Opti Black tops // GH serum results

Black Beard

Opti Black tops ; Didn't like the side effects (Hunger, headaches, stinging at injection site) so i'm not using them anymore.

Excellent serum results.

Only had these sides from junk grade purple panda HGH and GHRPs. I would have chalked it up to individual reaction but my wife had the same issues. (We've ran different brands of GH for years).

Opti black result.jpg
I would suggest to Send it for hplc testing and come back then.
Your “feelings” are worthless for the community, its just personal
Chill buddy. Just sharing my experience and my labs. It's not that deep. The jano test and my own serum test was excellent.

As i said, objectively, my wife and i had these issues (stinging/burning injection site, headaches, etc). I'm just warning people.

Another guy had the same issue on SST forum. (Burning in injection site)
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