One Pharma: Bulk Cyp

so if we just take a look at the chromatograph, the retention time, molecular weight of the other shit it gives rough estimate of purity at 75 % which is close to what they reported 73%

Reject whatever you need, please have Jim do all your testing from now on, and I'm talking to everyone on this board...Not gonna argue with a person who is always right, seems to know everything about everything and leads sheep around...

Funny thing is: I try to help people the best I can, the testing is no way affiliated to me, nor do I get anything from it...People pm and ask many questions and I help the best I can...Instead of contacting me and possibly helping me or try to give me a little more knowledge, Jim decides to just start running me into the ground...Maybe you get off on that, not my style...Maybe next time actually do the right thing and give help not your, "I'm right attitude"...I'll eat crow any day of the week if I'm wrong, and I'll admit it...

Instead of contacting me and possibly helping me or try to give me a little more knowledge, Jim decides to just start running me into the ground...Maybe you get off on that, not my style...Maybe next time actually do the right thing and give help not your, "I'm right attitude"...I'll eat crow any day of the week if I'm wrong, and I'll admit it...

I think if you go back and reread, you'll see that's exactly what happened. Jim was more than willing to give you the benefit of the doubt until you came out swinging and then everything went to shit. At least that's how it appeared to me and judging by the comments, it appeared that way to others, as well.

Personally, I could care less about this source or any other, but it would be nice if Meso could engage in thoughtful discussions about important issues without it always turning into a Mexican standoff [That comment isn't directed at you, Myth, it's just a general observation]. When it comes to trolls and scammers, I'm all for a shit show, but regular members are supposed to be on the same side.

No worries Jim is here to save the day...I'll go back to being just a member (still doing my thing) this testing for people has NO advantages as everyone can discredit anything as we have no standard or base tests to start from
Reject whatever you need, please have Jim do all your testing from now on,


there is nothing to reject it is good report but simply does not give all the information.

we know the purity is 72% and everybody should be happy.

I could tell you what the remaining 28% is if I had the raw data from the GC/MS

definitely the molecule is heavier I am guessing what it is.

I have seen the fucking Chinese scammers mixing some food additives. The weight of the molecule roughly corresponds to that thing.
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I think if you go back and reread, you'll see that's exactly what happened. Jim was more than willing to give you the benefit of the doubt until you came out swinging and then everything went to shit. At least that's how it appeared to me and judging by the comments, it appeared that way to others, as well.

Personally, I could care less about this source or any other, but it would be nice if Meso could engage in thoughtful discussions about important issues without it always turning into a Mexican standoff [That comment isn't directed at you, Myth, it's just a general observation]. When it comes to trolls and scammers, I'm all for a shit show, but regular members are supposed to be on the same side.


Exactly!! ^^ Dr. Jim wrote this:

Well in fairness I believe Myth or whomever performed this test should be given an opportunity to respond. It's just that I always prefer giving established Meso members the benefit of the doubt, especially a mate like Myth!


At the same time Myth wrote this:

He's an idiot!!!! Plain and simple, I won't even indulge him in discussing it either!!!!!

And the fact that I have lots of reports, he has none!!! Well he has a few but they are bullshit reports that have compounds you would NEVER see in AAS!!!! Want to waste your money, please send all you compounds to Jim for testing....


Then the conversation went to shit.. I can be a complete asshole to sources and trolls but almost never to contributing members!!

Everyone is /was giving you the benefit of the doubt to explain the tests Myth, I'm not sure where all this is coming from..
Has anybody pinned this stuff yet, or is the syringe still laying on the table waiting while everyone in the room around it are arguing?

Somebody is gonna have to be guinea pig, do bloods and settle the controversy. If One Alpha stands on the 72% number and the dosage he has quoted us then let's find out. Should anybody come back beyond an acceptable margin lower than this number, there is going to be some serious explaining to do...
Is there anything wrong with mercury's interpretation of the data? He seems to agree with report and numbers without "what doc suggested" needing more data for purity claim
there is nothing to reject it is good report but simply does not give all the information.

we know the purity is 72% and everybody should be happy.

We don't know "the purity is 72%" and THAT is why NOBODY is happy. I asked you earlier to post the calculations that you used to arrive at the 75% purity you claimed to have found and you ignored me.
I have just posted SIX more LEGIT HPLCs on the thread a started a while back.

There should be NO mystery about how a samples purity is derived. It should be based upon a calibration curve which was generated using CERTIFIED reference standards and the sample is compared to that standard. THIS IS THE ACCEPTED PRACTICE in analytical chemistry look it up!!!

No one should be willing to accept a deviation from that accepted norm UNLESS the methodology used has been documented and corroborated by another independent lab!

Angus and Myth have NEVER followed the accepted norm when "calculating" purity data, and I have only asked WHY NOT! To suggest their way of "doing it" is acceptable reveals one's ignorance of what the established practice is!

So I'll ask again WHY is the analytical norm not being complied with here? Why is "this lab" being given a pass? And more importantly PLEASE explain how "your way" based upon the calculations you have posted is legitimate and reproducible.

Again simple question?