get a bottle of Xpel delivered tomorrow. Given that I only have 7 days, will it take effect by then?
And as far as vascularity goes, seems to me your either very vascular or not. In your pic , your deff sub 10%. Some guys are vascular as hell at 12. Not saying with the use of diff compounds u cant bring out more vascularity, (trenA works very well for me )but 7 days ... I dunno.
Bottom line though, you look great!!! I think you got this, your friend dont stand a chance just keep doin what u doin and your buddy dont stand a chance[emoji4]
So what's the t4 protocol when your not on cycle still 100?

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I was planning either cold turkey and see how that felt or taper to 50mg and then 25mg each of the following 2 weeks.

So in otherwords I have no clue. I haven't thought that far because if like to be on permanently maybe with breaks because I naturally produce below normal igf-1 level.
I'm running it year round but curious as to how much t4 I should take sense I'm not using anything other than gh

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@Nutpuncher Damn man I go away for a couple months and you're ripped! Looking good bro it's hard to believe that's the same person in your November pic!

Thank you. I feel the same way. I think its partly because I am finally at a normal-high igf-1 level. So that combined with test level from 145 to >1500 paves the way. It put the tools in your hands. It's up to you to take advantage or let it collect dust.

Finding the right combo at the time helped too.... My Diet has been point (except for few cheat meals and weekends) since Memorial Day and Mast Prop! With test as alway. All of a sudden something happened. I started changing every few days. Striation and then more and then different areas. New veins popping up, old veins more defined. That 3D effect that I've been hearing and about. Could this be it? Few weeks later (3ish weeks ago, YES.

Then at same time that I achieve my goals of seeing my abs, it was when I traded my evening gym sessions with gardening. Over 12hrs this weekend. And a unplanned high terrane hike with my family and a friend and his 2 kids both under 5 yr old. We were pushing there ass while they were crawling up the hill that lead to a water tower. (Not fun).

Was able to go to gym last two days. First time since 3ish weeks ago.
I'm running it year round but curious as to how much t4 I should take sense I'm not using anything other than gh

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If I am on hgh, then I'll be taking 100mcg ED unless blood works shows to adjust.

You'd get a better answer from other members with more knowledge, but blood work seems to be the only way to know.
That's what the presription bottle says, and the pamphlet from CVS.

This study shows taking it at night actually is favorable for higher hormone concentration levels.

I will look for a few more. So I retract my statements and would say it might be better to take at night instead of your pamphlet and docs recommendations.

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Clin Endocrinol (Oxf). 2007 Jan;66(1):43-8.
Effects of evening vs morning thyroxine ingestion on serum thyroid hormone profiles in hypothyroid patients.
Bolk N1, Visser TJ, Kalsbeek A, van Domburg RT, Berghout A.
Author information

Standard drug information resources recommend that l-thyroxine be taken half an hour before breakfast on an empty stomach, to prevent interference of its intestinal uptake by food or medication. We observed cases in which TSH levels improved markedly after changing the administration time of l-thyroxine to the late evening. We therefore conducted a pilot-study to investigate whether l-thyroxine administration at bedtime improves TSH and thyroid hormones, and whether the circadian rhythm of TSH remains intact. DESIGN Patients were studied on two occasions: on a stable regimen of morning thyroxine administration and two months after switching to night-time thyroxine using the same dose. On each occasion patients were admitted for 24 h and serial blood samples were obtained.

We investigated 12 women treated with l-thyroxine because of primary hypothyroidism, who used no medication known to interfere with l-thyroxine uptake.

Patients were admitted to hospital and blood samples were obtained at hourly intervals for 24 h via an indwelling catheter. Following this first hospital admission, all women were asked to switch the administration time from morning to bedtime or vice versa. After 2 months they were readmitted for a 24-h period of hourly blood sampling. Blood samples were analysed for serum TSH (immunometric assay), FT4 and T3 (competitive immunoassay), T4 and rT3 (radioimmunoassay), serum TBG (immunometric assay) and total protein and albumin (colourimetric methods).

A significant difference in TSH and thyroid hormones was found after switching to bedtime administration of l-thyroxine. Twenty-four-hour average serum values amounted to (mean +/- SD, morning vs bedtime ingestion): TSH, 5.1 +/- 0.9 vs 1.2 +/- 0.3 mU/l (P < 0.01); FT4, 16.7 +/- 1.0 vs 19.3 +/- 0.7 pmol/l (P < 0.01); T3, 1.5 +/- 0.05 vs 1.6 +/- 0.1 nmol/l (P < 0.01). There was no significant change in T4, rT3, albumin and TBG serum levels, nor in the T3/rT3 ratio. The relative amplitude and time of the nocturnal TSH surge remained intact.

l-thyroxine taken at bedtime by patients with primary hypothyroidism is associated with higher thyroid hormone concentrations and lower TSH concentrations compared to the same l-thyroxine dose taken in the morning. At the same time, the circadian TSH rhythm stays intact. Our findings are best explained by a better gastrointestinal uptake of l-thyroxine during the night.




[PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

But you still have to make sure you dont have calcium within 4 hours of taking it, Or Iron.
Calcium can reduce the absorption of levothyroxine by 20-25%. This includes calcium in dairy products like milk, creamer or cheese.Mar
But you still have to make sure you dont have calcium within 4 hours of taking it, Or Iron.
Calcium can reduce the absorption of levothyroxine by 20-25%. This includes calcium in dairy products like milk, creamer or cheese.Mar

Along with anti-acids meds.

Can you please do me a favor and ask your endo what is required to get HGH prescribed? Would a low igf-1 test result be sufficient? Thanks. No worries if you forget or rather not ask.

I know that's all it takes for anti aging clinics to prescribe. I am chatting with one and the cost is slightly under $200 a week for 5 days of 2iu plus $150 for doc consultation and showing you how to use. $800 is way too much per month for that low dose even if it's legit Pharma Grade.
Didn't see this till today! Sorry bro.
But I read up a bit, saw you got the Xpel which was going to be one of my recommendations. You could also try doing a refeed the day before you go and see your buddy , but if you have never done a refeed before it might be tough to know how many carbs to refeed with so that you don't "spill over". Xpel should help rid most of your water being held. But it does seem like vascularity is a big genetic thing as well, some people seem to be vascular at 15% BF and lower, while another person may be sub 10% but not nearly as vascular just due to their body.
Didn't see this till today! Sorry bro.
But I read up a bit, saw you got the Xpel which was going to be one of my recommendations. You could also try doing a refeed the day before you go and see your buddy , but if you have never done a refeed before it might be tough to know how many carbs to refeed with so that you don't "spill over". Xpel should help rid most of your water being held. But it does seem like vascularity is a big genetic thing as well, some people seem to be vascular at 15% BF and lower, while another person may be sub 10% but not nearly as vascular just due to their body.

Long time no chat my friend.

Thank you for suggestion. What I learned the most about this is that I should have asked/researched months ago. Live and learn.

With a refeed, should I limit carbs from now to Friday?

Which refeed foods do you recommend? I'll have to figure out much.

What about sodium manipulation in a sentence or two (if posible).

Good to hear you agree with Xpel.

Thank you

