Has anyone pulled igf-1 using growth IM all cycle? I plan on running 4 iu split dose in delts and comparing results to my subq tests. Keeping pins the same time and blood pull the same time. Wondering if it will effect my body any different.

Any advice on running growth all IM is welcomed

Haven't seen that would be interested to see you run that test, afaik IM it's just a faster effect/clearance time. I still have a few of the red tops you ran and the greys, I've never experimented with IM but was thinking about it as I run it morning fasted cardio.

I'm one of the few that GH doesn't make me sleep like a log, I actually get much worse sleep on it pre-bed. Often waking up at 4-5am unable to get back to sleep.

There's some nut jobs like Bleau taylor who have some clients IV it apparently. To me that's just way too far and unnecessary.
Haven't seen that would be interested to see you run that test, afaik IM it's just a faster effect/clearance time. I still have a few of the red tops you ran and the greys, I've never experimented with IM but was thinking about it as I run it morning fasted cardio.

I'm one of the few that GH doesn't make me sleep like a log, I actually get much worse sleep on it pre-bed. Often waking up at 4-5am unable to get back to sleep.

There's some nut jobs like Bleau taylor who have some clients IV it apparently. To me that's just way too far and unnecessary.
Fucking track marks for HGH, no thanks, that shit would trigger me for sure
A little late, but count me in with not liking Zomacton. I ran grey tops for a couple of years before getting a good amount of Zomacton from my trt clinic, I never got the same benefits from Zomacton as I did from Grey Tops. I didn't get the same fat loss & muscle fullness, but just disregarded since they were 'pharma.'
I’m running the grays now at 4iu/day, just got off Zomacton last week at 3.75iu/day. I’ve been on a diet break for over a week, basically since starting the grays, eating like 100-200 over maintenance. Haven’t stepped on a scale in 3 days. So, I’m in a sling from shoulder surgery, and at the gym today it felt low, I checked the straps and it felt like the strap around my midsection got loose, which is impossible without someone doing it. Mirror confirmed midsection is smaller, I’m already right at 12%, so, it’s not like I have a lot to lose. Just a little anecdotal, nothing concrete.
Haven't seen that would be interested to see you run that test, afaik IM it's just a faster effect/clearance time. I still have a few of the red tops you ran and the greys, I've never experimented with IM but was thinking about it as I run it morning fasted cardio.

I'm one of the few that GH doesn't make me sleep like a log, I actually get much worse sleep on it pre-bed. Often waking up at 4-5am unable to get back to sleep.

There's some nut jobs like Bleau taylor who have some clients IV it apparently. To me that's just way too far and unnecessary.
While retarded - IV Growth Hormone administration is very common, mostly among the benzo popping ghb swilling oil wizard slin pigs but yeah - top amateur and low pro ranks is a weird strange dirty place..

No one in the top 5 are doing that much. It’s the genetically and mentally deficient that think it’s going to propel them into that upper echelon of bodybuilding. But are at the end of the day the scum of bodybuilding.
Its odd 4 iu am fasted i get zero sides, the days when i pin and eat after i got hand swelling. I was surprised that really makes a difference, or if i take it preworkout after my preworkout meal, that day i will have swollen hands. If i do it for 3 days i get cts.

as long as i take it am fasted i get no sides.
Got a couple kits coming my way ... to say I am excited is an understatement as I am still a virgin to growth hormone. Cannot wait to add to my stack. Feel like waiting for Xmas as a kid. Already on 600mg test prop 1.5G primo and 150mg mast and getting amazing results. (For about 5 months now straight. First cycle in 4 years... I am already nearly back to where I was) Mainly I’m hoping for the extra collagen synthesis to help my chronically aching shoulders (nothing serious just overuse because I’m addicted to the gym) and to see what it does to me ...I respond very well to most bb compounds so I’m pumped. Doing my very best to not be annoying and ask for a million shipping updates from the man lol
Anyone know if you start supplementing with t4 (50-100mcg daily) if and when you decide to come off it is your thyroid fucked ? Or do u bounce right back ?
Got labs pulled and will see what igf 1 is at 6iu eod of the 120s (5 weeks in) baseline was 178
Anyone know if you start supplementing with t4 (50-100mcg daily) if and when you decide to come off it is your thyroid fucked ? Or do u bounce right back ?
Got labs pulled and will see what igf 1 is at 6iu eod of the 120s (5 weeks in) baseline was 178
That a good baseline? Lol
Anyone know if you start supplementing with t4 (50-100mcg daily) if and when you decide to come off it is your thyroid fucked ? Or do u bounce right back ?
Got labs pulled and will see what igf 1 is at 6iu eod of the 120s (5 weeks in) baseline was 178

Your thyroid bounces back just fine, its not like fucking with your test levels. Majority of people will bounce back to normal within a couple weeks to a month. I'll be adding T4 to mine as well when it arrives, but I've ran T3 back in the day a couple times and never had issues.
That a good baseline? Lol
I dunno it’s within the reference range but I’m 30 so I guess it’s declining. It’s just my reference to see how much 6iu eod affects my igf 1
Two years ago it was the low 200s
But this is my first gh run so we’ll see in about a week when I get the results back
Your thyroid bounces back just fine, its not like fucking with your test levels. Majority of people will bounce back to normal within a couple weeks to a month. I'll be adding T4 to mine as well when it arrives, but I've ran T3 back in the day a couple times and never had issues.
Good to know
I’ll obviously wait to see my blood work
I had tsh w/reflex to t4, t3 total and free, t4 total and free
Plus all the other goodies
If I’m low on t4 or borderline low I’ll probably start at 50mcg a day cause this past week maybe even just 4 days or so I’ve been stupid damn tired all day even at the gym with tons of pre workout I’m dragging ass
I am not a person who naps but I feel like I need one everyday lol
I have a bunch of t3 on hand. You guys think I should get some t4 also? Don't wanna fuck this up. My first time using gh and I want the best experience possible.
I have a bunch of t3 on hand. You guys think I should get some t4 also? Don't wanna fuck this up. My first time using gh and I want the best experience possible.
Someoen else can chime in why T4 is better while on GH than directly T3.

@LittleD90 I'm also someone who drags ass, I don't get the "sleep like a log" either I'm up at 4am everyday then dragging ass in daytime. Hoping adding in T4 will help out with it. I'll be starting 50mcg at 3iu.