One year transformation

Good job. Any particular thing work especially well for you?
Thanks. There are a couple of things which have been key for me starting my journey of the last 12 months at age 52:

1. Meso - The amount of information available is unbelievable. In addition, the number of people who have openly shared their knowledge and experiences has been paramount to the journey my family and I have shared and embraced. I wish I would have learned about Meso decades ago.

2. The New Encyclopedia of Modern Bodybuilding has been my workout partner since day one. Once I finally came to understand that rest days are as important as workout days, everything began to fall in place.

3. I am about to be 53, so “Natty” I am NOT….
Thank you for sharing. Totally agree that eating and rest days are as important as workout days. Is that Encyclopedia of Bodybuilding Bill Pearl’s book?
Nice work !!!

Cycles ran during that year and are you planning to just trt (cruise)
I fell into the homebrew rabbit hole early on and have literally tested almost all injectables, with the exception of tren.

For the last 6-9 months, most of my cycles look like my current one and generally last 12-16 weeks.

Current cycle: 16 weeks
ED injections, yes ED.

Weeks 1-4

525 Test D
525 Mast P
350 DHB
175 NPP

Weeks 5-8: switch to test c
Weeks 9-12: switch to test phenylproprionate
Weeks 13-16 switch to test P

50mg dbol weeks 1–8 and then no orals for remainder

I check e2 monthly and will adjust Arimidex accordingly. Usually only take 0.75mg to 1mg weekly, regardless of what I am taking. I can take over 1.5g of test weekly and still only need to take this amount. Go figure. Usually keep e2 in low to mid 20’s.

I check bloods every 3-4 months and they have been perfect, nothing off at all. The only exception is I once checked CRP and it was above 10. I panicked until my PCP said to not be concerned, since a lot of things can impact it, even working out.

Every 12-16 weeks, I will change things up, maybe removing DHB or Mast P for something else, but will alway have test and NPP.

I will transition to 4 weeks 200 test c 100 NPP for 4 weeks post cycle and then start something else again.

I am not aware of any sides whatsoever other than acne on my back.