Nutpuncher's Log: Searching for fountain of youth

Holy shit YES. I am leaner now than ever before. I've read that pinning gh will reduce fat in that area. So I pin subq around my abs. Not sure if leaner due to combo t4 and gh, but whatever it is, it's working.

Your suppose to take t4 when waken up. Not eating food or taking anything else an hour after taken. It decreases absorbtion. I just got some from my doc. My thyroid was really low.

What benefits come from t4, aethtics wise? If any?

I am very curious with GHG I am not going to use it for a while. But seems to be working for you.
Mines.. is 4sec down with 1sec pause then I explode up. This works both muscle groups (fast and slow twitch).

Yeah....I had to lighten the weights big time in order to do maintain 8:3:8 or it'll lower my rep range down to 2-4.

So, I've reduced to 4:2:2 & still lightens the weight and rep range 8-15.

I burn and pump is painfully euphoric.

Your suppose to take t4 when waken up. Not eating food or taking anything else an hour after taken. It decreases absorbtion. I just got some from my doc. My thyroid was really low.

What benefits come from t4, aethtics wise? If any?

I am very curious with GHG I am not going to use it for a while. But seems to be working for you.

I take t4 1st thing in morning on empty stomach with no anti-acid OTC meds.

Bil Roberts can explain why t4 is absolute must when using HGH much better than I can.

Thyroid Hormone + Growth Hormone - If You Aren’t Using T4 with Your GH, You’re Not Doing It Right

The combo of everything I am taking has excelled my fat lost. I really honestly believe that I am at least 10% BF or lower. I'll provide progress pics shortly.

Currently on:
HGH 2.5iu ED b4 bed
t4 100mcg ED
IGF-1 lr3 60-80mcg ED
200mg Test Cyp/Prop Blend EW
Mast Prop 100mg ED until 8-12
Winstrol 100mg ED (only using for 2 weeks) until 8-12
HELIOS .7ml weekdays only until 8-12
Non Pharma Adex .5mg ED (1st time trying non Pharma AI)
Pharma Nolvadex 10mg E3D
(Gosh, I didn't realize I was on so many compounds)

8-13 is when my vacation starts. No more mast prop, winstrol, HELIOS and lower Test Blend to TRT dose 120mg EW. Non Pharma adex .5 EOD but will adjust if needed after TRT bloods at middle of sept.

200mg test is about as high as I can go without my acne flaring up. Acne flairs up everytime I go higher than 200mg.

IGF-1 bloodwork either today or next week. I've been on 2.5iu for about 2-3 weeks. Anybody know if I should wait longer to do bloods? Maybe I'll do bloods after vacation which will be last week of Aug. or maybe I should wait until TRT bloodwork in mid sept so I won't have to get an extra poke and so that my body will be fully adjusted to 2.5iu.

Then once bloods are done, I will switch to new HGH XYTOJEN. I am hoping that XYTOJEN test results will be similar to Meditrope. Should get result within 4-6 weeks, but could be sooner or later.

(Getting both tested with full AAA Testing which will show actual iu & mg, molecular weight, analysis of proteins and will show if it's a 191aa chain)
Your suppose to take t4 when waken up. Not eating food or taking anything else an hour after taken. It decreases absorbtion. I just got some from my doc. My thyroid was really low.

What benefits come from t4, aethtics wise? If any?

I am very curious with GHG I am not going to use it for a while. But seems to be working for you.
There is no significant difference from taking t4 at night before bed or in the morning regardless what your doc says.

Looking good there bro!

Thank you. Life is so busy right now. Too many projects to do. And once I saw my abs for first time since never, I backed down on gym life and traded it with being a gardener. My (20 too many) plants are almost to the point where they will be self sufficient. I'll be able to increase gym time from 20mins a day to 45mins a day. I only lift during my lunch break. But diet is still on point.....that's my saving grace.
And/or anyone else.

Is there anything I can do to manipulate my body to be more vascular and hard dry looking muscles? I have until 8-12 which is only 7 days. I've heard of increasing sodium but not sure protocol.

I guess what does competitors do 7 days before show? I don't compete, but have a bet with a friend that's going to lake house to see who's made better progress since last August.

I was thinking about getting synthetik vasodilator AMP. any thoughts on it?

I know I should have asked this question weeks ago. Thanks.
And/or anyone else.

Is there anything I can do to manipulate my body to be more vascular and hard dry looking muscles? I have until 8-12 which is only 7 days. I've heard of increasing sodium but not sure protocol.

I guess what does competitors do 7 days before show? I don't compete, but have a bet with a friend that's going to lake house to see who's made better progress since last August.

I was thinking about getting synthetik vasodilator AMP. any thoughts on it?

I know I should have asked this question weeks ago. Thanks.
You could manipulate water, take out veggies, switch to a fast carbs and a few other things but I can't give up all my secrets.

You are talking natural things correct?

You could manipulate water, take out veggies, switch to a fast carbs and a few other things but I can't give up all my secrets.

You are talking natural things correct?

You could manipulate water, take out veggies, switch to a fast carbs and a few other things but I can't give up all my secrets.

You are talking natural things correct?


I'll take whateva
You could manipulate water, take out veggies, switch to a fast carbs and a few other things but I can't give up all my secrets.

You are talking natural things correct?


What do you mean by natural things?

What about Pharma Diuretic?

I don't eat much veggies at all.
What do you mean by natural things?

What about Pharma Diuretic?

I don't eat much veggies at all.
Naturally meaning like no drugs...

Never used or had anyone use Pharma Diuretic. I know a few females that swear by Xpel supplement.

Naturally meaning like no drugs...

Never used or had anyone use Pharma Diuretic. I know a few females that swear by Xpel supplement.


Xpel is cheap but wouldn't arrive in time unless it's sold at super supplements or local stores. Won't go to GNC.

I'll do / use whateva as long as the negative long term effect isn't too bad.

I have no problems with drugs. If we had this conversation a month ago, then natural. But since time isn't on my side, I am willing to go the non-natural route.

Please feel free to continue this via PM to retain your secrets.

