Old Ladies and Anavar


Well-known Member
Hello everyone - This is my first post. Lurked and read for a while before signing up and posting. I'm on my first cycle of anavar 10 mg/day. Tomorrow will make 4 weeks I've been on it. I've noticed some nice, subtle changes, but no leap in strength or very noticeable changes. I've had no sides except for oily skin and a few blemishes. At 48 I'm not sure how I feel about that :) Oh,I will add, that I seem a little bloated as well...and I've just spilled the beans that I'm ancient. So anavar I have is in 10 mg capsules and I'm toying with the idea of taking 20 mg/day instead of the 10mg. Currently taking just the one capsule 1x/day. Hoping to capture more results at a higher dose. Is dosing affected by age?

I've been lifting about a year and a half. Work out 5x/week. Two leg days - One ham/posterior chain and the other quad day, One Chest, Shoulder/Arm, and Back day.

I eat pretty clean - pescatarian diet 145 g P, 165 C, 45 F...although honestly I'm just really making sure I hit my protein. I'm coming off a bulk and trying to lean out at bit and calories total have been about 1300-1400/day.

My stats include
Age 48 (49 in 2 weeks gahhh)
Height 5'1''
Weight ? I have a thing about this. Like most women I spent half my adult life trying to get back to my birth weight. Last I weight I was 118 - up 3 lbs from my 'normal' 115 and I freaked out and my trainer told me to stop with the scale.

Usually I try to superset with ab or butt exercises on most days...I also frequently use negatives and pauses. It's sort of tedious to write out and I won't do it every set or every work out. It depends how strong/energetic I am. Like most everyone else I work full time during the day and get up really early for work.

Right now my workouts look like:
Leg Day 1:
3 sets warm up
4x10-12 165
burnout at the end with just the bar 20 full reps then 15 at the bottom and 15 at the top
Front Squat
1 set warm up
4 x110
Burn these out too
1 set warm up
3 x110
Burn these out too

Leg extension
1-2 warm up sets
4 x10-12 90-100 lbs

Smith Machine Hack Squats
4 x10 100 lb

Chest Day
ok, I warm up every exercise
40 reps at 120- sets = however many it takes
DB Flat Bench
4 x10 50 lbs
Incline Bench
4 x10 35-40 lbs
Decline Bench
4 x10 95 lbs
Incline Hammer Press
3 x (I forgot the weight)

Leg Day 2
Sumo Dead lifts
3-4 x 10 155
5 sets pyramiding up to 95 lbs for 4 sets
Seated Hamstring Curl
4 x 10 90lbs
Single Leg RDL with 25 lb DBs
3-4 x 20 each leg
Kettle Ball Swings (Look! I crossfit!)
5 x20 with 35 lb Kettleball
Hip Thruster
3 x135 lbs

Arm Day
Standing DB military press
6 x6 35 lb
Lat Raise Hold
Pyramid up to as many reps as I can hold in seconds. Usually top out at 6 reps at 15 lbs
Wide Grip Upright Row
4 x8 65 lbs
Reverse Pec Deck
4 x (can't remember weight)
DB curls
4x6x30 lb
Hammer Curl
4x10 25
Tricep PD
4x10 80-90
Skull Crusher
4x10 20-25 lb

Back Day
4x10 155-165
bent over db row
4x10-12 40 lb
Seated Row
4x10 60
Lat Pulldown
4x10 70
Back Extension
4x12 weighted 10 lb plate

Was this too much? I feel like I went all Wendy-centric. :)
Hi! Welcome another lady to the family! Wow, all the girls are running var now... all first timers too... sooo awesome and good to see!!!

And to answer your dosing question... yes you may go up to 20mg/day with var as long as you aren't getting an undesirable sides.

Age matters to a point, but not as much with var... it does open up a window of trying different compounds though so you can play with more... DIET is actually more important with age and with women - it's the carbs... I know, I say this every time but our metabolism changes so much and we don't handle carbs the same as we did in our 20's or even early 30's... it's a downhill slope from there. lol
Welcome to meso. Like your intro. Some of those weights are heavier than I see males at my gym messing with, well done.
Hi! Welcome another lady to the family! Wow, all the girls are running var now... all first timers too... sooo awesome and good to see!!!

And to answer your dosing question... yes you may go up to 20mg/day with var as long as you aren't getting an undesirable sides.

Age matters to a point, but not as much with var... it does open up a window of trying different compounds though so you can play with more... DIET is actually more important with age and with women - it's the carbs... I know, I say this every time but our metabolism changes so much and we don't handle carbs the same as we did in our 20's or even early 30's... it's a downhill slope from there. lol
I do so miss carbs......
LOL I would say my sign is "Caution! Slow Children"
sooooo....you're saying there's a chance?
Tell that to the informer TEK

Please leave this thread if you aren't contributing... if you have an issue with TEK, battle it out in your own thread, not here where a new person posted and now sees how immature some 'kids/boys' are here... definitely a good way to build your reputation.
I am too on my first var cycle. Finishing my 3rd week.
There's been a high influx of female members, it's awesome!
Welcome to the fam :)