Opinions on managing e2 on a gram of test.

Tom, just a quick abridgement:

This guy keeps winking at you at every occasion, he advises to rub cream on your scrotum twice a day, he gets an utter satisfaction dominating you in more than one sense because you are nice and thick and his biology knowledge will demonstrate it to your unaware senses.
You see what you daily log pictures have (inadvertently) done here, Tom.
Next time, you'll be asked to let him see your thong.
U sexy and u know it
Tom, just a quick abridgement:

This guy keeps winking at you at every occasion, he advises to rub cream on your scrotum twice a day, he gets an utter satisfaction dominating you in more than one sense because you are nice and thick and his biology knowledge will demonstrate it to your unaware senses.
You see what you daily log pictures have (inadvertently) done here, Tom.
Next time, you'll be asked to let him see your thong.
U sexy and u know it
you owe me a new cup of coffee.

now its all over my desk
Hum ... I say let's make a poll, it's really not a given ;)
the poll has been made.

12 year old account, 1995 posts and 1125 reacts. .56 reacts per post, meaning 43% of your posts not a single person agrees with you, found any value in what you said, and thought you said anything clever.


1 year old account, 1248 posts and 2376 reacts. 1.9 reacts per post.
Meaning for every post I make, nearly 2 people on average agrees, found value, or thought what i said was clever.

now we all know reaction score and rep points dont mean shit, so by all means, start a poll. should be entertaining to see you embarrass yourself further.
the poll has been made.

12 year old account, 1995 posts and 1125 reacts. .56 reacts per post, meaning 43% of your posts not a single person agrees with you, found any value in what you said, and thought you said anything clever.


1 year old account, 1248 posts and 2376 reacts. 1.9 reacts per post.
Meaning for every post I make, nearly 2 people on average agrees, found value, or thought what i said was clever.

now we all know reaction score and rep points dont mean shit, so by all means, start a poll. should be entertaining to see you embarrass yourself further.

Exactly, so why did you bother ? ;)
But do you know rubbing cream on your scrotum will make your scrotum fall off in a couple of years, thats what they do to neuter dogs in some asian countries.

Maybe stop doing that. Watch out if your voice pitch is changing or your turning more feminine.
Exactly, so why did you bother ? ;)
Agree with you on the above even though I don't agree with quite a bit of what you post.

The difference is I don't care that your opinion is different than mine and I'm not lame enough to argue with you about it or lame enough to say hey look at my number of reactions compared to you and then follow that up by saying reactions mean shit.

They obviously mean a lot to people who point that out like its a barometer of their intelligence or competence but people that live in reality know better.

Do what you do bro, no sweat off my nuts or many others here IMO. Forums are supposed to have different opinions.
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Agree with you on the above even though I don't agree with quite a bit of what you post.

The difference is I don't care that your opinion is different than mine and I'm not lame enough to argue with you about it or lame enough to say hey look at my number of reactions compared to you and then say what IMO many living in reality know...reactions mean shit.

They obviously mean a lot to people who point that out like its a barometer of their intelligence or competence but people that live in reality know better.

Do what you do bro, no sweat off my nuts or many others here IMO. Forums are supposed to have different opinions.
Do you mean no cream off your nuts lmao
Agree with you on the above even though I don't agree with quite a bit of what you post.

The difference is I don't care that your opinion is different than mine and I'm not lame enough to argue with you about it or lame enough to say hey look at my number of reactions compared to you and then follow that up by saying reactions mean shit.

They obviously mean a lot to people who point that out like its a barometer of their intelligence or competence but people that live in reality know better.

Do what you do bro, no sweat off my nuts or many others here IMO. Forums are supposed to have different opinions.
I appreciate your perspective.

You sound like a true lifter. A real bro seeking some serious mass gain.

Keep it up
Agree with you on the above even though I don't agree with quite a bit of what you post.

The difference is I don't care that your opinion is different than mine and I'm not lame enough to argue with you about it or lame enough to say hey look at my number of reactions compared to you and then follow that up by saying reactions mean shit.

They obviously mean a lot to people who point that out like its a barometer of their intelligence or competence but people that live in reality know better.

Do what you do bro, no sweat off my nuts or many others here IMO. Forums are supposed to have different opinions.

I see what you mean.
In this kind of environment, all the back and forth and disagreements can make you lose patience or get a bit exasperated.
Maybe bringing up number of reactions etc as a response to that guy trying to undermine my comment (and therefore Tom) was just a bit of provocation and to make a point. It is fair you should think it was not needed.
But this guy seriously has some attitude problem, because I have not yet seen him interact with someone without belittling, undermining and making fun of others.

This is what he wrote to a 20 year old guy who asked for opinions on his cycle to prepare for a competition:

All the dudes with stage pictures commenting on your thread look worse than you, don't listen to their "advice".

Tom and many others have commented on the guy's thread but certainly not like that.
And this is someone who calls himself a vet.
So, like you rightly say, this is a forum where all sorts of opinions are exchanged, but when it's like this, then I can see why someone would kind of snap.
You don't get it do you ?

Aromasin -> serum e2 lowering -> massive e2 receptor upregulation to compensate -> once e2 comes back up e2 receptors are overwhelmed -> e2 receptor permanent downregulation

Same as what happens with finasteride for androgen receptors

It doesn't have to be directly impacting the receptor to have a ripple effect on it ;)
So now youre also saying finasteride down-regulates androgen receptors? Bro you understand that there is zero evidence to support anything youre saying right? So anyone who takes fina would not respond to testosterone anymore? You know how many pros use fina? Shit Ive been using fina and I sure as hell respond to test so what in the actual fuck are you saying?
You should only be taking an AI when you see sides not having a schedule of when you take it ex: “3x a week”. Keeping estrogen in a good range has a lot of benefits, you shouldn’t be crashing it just to prevent gyno you’re leaving lots of Benifits on the table including size. From my experience, 12.5mg of aromasin combated my gyno flare ups equivalent to 0.5 Arimidex. Not saying they’re equal but blindly experimenting I’ve noticed similar results
Yeah I dont like the feeling of having my e2 elevated at all so I always want to keep it in range. I know guys say its ok to have higher e2 on cycle but for me personally I dont like it.
yeah it can be a problem. How often were you injecting? Id be using at least 3mg a week of adex on 1500mg sust.

I just prefer using bitcoin, less fees and you just send the shit from your house instead of having to use a money transfer service, send the money, wait for them to pick up funds, pay a fee to send it. Its just annoying. I used to only use moneygram until everyone started taking bitcoin and bitcoin is so much easier and some guys offer a discount with bitcoin.
injecting monday to saturday, first thing in the morning, drawing and injecting with 27g on alternating VGs
Yeah I dont like the feeling of having my e2 elevated at all so I always want to keep it in range. I know guys say its ok to have higher e2 on cycle but for me personally I dont like it.
Holy efff, I thought only men who want to transition to become females would want elevated estrogen.

This is the new trend nowadays that I can never follow, why would you ever want to have the estrogen level of your wife, if it’s anabolic then your partner would be carrying more muscle than you already.
injecting monday to saturday, first thing in the morning, drawing and injecting with 27g on alternating VGs

1 inch or half? How much oil volume?

Holy efff, I thought only men who want to transition to become females would want elevated estrogen.

This is the new trend nowadays that I can never follow, why would you ever want to have the estrogen level of your wife, if it’s anabolic then your partner would be carrying more muscle than you already.

Exactly man..you can see what bodytype of men are walking around with high estrogen while natty, they're the chubby ones with fat in midsection or hips. Not the athletic mesomorphs.