MESO-Rx Sponsor Opti USA DOMESTIC - HGH, INJECTABLES, TABLETS, PEPTIDES, & MISC may not have. Vacuum seal is not the end all be all by any means. My hands are still going numb, and I have some water retention in my hands. They look the exact same as well. I'll try to get tested near the end of these, and will post the results. There's nothing to be concerned about, until there is.
I'm happy to hear your subjective assessments remain similar and look forward to any further objective data you can provide, (thank you for posting bloods, btw).

I agree, vacuum seal is not the end-all be-all; There are Pharma companies that manufacture without vacuum, iirc.

However, it has been my experience with generics that batches are either uniformly vacuum sealed or not, instead of all over the place,
like this batch seems to be. This would seem to indicate some level of malfunction during manufacturing, no?
I don’t why I’m even answering this. But if the side effects are making him feel than cure. I would hope you would let your 16 year old child make is own choice!!
So you came to a steroid board to hock your kids prescribed hgh? Parent of the year right there.
Do any of you guys take hgh with deca, test e and anadrol? 1st time for hgh and that was my planned next cycle coming up. But I can always go back to my favorite tren and test if I need to.
I'm happy to hear your subjective assessments remain similar and look forward to any further objective data you can provide, (thank you for posting bloods, btw).

I agree, vacuum seal is not the end-all be-all; There are Pharma companies that manufacture without vacuum, iirc.

However, it has been my experience with generics that batches are either uniformly vacuum sealed or not, instead of all over the place,
like this batch seems to be. This would seem to indicate some level of malfunction during manufacturing, no?
100%, if you consider vacuum sealing part of manufacturing. The counter argument would be that if these are actually the same batch, chemically, then they are likely fine, vacuum sealed or not.
But I mean would it be more beneficial as for body fat reduction/gains with the HGH if I took test, tren, mast for example.
Your choice of deca tells me bulk. Now you’re talking about fat reduction. Is your avi current?
Please explain your goals?
Maybe npp is more what you are looking for. Test,mast ,npp and anadrol with 2-4 ius growth pinned before bed will turn you into a monster.
What does your lifting routine look like?
Your choice of deca tells me bulk. Now you’re talking about fat reduction. Is your avi current?
Please explain your goals?
Maybe npp is more what you are looking for. Test,mast ,npp and anadrol with 2-4 ius growth pinned before bed will turn you into a monster.
What does your lifting routine look like?
Ehh, avi current not so much, but not far off. I had to take off for 4 months due to a tendon issue I have had in my right elbow for years, due to arm wrestling I'm sure. Lol. Nothing helps it but consistently lifting light weight, and then still hurts a little. But if I lift heavy weight it will bother me and won't go away until I stop working out completely. At least upper body, altogether. Makes it to where I can't even sleep. Tried hot creams, wraps nothing helps. Push AND pull workouts. Might need surgery.
Hence why I wanted to try hgh and MAYBE it will help with the injury.
hgh will help with that tendon pain, as will negatives rehab work. For example, if we are taking about the bicep tendon, then pick up a 5 pound dumb bell. Use the non-injured arm to grab your wrist and lift the weight. Then let go and slowly lower the weight. Do 15-20 reps, four sets. Then do the same thing with hammer curls. Don't forget to lift with the non-injured arm. You are only doing the negatives, lowering slowly.

When you can do all the reps and sets without pain, increase to the 10 pounder dumb bell, then the 15, and so on.

Don't rush it. This takes time. You will start feeling better and want to go grab 50s and do hammer curls - bad idea.

This is rehab work. The hgh will definitely help.
hgh will help with that tendon pain, as will negatives rehab work. For example, if we are taking about the bicep tendon, then pick up a 5 pound dumb bell. Use the non-injured arm to grab your wrist and lift the weight. Then let go and slowly lower the weight. Do 15-20 reps, four sets. Then do the same thing with hammer curls. Don't forget to lift with the non-injured arm. You are only doing the negatives, lowering slowly.

When you can do all the reps and sets without pain, increase to the 10 pounder dumb bell, then the 15, and so on.

Don't rush it. This takes time. You will start feeling better and want to go grab 50s and do hammer curls - bad idea.

This is rehab work. The hgh will definitely help.
Yeah bro, it's been on and off for the past 12 years or so and I always get in the gym and try to be Mr badass and lift all the heavyweight and my short ass always has to stop working out after about 4 or 5 months because I injure it so bad again that there is no turning back unless I take completely off.
I do know a lot of people say that when it happens, it's normally during pull exercises, but it got to the point four months ago that I could not even go all the way down on the bench because it hurts so bad and I'm all about proper form. Couldn't sleep for shit either. It would wake me up.

