One Pharma: Bulk Cyp

This is certainly entertaining. It's like fight night when the new guy comes in and gets his ass handed to him in front of the crowd. This has been an entertaining read so far. The gear porn of the giant jugs is kinda awesome though. Love that. But the stuff that's it in has me concerned. Ass U Me 'd 80%, right... And, there's prob enough BA in that giant jug to give an elephant PIP! Maybe next we'll find out he's using avocado oil as the carrier and running it through a Whatman! Pass the Popcorn!
I have seen the videos and have a fair amount of experience in regards to testing. I know what a stronger/weaker florescence possibly means in regards to potency. The point I am trying to get across is the test can be manipulated given the right chemicals.

What you are saying is correct, assuming the source isn't smart enough to mix in the proper chemicals to give a false potency reading. You preach it like it is gospel, when it is far from it. People need to be aware of both sides of the argument.

I do not know if and how it can be manipulated. I do not have access to GC/MS and this test is the only thing I can use. I am not chemist to have good understanding what is going on.

I can only say that I have a lot of experience and observations after playing with it for a long time. Maybe I am talking a little nonsense without backing it up with some science.

But the point is that it worked for me so far, I know what I pin.
Will you guys just figure it out if this guy is gtg or not? I am getting emaciated waiting for you guys! :D
Thankfully we have people like Brutus and colt who can make or break a guy like this. But how can you even GUESS purity being 80%? Giving yourself too much credit, what are you gonna do if it comes back 30%?
And if this somehow comes
Out better then we all believe, will you have enough material to sustain the loads of people that will come to you?
The part that really got me was it could be 200mg or 250mg a ml. What is it? This alone makes it completely worthless to me.
I do not know if and how it can be manipulated.

Just guessing here, but maybe a little non-toxic highlighter soak? There are plenty of write-ups regarding party favors and kids projects using those markers and making spooky glowing liquids. It might be possible. I don't know if it with be obvious under normal lighting though.. Maybe some invisible ink type product? I know cat piss will glow ;)

And to everyone upset about the 80% assumption.. I understand where you guys are coming from on that, but consider that the only difference between this guy and almost every other UGL on the planet is that he's the only one admitting that he isn't sure yet about the purity.

With probably rare exceptions, all UGLs are simply ordering raws, brewing, and selling. If they provide any "testing" at all, it's usually a little questionable at best. More than likely they're relying on the COA from the seller (worth less than toilet paper since it's too coarse to wipe your ass with). Just because they're not mentioning anything about their assumptions regarding purity doesn't necessarily mean that they aren't in exactly the same boat.

I'm not defending the idea of selling product before testing comes back. I just think it's unfair to dock all these points considering that so many other UGLs, good and bad, do the same thing, albeit without an open admission.

Perhaps people would rather be lied to with with an air certainty than accept honest ambiguity. I dunno.

Regardless, I hope this works out, but I'm anticipating some rather disappointing GC/MS results.
there was a guy here for a short time and gone. he claimed to have primo asking people to test. he claimed that he got the powder from the most reliable supplier in the universe.

after testing his primo came back as underdosed test enan. the only way to stop it is to send B52 after scammers in China.
Will you guys just figure it out if this guy is gtg or not? I am getting emaciated waiting for you guys! :D
I figured it out- he is bullshit. This is a member looking to make some money. Nothing more. You want to give it a go? Be my guest- I don't buy from someone who doesn't get regular bloodwork from pinning their own gear... how tough is that? You have a few kilos sitting around of t cyp then brew it, pin it and test your blood. Mystery solved... so- either he won't pin his own gear, doesn't use gear or is simply rebottling and remailing- either way you would have to be pretty foolhardy to hop on this train.
I just joined this forum, and damm! You all are rough! Guess I haven't been around long enough to see all the scammers,but from the looks of it, must be a lot.
I figured it out- he is bullshit. This is a member looking to make some money. Nothing more. You want to give it a go? Be my guest- I don't buy from someone who doesn't get regular bloodwork from pinning their own gear... how tough is that? You have a few kilos sitting around of t cyp then brew it, pin it and test your blood. Mystery solved... so- either he won't pin his own gear, doesn't use gear or is simply rebottling and remailing- either way you would have to be pretty foolhardy to hop on this train.
I was being facetious. :)
Sometimes light sarcasm gets lost when floating in the ocean of ignorance that Is new source threads... my apologies sir.
No problem. You're are doing a kick ass job and it is much appreciated! Seriously.

I just get tired of this BS guys coming in. It reminds of the things I really dislike about people and our society (not all). So being a smartass is my pressure relief valve! lol
You must be kidding. Let people decide for themselves? You mean the hundreds of people who google for steroids, come her because of our superior seo and buy based on worthless tests? Sounds like tests that shouldn't be posted.

I see your point, a test real or fake will influences peoples ordering of course. Of course isn't that true of every MS test ever performed? whether its a WKM or not I could still send the member "good stuff" to be tested. Regardless, tests will be posted.

Labmax is far from definitive and if you think chemicals cannot enhance florescent reactions in anticipation of people using labmax you are naive.


Anyone who doesn't think this is a member has shit for brains. Him being deceptive about that is telling to say the least. If you want good cyp crash your test and get on legal trt- or pay for someone GUESSING POTENCY? this guy is too literate to be shamrock.... but we will find out who he is. What a joke.

Well, NO ONE would perform or even knew of a place to test for purity so are there any better second options? Because I thought a lot about it and couldn't think of one. This worked out fairly well though because once I started this thread i've been contacted twice about MS opportunities (which you claim are worthless from me (and they kinda are)). I posted a thread a few weeks ago stating my situation here on this board without making a profile.

This whole concept is completely ridiculous. He has no idea the potency of the gear he HIMSELF brewed but he's just going with 80%? I don't give a damn how many "tests" he posts. The business practices displayed are enough to keep any sane person away.

Ok, then don't order? You guys have your own oppinions thats fine, Hell I might not even order from me if I was in your guys shoes, I CANT PROVE DICK. It's all faith till people run bloodwork, and since I can't perform miracles and shit, its kinda hard to find faith in this. What else was I supposed to do?? Assume it is 100% pure then get tests back (which again don't mean anything to you guys) and find out they aren't? (which they won't be)) I had to start somewhere and that's where I chose. Don't order if you dont want to, tests will be posted next week and decide what you want then, your alls call. Yes, I understand guessing a potency with a drug is a great way to get fucked up, but again, when plan A for MS goes out...what else

what color is the bathtub you use to mix this shit in ? i prefer a brown tub so you cant see the floaters.

Sorry, its a white shower.

I figured it out- he is bullshit. This is a member looking to make some money. Nothing more. You want to give it a go? Be my guest- I don't buy from someone who doesn't get regular bloodwork from pinning their own gear... how tough is that? You have a few kilos sitting around of t cyp then brew it, pin it and test your blood. Mystery solved... so- either he won't pin his own gear, doesn't use gear or is simply rebottling and remailing- either way you would have to be pretty foolhardy to hop on this train.

I explained in my other thread, I didn't have kilos sitting around, I ordered some. Check out the thread if you are interested. I had expectations for what I wanted and I was seeing them so I had no need to have bloods done again. For the record, I do pin my own gear. But again, I can't prove any of this, but hey why not at least try.

Bottom line:

MS could be faked
I could be fake
I could be lacing the gear
The list is infinite.

Hey I'll be 100% HONEST with you guys, I'm not asking for respect, believe what you want. Can we please stick with facts though?
This is no different than the group home brew another member is doing. It's just packaged differently.

This is a kitchen operation with no guarantee of dosage or safety. If that is not an issue, this guy is for you.