both times I did local shows masters was easy but when I did open there were two freaks both times. They both won classic and bodybuilding overalls. Didn’t make sense. They won the whole show in both classes. I check the npc news online nationals 40 up and guys looked pretty good for classic class b. I’m a realist and don’t think I’m the cream of the crop or this superior freak. So I just hope for the best
So you are shooting for nationals? That is a whole other level from local or state level shows.

I recent state level show here - a guy showed up and did Novice (novice!) and open. He already looked like an IFBB pro. Amazing. He won everything including overall. I wasn't competing in that one, but I thought, "How crappy for the poor novice types just dipping their toe in the water." But he had never competed in an NPC show, so he qualified. The rest of the Novice field looked about like what you would expect.
QUESTION: should I just take all 3IU in the morning, or is it still worth splitting that dosage? I was doing 2 and 2--morning and afternoon.
Run it all at once. No reason to split 3 iu. Wake up, inject in the delt muscle, and go do your fasted cardio with the hgh in your system.
free tip... a big coach suggested me to run 3iu fasted upon waking... in the past i splitted 3 + 2 ... ran with insulin and lot of aas and foods.. training sucked , all thanks to my ex stupid coach... with 3iu (i do 3.3iu so one 10iu vial lasts me 3 days) everything went good... so I would say run it at 3 based on my anecdotal experience.. maybe things change in a heavier protocol for very advanced guys.. with insulin involved etc etc
Thanks! 3IU will last me four days with the 120s.
So you are shooting for nationals? That is a whole other level from local or state level shows.

I recent state level show here - a guy showed up and did Novice (novice!) and open. He already looked like an IFBB pro. Amazing. He won everything including overall. I wasn't competing in that one, but I thought, "How crappy for the poor novice types just dipping their toe in the water." But he had never competed in an NPC show, so he qualified. The rest of the Novice field looked about like what you would expect.

Oh yea. I Never even did novice. The goal nationals for sure. I’m just not qualified cause it’s been 2 years so I have to compete again. Like I said I know nationals are no joke. There are some ifbb pros at the gyms I go to and have plenty of guys I know who have done nationals and not done well at all. That’s why I said I just hope for the best. I know it’s not easy. I think my legs need the most work. Trying to come on top of my class weight wise 4FDF224C-27D9-45FE-99A2-7C578DDCC6FB.jpeg70BF568B-D1D0-4D03-A55C-39EC34C0308F.jpeg
Your legs look great! You saw my chicken leg sticks, above. Now THOSE need work. With that having been said, yeah, yours probably need to be bigger at Nationals judging by the photos I have seen of the top placing 40 and over competitors. They tend to have sizable quads. I hope you don't take that comment the wrong way. Like I said, your legs look great and are obviously better than mine.
Oh yea. I Never even did novice. The goal nationals for sure. I’m just not qualified cause it’s been 2 years so I have to compete again. Like I said I know nationals are no joke. There are some ifbb pros at the gyms I go to and have plenty of guys I know who have done nationals and not done well at all. That’s why I said I just hope for the best. I know it’s not easy. I think my legs need the most work. Trying to come on top of my class weight wise View attachment 141619View attachment 141620
You need to improve calves above all... cmon man don’t joke.. “improve legs”... maybe improve delts or arms because sky is the limit or synthol is the limit..your legs are fine... I m fuckin sick of seeing big Ramy style bodies with small calves and fuckin giant legs.. they are fuckin horribles... Arnold legs , Serge Nubret legs, Frank Zane legs, Franco Columbu legs were cool.. not the fuckin giant rhyno legs you see nowadays with that fuckin big vastus lateralis.. hope trend will change for legs... Arnold legs with big calves were fuckin crazy with his freaky top... even Ronnie pre freak had cool legsCD207010-176D-415B-B692-027964AB31E4.jpeg1123E889-3375-4823-980B-052FA4FB6149.jpeg5686A688-C37E-4885-ADFB-2A46605D4274.jpeg4BF70896-E8F5-4C82-92E7-38D1BBD42373.jpegEDFF5731-4598-470D-B140-09809044A88E.jpeg68966F02-987C-44A7-B081-5B72B5B7CA59.jpeg7F206223-C4DA-4888-B1C9-8464C9B1BE90.png
I was thinking the same thing. Is that a recent pic?

yea the gym I go to has crazy stuff in it. Huge old warehouse. Friday the 13th posters, graffiti on the walls. It’s huge. Weird set up. Has a bunch of diff rooms for diff lifts and weight. Very cool 20,000 square foot old warehouse
hi guys

Just received another order from @opti . UK based.

7 day turnaround which was quicker than the last order.

transaction as smooth as the previous order and his response time is always the same day to any questions i throw at him.

my previous order was my first with him and i chose the 240 kit so this time I have chosen to go for the 100iu x 4. ( grey tops )

2iu via delt as soon as I wake up and 2iu same way post workout

the dimmer is slightly higher in the 240 kits from what I have read., which apparantly makes the side effects a little higher. Towards the end of the batch each morning my hands would really tingle and feel pumped with a carpet tunnel like side effect. I am really liking his product and the sides dont bother me but I thought i would try the 100iu batch this time for preferance and to see if their is any difference.

I will post again when i have done the first 100iu and update regarding if the sides have changed but all in all I think the product is worth the value and I am a happy customer. What do you guys think to it ?

Thanks @opti
I am lo

Loving the optis, hgh seems to really allow for some good muscle maintenence when cutting, and it has a certain look not similar to tren but kind of like how tren has.

only been on 5 weeks, so really looking foward to seeing what 6 months does.

doing 4 iu am fasted.

no sides what so ever. Running the 240s then going ti 120’s in a month.

ran another hgh once before, but that stuff was crap, really bad.
I have just finished the 240 kit and didnt notice any sides until around 80 iu left on 4iu a day
According to

According to Diagnostic Labs the reference range is 41 - 279 ng/ml. They give Hiv patients 15 ius/day. 4 ius is just slightly above maintenance dose. That is a very high, insanely high, response and well above average.

Just reupped on my growth. Got to keep a stash. No nudes was sent so I’m giving a B- on transaction!

Stay tuned for bloodwork as it will follow.....
What is incorrect? The reference range or what they give HIV patients or both?
I think he's referring to that being a high response. Most tests come back in the 100 points per iu of growth, unless there are other things effecting number. All my tests have come back I'm the 100 points per iu. Most people that come back with a lower number are running ten or an oral, from what I've seen.
and my current stack is 750 test 600 primo been on it 14 weeks or so. I’m done with npp, decca, eq. They all mess with my emotions so much I feel like shit on them. On primo and test never felt better.

tren of course messes with me but it’ll be in my prep 7 weeks out with mast, prop, winny, anavar and clen

Also the show was always already pushed back 2 months because of COVID. So had to find another one shooting for June. About 18 weeks out so going to keep trying to add some quality muscle before I cut
You know I’ve been thinking the same thing lately. When I got into home brewing I bought so much shit. Made so much. Sold it used it but lately I’m thinking just restock on test primo and a little trestolone. That’s an amazing compound. Both are pricey but fuck all these stacks and combos. Even with microdosing I’m thinking just keep it old school and maybe every now again add the trest for a boost. And of course optis lol.