Old Man Research and Knowledge


New Member
I have enjoyed reading the information that is located on Meso, however, I need to have a variety of sources to fill my noggin' so that I can continue to make informed choices. I'm looking to have some recommendations of writers, researchers, and groups that do work specifically for older men (40+ yo) regarding:

1. nutrition and navigating aging regarding body fat reduction and overall weight changes
- I know I can't have my cake and eat it too, but research backed ways to enjoy food AND having healthy balance
- meeting and adjusting the macros as I age
- ways to approach food having a variety of ages in the house and me who loves to cook from scratch and how to document that information

2. balancing cardio and weights to ensure that I have functional movement as I age
- I don't want to worry about not being able to fall because oh fuck my hip!
- Are there certain areas that I should be concentrating on in addition to my strength

3. understanding AAS in terms of the impacts on older men, options, and what to avoid
- I'm learning about AAS from here, however, there is so much that I need to learn so I can choose if I want to embark on adding more after I reach at least a year on TRT
- I'm not adding any more peptides (on Reta 8mg now), hGH, test (TRT @ 100mg 2x/wk), or AAS for at least a year to ensure good bloodwork and adjusting to the current regimen. Also, I need to lose bodyfat before fucking around.

Appreciate y'all and look forward to being pointed towards readings as I tend to zone out on videos/YouTube.
I have enjoyed reading the information that is located on Meso, however, I need to have a variety of sources to fill my noggin' so that I can continue to make informed choices. I'm looking to have some recommendations of writers, researchers, and groups that do work specifically for older men (40+ yo) regarding:

1. nutrition and navigating aging regarding body fat reduction and overall weight changes
- I know I can't have my cake and eat it too, but research backed ways to enjoy food AND having healthy balance
- meeting and adjusting the macros as I age
- ways to approach food having a variety of ages in the house and me who loves to cook from scratch and how to document that information

2. balancing cardio and weights to ensure that I have functional movement as I age
- I don't want to worry about not being able to fall because oh fuck my hip!
- Are there certain areas that I should be concentrating on in addition to my strength

3. understanding AAS in terms of the impacts on older men, options, and what to avoid
- I'm learning about AAS from here, however, there is so much that I need to learn so I can choose if I want to embark on adding more after I reach at least a year on TRT
- I'm not adding any more peptides (on Reta 8mg now), hGH, test (TRT @ 100mg 2x/wk), or AAS for at least a year to ensure good bloodwork and adjusting to the current regimen. Also, I need to lose bodyfat before fucking around.

Appreciate y'all and look forward to being pointed towards readings as I tend to zone out on videos/YouTube.

Embrace the search bar - we talk about this stuff all the time. There are nutrition and training forums/threads too.
On the main page for Meso there is a section of articles. Those are an excellent sources of information: Steroid Articles Archives

The search bar is your friend. Researching and self-educating just takes a significant amount of time. Just start reading and continue learning and you will slowly build your knowledge base. Eventually you'll realize that you actually know quite a bit! One of the important things is to learn how to decipher from good information and BS. There is a ton of BS on the internet.

My favorite current source of info is TypeIIx. Put that username in the search bar and you will find all kinds of good stuff and it will lead you Great threads with good conversations. He also has a website, a discord, and some videos out there.
On the main page for Meso there is a section of articles. Those are an excellent sources of information: Steroid Articles Archives

The search bar is your friend. Researching and self-educating just takes a significant amount of time. Just start reading and continue learning and you will slowly build your knowledge base. Eventually you'll realize that you actually know quite a bit! One of the important things is to learn how to decipher from good information and BS. There is a ton of BS on the internet.

My favorite current source of info is TypeIIx. Put that username in the search bar and you will find all kinds of good stuff and it will lead you Great threads with good conversations. He also has a website, a discord, and some videos out there.
Thank you, the member drop is part of what I was looking for. I've been going through much of the archives and often question if the information presented is relevant only for a particular age demographic or if it can be applied to a broad spectrum.

I'm also interested in any reliable sources of information outside of Meso that folks use, again working to separate the chaff from the wheat.
If you are looking for knowledge that is not centered Bodybuilding goals. Then you may want to explore forums/groups that are health and longevity based. Google is you friend. There are many.
I could write a treatise on this topic and may, in a bit.

40+ ain’t necessarily “old”. I suppose I would start by asking where you are at and what are your goals? If it’s just longevity or healthspan or some other combination?