I cannot tell you the exact tendon it is but I can tell you I feel the pain from where my forearm is near my elbow and up to near the bicep. But mainly in the elbow area. Basically when you are looking at your arm with the palm of your hand facing you
So had my last few kits of reds I got 8 months or so ago in the back of my safe ... so thought I would run em.

Pinning 6iu morning also on 150mg test every 3 days
25mg provi everyday and 100mcg T4 everyday

Scored 649 igf and remember these kits have been in safe not the fridge for over 8 months sitting there.

I steeped down to 3 iu to watch my glucose levels and plan on giving blood in the near future. View attachment 142453
View attachment 142454
View attachment 142455

I am still a little too new here to know what the red tops from Opti are. Is this like the 120s or the 240s or something entirely different?


I don’t why I’m even answering this. But if the side effects are making him feel than cure. I would hope you would let your 16 year old child make is own choice!!

That’s honestly up to a doctor to decide not a 16 year old that knows basically nothing about the human body.

But, man you been asking about these kits since you came to meso. Even asking how to tell if they are legit. That there says to me you didn’t go to your local pharmacy to pick them up. Did you buy your son growth off the internet? Not taking a low blow man just the way u been asking about these kits are suspect. Just me looking at the whole situation
I've spoken with others on opinions of the Zomacton after my issue came up and no one person yet has anything positive to say, but all I have to go from at this point is my initial labs and others opinions. In a couple weeks i'll have my additional labs but not like it matters the clinic basically said don't know what could be wrong but we have something else you can try. lol a legal hustle!
A little late, but count me in with not liking Zomacton. I ran grey tops for a couple of years before getting a good amount of Zomacton from my trt clinic, I never got the same benefits from Zomacton as I did from Grey Tops. I didn't get the same fat loss & muscle fullness, but just disregarded since they were 'pharma.'
I'm happy to hear your subjective assessments remain similar and look forward to any further objective data you can provide, (thank you for posting bloods, btw).

I agree, vacuum seal is not the end-all be-all; There are Pharma companies that manufacture without vacuum, iirc.

However, it has been my experience with generics that batches are either uniformly vacuum sealed or not, instead of all over the place,
like this batch seems to be. This would seem to indicate some level of malfunction during manufacturing, no?
Quick update. Just reconstituted a new bottle, and this one had a vacuum seal. So, it appears it's hit or miss with this kit.
Ehh, avi current not so much, but not far off. I had to take off for 4 months due to a tendon issue I have had in my right elbow for years, due to arm wrestling I'm sure. Lol. Nothing helps it but consistently lifting light weight, and then still hurts a little. But if I lift heavy weight it will bother me and won't go away until I stop working out completely. At least upper body, altogether. Makes it to where I can't even sleep. Tried hot creams, wraps nothing helps. Push AND pull workouts. Might need surgery.
Hence why I wanted to try hgh and MAYBE it will help with the injury.
None of these drugs will fix your problem. You will just end up blowing out your arm. Take a break to rehab and heal. I agree with @malfeasance about going light and “resetting” your arm though. I did the same type of routine after I blew out my arm.
None of these drugs will fix your problem. You will just end up blowing out your arm. Take a break to rehab and heal. I agree with @malfeasance about going light and “resetting” your arm though. I did the same type of routine after I blew out my arm.
Yeah I've taken off for almost two years one time and the same exact thing came back.
I don't know if it's something I need surgery on or what. I guess it's time to go to a doctor and get someone to look at it. Lol
So when you say vacuum sealed do you mean like 1.5ml of water? I put 3ml in each vial and the vacuum stops at about 1.5ml and then I have to push the rest of the water in with the plunger...
So when you say vacuum sealed do you mean like 1.5ml of water? I put 3ml in each vial and the vacuum stops at about 1.5ml and then I have to push the rest of the water in with the plunger...
I would say a higher power is sending you signals. Lol. +\- a tenth of a ml or two.
So when you say vacuum sealed do you mean like 1.5ml of water? I put 3ml in each vial and the vacuum stops at about 1.5ml and then I have to push the rest of the water in with the plunger...
Before you reconstitute with water, put 1ml of air into the vile to equalize the vacuum seal. Then add water. Regarding the water, you don't need 3ml. I explained earlier the amount I use.