off cycle blood work


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If I stop taking test P 7 days before bloods, I go to the doctor and get bloodwork and my test is low and my LH and FSH and shot. Can they attribute this to raking steroids. Would I be able to say I took roids in college and stopped which produced these results???? I have to get bloods and not have roids showing from recent use. This is my dilema. I dont wanna come off though.
If I stop taking test P 7 days before bloods, I go to the doctor and get bloodwork and my test is low and my LH and FSH and shot. Can they attribute this to raking steroids. Would I be able to say I took roids in college and stopped which produced these results???? I have to get bloods and not have roids showing from recent use. This is my dilema. I dont wanna come off though.

Your GP will sent your results to an Endo- from there, they will be running couple more test making sure you don't have any other medical condition. You can expect them to run at least 3-4 test-trying to get a baseline level. They will know if you're on roid's when the test will start showing gradual increase in Test/LH/FSH levels
Your GP will sent your results to an Endo- from there, they will be running couple more test making sure you don't have any other medical condition. You can expect them to run at least 3-4 test-trying to get a baseline level. They will know if you're on roid's when the test will start showing gradual increase in Test/LH/FSH levels
They are only taking one test. Its for Outpatient drug rehabiliation.
For OP drug rehab- they test your Test levels? I thought only for "hard" drugs (amp,blow, etc)
I know they just want blood work to see if I had any uderlying concerns. They have never done this before I went 2 other times. This is the first time because they are the ones prescribing me subs. I am going to hold off until I am done with my cycle. But even so I think that if I just have a low TT it will be fine. I am not going to say anything unless they bring it up again. I can even have mast and tren still in my system (I think). But I am going to stop test E 4 weeks prior hop on Test P, and stop 7 days before bloods to get a low number......You think that would allow for a low number. Even if its 40 TT.

If they say anything I will say it was from a long time ago, and it never go back to normal.
FYI the most reliable screening method for AAS are URNE METABOLITE assays and not serum levels of the parent compound.

I KNOW bc I test every patient in this manner BEFORE even considering the "need" for TRT.

Why? Bc some folk will flat out lie and make effective or appropriate TRT impossible, so as often is the case, "it's the lie that get ya"

In fact most recreational drug tests involve urinalysis the one primary exception; ALCOHOL!
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I know they just want blood work to see if I had any uderlying concerns. They have never done this before I went 2 other times. This is the first time because they are the ones prescribing me subs. I am going to hold off until I am done with my cycle. But even so I think that if I just have a low TT it will be fine. I am not going to say anything unless they bring it up again. I can even have mast and tren still in my system (I think). But I am going to stop test E 4 weeks prior hop on Test P, and stop 7 days before bloods to get a low number......You think that would allow for a low number. Even if its 40 TT.

If they say anything I will say it was from a long time ago, and it never go back to normal.

Damn if only doctors were as foolish as you seem to believe they are, especially an Endo who
commits an extra year or two to the study of HORMONAL ailments
AFTER medical school and residency -- NUTS.

Dude wouldn't it be better for you to comply with WHATEVER rules or restrictions YOU AGREED to as a part of rehab.

At least then perhaps you'll live to see another day!
Damn if only doctors were as foolish as you seem to believe they are, especially an Endo who
commits an extra year or two to the study of HORMONAL ailments
AFTER medical school and residency -- NUTS.

Dude wouldn't it be better for you to comply with WHATEVER rules or restrictions YOU AGREED to as a part of rehab.

At least then perhaps you'll live to see another day!
yeaa but its too late. I never had to get bloods taken before. This is my first time. I been 3times and all good. But I am going to hold off for a while Even so If I stop all compounds and run PCT its going to take forever to get back to normal.
yeaa but its too late. I never had to get bloods taken before. This is my first time. I been 3times and all good. But I am going to hold off for a while Even so If I stop all compounds and run PCT its going to take forever to get back to normal.
basically all I need to do is get my LH and FSH up a little. But if not possible next best thing is getting test levels low as hell and say some bullshit. ORRR maybe he will forget. lol.he did but I brought it up just incase. He said I need a physical type of bloodwork, which I thought didnt include TEst.
yeaa but its too late. I never had to get bloods taken before. This is my first time. I been 3times and all good. But I am going to hold off for a while Even so If I stop all compounds and run PCT its going to take forever to get back to normal.

FOREVER really, I guess all who use AAS should just be quit lifting to bc it will take forever to look like Arnie.

Your defeatest attitude is prophetic.
FOREVER really, I guess all who use AAS should just be quit lifting to bc it will take forever to look like Arnie.

Your defeatest attitude is prophetic.
why how long will it take? 6 weeks? I was been over dramatic in my response before. Since I think I should be done with outpatient by the time pct is over lol.