On TRT but wanting to do a cycle.


New Member
So I turn 40 in December and was gonna stick to TRT because of my age but I'm in great shape and am wanting to do a cycle now. I'm 6'1" about 215 lbs with 9% body fat. I started TRT about 2 months ago and am already doing more than I planned at around 300 MG/week of a TRT blend(test cyp with anastrozole). I've done about 6 cycles in the past. Usually around 600mg-750mg of Test E or Sustanon plus Deca, with D-bol for the beginning while taking anti-E and a PCT every time. This is my first time being on TRT and I like it, but thinking that I want to do one last cycle and then stick to a TRT. Looking for recommendations on how to convert to a cycle. Do I just start the cycle for like 10 weeks and do a PCT? Or how do I switch from TRT to a cycle? Also looking for recommendations on a good cycle for me given my details. And do I do PCT and then start TRT after a certain amount of time? Any help is greatly appreciated.
no PCT. if you already need trt for low test just blast and cruise. Also stop touching AI's unless absolutely necessary, those are extremely toxic and having low e is not great for building muscle. Lots of big guys use test, npp, and primo/mast. Fav cycle with no noticeable side effects.
So I turn 40 in December and was gonna stick to TRT because of my age but I'm in great shape and am wanting to do a cycle now. I'm 6'1" about 215 lbs with 9% body fat. I started TRT about 2 months ago and am already doing more than I planned at around 300 MG/week of a TRT blend(test cyp with anastrozole). I've done about 6 cycles in the past. Usually around 600mg-750mg of Test E or Sustanon plus Deca, with D-bol for the beginning while taking anti-E and a PCT every time. This is my first time being on TRT and I like it, but thinking that I want to do one last cycle and then stick to a TRT. Looking for recommendations on how to convert to a cycle. Do I just start the cycle for like 10 weeks and do a PCT? Or how do I switch from TRT to a cycle? Also looking for recommendations on a good cycle for me given my details. And do I do PCT and then start TRT after a certain amount of time? Any help is greatly appreciated.
Question … are you on Dr prescribed TRT ? I doubt it … so next question …. Did you do any research or just watch a YouTube video and say I’m going on TRT ?

You’re “on trt and asking about a PCT if you were to increase dosage and cycle” go read before you ask anymore questions, then read some more, come back and start to ask then delete it and go read some more. :)
Question … are you on Dr prescribed TRT ? I doubt it … so next question …. Did you do any research or just watch a YouTube video and say I’m going on TRT ?

You’re “on trt and asking about a PCT if you were to increase dosage and cycle” go read before you ask anymore questions, then read some more, come back and start to ask then delete it and go read some more. :)
Don't be that guy, I was just looking for some opinions to save time looking through a bunch of different threads etc. Some people actually have jobs, kids, gym and not a bunch of free time so was looking for help to save time. Obviously if my Dr prescribed the trt then I wouldn't be on 300 MG/week YouTube is the last place I would go for any info lol. Quit being a troll and do something useful.
Don't be that guy, I was just looking for some opinions to save time looking through a bunch of different threads etc. Some people actually have jobs, kids, gym and not a bunch of free time so was looking for help to save time. Obviously if my Dr prescribed the trt then I wouldn't be on 300 MG/week YouTube is the last place I would go for any info lol. Quit being a troll and do something useful.

Im with you on this one man. Just not worth it to devote time to learning about the illegal and harmful drugs I’m injecting into my body. Way easier to ask random strangers on the internet.

I’ve found the guys here to be a real pain in the ass when I need info. They’re all like “bro try and educate yourself to minimize harm and maximize gainzz”. Bull shit.

I’ve found Reddit to be a much better place than here. I strongly suggest logging out and never returning to this waste of bandwidth.
Also, if you do stay I’d recommend changing your username. Probably why some of these asshats are recommending reading and learning, they simply think you’re pumped about it.
So I turn 40 in December and was gonna stick to TRT because of my age but I'm in great shape and am wanting to do a cycle now. I'm 6'1" about 215 lbs with 9% body fat. I started TRT about 2 months ago and am already doing more than I planned at around 300 MG/week of a TRT blend(test cyp with anastrozole). I've done about 6 cycles in the past. Usually around 600mg-750mg of Test E or Sustanon plus Deca, with D-bol for the beginning while taking anti-E and a PCT every time. This is my first time being on TRT and I like it, but thinking that I want to do one last cycle and then stick to a TRT. Looking for recommendations on how to convert to a cycle. Do I just start the cycle for like 10 weeks and do a PCT? Or how do I switch from TRT to a cycle? Also looking for recommendations on a good cycle for me given my details. And do I do PCT and then start TRT after a certain amount of time? Any help is greatly appreciated.
Ignore the morons.
I was just looking for some opinions to save time looking through a bunch of different threads etc. Some people actually have jobs, kids, gym and not a bunch of free time so was looking for help to save time

Ah, so you're just looking to waste other people's time. Got'cha.
Oh look, another topic that has been covered multiple times on multiple boards. At least OP has shown us that he lacks critical thinking skills right off the bat and later confirmed he’s lazier than the left eye of a 3rd-generation inbred from Alabama.

Riddle me this:
Why would you PCT if you’re already replacing your natural testosterone with TRT? Do you understand the purpose of PCT (it doesn’t seem like it and to be clear that’s different from the definition of PCT)?

P.S. This post was made without the help of tren.

On a lighter note, I think you should just stick with TRT through your doctor. Its only been 2 months and doctor will most likely want to do a follow-up to check where your levels are at. If no doctor is involved, then it sounds like you need one if you aren’t going to do a lot more reading on your own.

Spend some more time on TRT, get everything dialed in, and then increase your testosterone dose to whatever you want to run for the blast. If you want to run more compounds, then that’s up to you. When your blast is over, reduce back to TRT dose with enough time to get levels in range before bloodwork with doctor (some doctors may cut patients off TRT if they think you are abusing steroids).
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If you’ve only been on TRT for 2 months I’d give it a little time to get your dosage right. Are you being prescribed or self medicating? Also, curious as to why you chose a Test blend or were prescribed that to start with. I think it’s crazy to start trt and blindly take an AI without knowing what’s going on with your levels.
so i don't mean to sound like others here but honestly there is a search bar bro you should use its helpful and prevents these type of things from happening also that way when you have a question that hasn't been covered here then someone will actually answer it