Very insightful question mate, seriously!
But unfortunately the answer is an unequivocal unknown! Why? Bc it's NEVER been studied as a lab standard.
But seriously how can any new found analytical technique be corroborated if those using it refuse to provide the data required so others may evaluate it's usefulness, accuracy or application.
So the reality is, absent further analysis by others in the field of analytical chemistry the accuracy could vary between 0 to 100%! Can I provide a closer estimate? Nope and neither can anyone else bc the data has NOT been made available to do so.
Well, until we can we can get that data we're back to blood work for confirmation of potency (not purity). But the first guy that comes back with a TT of 3500 on a gram per week is going to set off an incredible display of hostile discourse followed by Ad hoc trial and summary execution out back.